There was an interesting article out today:
China's claim of zero coronavirus infections in military is bogus, sign of intimidating rivals, experts say
China has recast itself as a global leader in defeating coronavirus -- and nowhere is that more apparent than in their military.
In fact, China has claimed that not a single member of its 2 million strong People's Liberation Army has contracted COVID-19, a virus that was started in China and has infected 2 million people worldwide.
The fantastical claim is being labeled an implausible narrative that scientists and scholars find bogus and warn is a classic and transparent tactic meant to intimidate regional rivals.
Chen Jingyuan, health division director of the Logistic Support Department under the Central Military Commission, claimed there were no cases of infection because the military's prevention measures had been perfect. He said in a press conference that instead of falling to the virus, the pandemic had actually "improved the combat readiness of the Chinese military."
One person not buying that logic is foreign affairs expert Gordon Chang.
"It is virtually impossible, as claimed, that none of the 2.0 million soldiers, sailors and pilots of the People's Liberation Army has been infected with coronavirus, especially since some of them went into Wuhan, the epicenter, at the heart of the outbreak".
Zack Cooper, a former U.S. official working on China-related issues at the White House and the Department of Defense, told Voice of America that "militaries are being impacted just like the rest of societies so, I would expect that to be the case in China, as well."
Chen Chi-wen, editor-in-chief of Asia-Pacific Defense, a leading defense magazine published in Taiwan, pointed out that there are PLA units based in and around Wuhan, including airborne troops, a reserve anti-aircraft artillery battery and the central depot of the Joint Logistic Support Force, and that in towns with such a heavy military presence, "tens of thousands of the soldiers and their family members were interacting with local residents all the time."
Timothy Heath, a senior international researcher at the RAND Corporation, told VOA that China's claims of being virus-free is one that "no one would expect" or believe.
Countries including the United States, France, Great Britain, Japan, South Korea have all seen a rise in infection in their armed forces. In some places like the Philippines and Poland, the virus has hit top generals.
Chang believes that China's inflated claims are part of a bigger and more aggressive military strategy.
So this claim seems implausible. But for a moment let us consider that the following statements are true:
1. China has claimed that not a single member of its 2 million strong People's Liberation Army has contracted COVID-19.
2. There were no cases of infection because the military's prevention measures had been perfect.
Let's take China at its word. What would that mean. Well it would mean that China had developed a vaccine and inoculated its military prior to the man made virus being released to the citizens in Wuhan. This would mean that the Lab was developing a bio-weapon and released it into the general population of Wuhan to spread it around the world. In other words it was no accident.
I wonder if that is the message that the Chinese wanted to send to the world.