Baltimore: ALL Confederate Statues Have Now Been Removed

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Didn't you get the message, Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson both say the real Nazis are on the left. Clearly those are brave patriots convincing the left-wing Nazis to love America and become good guys.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.

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Well they are right....real Nazis are national "socialists"

It's funny how they seem to ignore that both globalist capitalism and internationalist socialism are both 'on the left' and that ethno-nationalist ideals, including ethno-socialism, are inherently at odds with what the left has ever represented.
It's funny, even the current crop of fascists don't want to have to be associated with earlier fascists. It's almost like they know they should be ashamed of what they believe and espouse.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
Yes the neo-Nazis and associated alt-right groups, militias, bikie and prison gangs and army associations (anyone wonder why the US prison authorities and military encourage neo-Nazis associations who swell the ranks when they are released back into civilian life?) all pretend they aren't like the German Nazis.
The biggest fools are skinheads who have barely any knowledge of the black working class origins of the skinhead movement in 1960s London.

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To be fair, a majority of skinheads are aware of that and aren't boneheads.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
To be fair, a majority of skinheads are aware of that and aren't boneheads.
I thought skins adhere to the "jarhead" philosophy made popular American GIs in WW2 and Vietnam.
the baltimore sun: Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism.
looking into paul pelosi (the father, is there a son with that name too?) and one is on the calif.electricitything?
(son)Paul Pelosi has 16 years experience in advising emerging and companies in the areas of finance, infrastructure, sustainability and public policy. Pelosi is a founding member of Cisco Connected Urban Development and under the direction of Cisco CEO John Chambers, Pelosi worked with San Francisco, Birmingham, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Lisbon, Madrid and Seoul to attempt to demonstrate how network connectivity might reduce carbon emissions in urban environments.
aaaaha i saw those billboards saying X is a sustainable city, but its all electric electronic gated BS
(when the light switches on the door opens, when the door closes the light-sensor senses movement and switches on again so the door opens, and that 24/7)(and the heating of outdoors?)
what's wrong with pushing a door? well it doesn't use '"borrowed energy" thus (socio-)economically that's worth-less
back to mafia by garbage & recycling; In 2003, Pelosi was appointed by San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown to the city's Commission on the Environment. The commission is responsible for developing policies and programs in recycling, toxics reduction, environmental justice, energy efficiency, commute alternatives, climate change, and the city's urban forest.
as the real privieees -------- Pelosi also advised companies including NASA Ames Research Center and AirPatrol Corporation on a variety of infrastructure projects to promote both sustainable development and security. Prior to independent consulting, Pelosi served many years with Bank of America Securities, Bank of America Countrywide and JP Morgan - Chase Manhattan where he worked in Corporate Finance, Institutional Sales, and the Residential Mortgage Industry. source

looking into paul pelosi (the father, is there a son with that name too?) and one is on the calif.electricitything?
(son)Paul Pelosi has 16 years experience in advising emerging and companies in the areas of finance, infrastructure, sustainability and public policy. Pelosi is a founding member of Cisco Connected Urban Development and under the direction of Cisco CEO John Chambers, Pelosi worked with San Francisco, Birmingham, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Lisbon, Madrid and Seoul to attempt to demonstrate how network connectivity might reduce carbon emissions in urban environments.
aaaaha i saw those billboards saying X is a sustainable city, but its all electric electronic gated BS
(when the light switches on the door opens, when the door closes the light-sensor senses movement and switches on again so the door opens, and that 24/7)(and the heating of outdoors?)
what's wrong with pushing a door? well it doesn't use '"borrowed energy" thus (socio-)economically that's worth-less
back to mafia by garbage & recycling; In 2003, Pelosi was appointed by San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown to the city's Commission on the Environment. The commission is responsible for developing policies and programs in recycling, toxics reduction, environmental justice, energy efficiency, commute alternatives, climate change, and the city's urban forest.
as the real privieees -------- Pelosi also advised companies including NASA Ames Research Center and AirPatrol Corporation on a variety of infrastructure projects to promote both sustainable development and security. Prior to independent consulting, Pelosi served many years with Bank of America Securities, Bank of America Countrywide and JP Morgan - Chase Manhattan where he worked in Corporate Finance, Institutional Sales, and the Residential Mortgage Industry. source
Off topic....this thread is about white folks in the states who want keep shrines for criminals
Off topic....this thread is about white folks in the states who want keep shrines for criminals
Are all those who were slave owners criminals? Or just the ones liberals want to virtue signal over?
Really depends on what angle you look at it. For white Americans the legacy of Washington and Jefferson is protected by the subjective interpretation of they were a "product of their time". For a black American the motivation for Washington to prevent his slave's freedom from indenture by deliberately moving them across state lines and for Jefferson to molest his teenage black housekeeper are both despicable and evil acts.
On the other hand confederate generals were literally fighting to defend the institution of slavery so it's like trying to defend putting up statues to Nazi generals who were fighting to prop up their own evil empire.
For most white Americans Stonewall Jackson was a traitor who fought against the US government. For black Americans Stonewall Jackson is the personification of evil, you wonder why some black people refer to racist whites as demons and devils, if anyone deserves to be pictured with horns and fangs then leaders of the confederacy will be up there with leaders of the Nazi party.

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I don’t know about horns and fangs but the confederacy evil is not up there with the Nazis. The Confederates enslaved however as many blacks as necessary, they did not deliberately try and kill each and every one of them.
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I don’t know about horns and fangs but the confederacy evil is not up there with the Nazis. The Confederates enslaved however as many blacks as necessary, they did not deliberately try and kill each and every one of them.
If terrorizing and abusing people in order to keep them as property while forcibly working them to death isn't right up there with the Nazis (who did the same thing to prisoners before sending them off to death camps) then I don't know what you'd call evil. Maybe you don't view those as comparable, but many people do. If that's what you're going to defend from being properly labelled as evil you might want to consider what motivates you to consider those people's suffering and lives to be less important than the lives of those persecuted by the NSDAP. Keeping people as slaves steals their very humanity from them and working them to death is just a slower, more arduous method of slaughtering them. The evils committed by the Confederacy are on the same scale as the evils committed by any of the other regimes considered to be the most horrible abusers of humanity in history. Horns and fangs are inadequate to convey their evil.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.

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I don’t know about horns and fangs but the confederacy evil is not up there with the Nazis. The Confederates enslaved however as many blacks as necessary, they did not deliberately try and kill each and every one of them.
If terrorizing and abusing people in order to keep them as property while forcibly working them to death isn't right up there with the Nazis (who did the same thing to prisoners before sending them off to death camps) then I don't know what you'd call evil. Maybe you don't view those as comparable, but many people do. If that's what you're going to defend from being properly labelled as evil you might want to consider what motivates you to consider those people's suffering and lives to be less important than the lives of those persecuted by the NSDAP. Keeping people as slaves steals their very humanity from them and working them to death is just a slower, more arduous method of slaughtering them. The evils committed by the Confederacy are on the same scale as the evils committed by any of the other regimes considered to be the most horrible abusers of humanity in history. Horns and fangs are inadequate to convey their evil.
Read what I wrote again I did call the Confederates evil. The purpose of slavery was profit, dead or emaciated slaves are less or not profitable. The purpose of the holocaust was elimination. And the holocaust was gradual, it escalated over a 12 year period.
There has been too much Nazi comparisons around for decades now, IMHO it demeans the unique evil of the Nazis and the evil of the people being compared to them. Yelling nazi, nazi, nazi has created a boy cried wolf effect. There are people that do deserve to be compared with the nazis. I would argue that the Atomwaffen Division are such people. While they have not done anything remotely like the Nazis of yore it is only because they have not had the power to do it, the intent is there.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
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“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

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I don’t know about horns and fangs but the confederacy evil is not up there with the Nazis. The Confederates enslaved however as many blacks as necessary, they did not deliberately try and kill each and every one of them.
If terrorizing and abusing people in order to keep them as property while forcibly working them to death isn't right up there with the Nazis (who did the same thing to prisoners before sending them off to death camps) then I don't know what you'd call evil. Maybe you don't view those as comparable, but many people do. If that's what you're going to defend from being properly labelled as evil you might want to consider what motivates you to consider those people's suffering and lives to be less important than the lives of those persecuted by the NSDAP. Keeping people as slaves steals their very humanity from them and working them to death is just a slower, more arduous method of slaughtering them. The evils committed by the Confederacy are on the same scale as the evils committed by any of the other regimes considered to be the most horrible abusers of humanity in history. Horns and fangs are inadequate to convey their evil.
Read what I wrote again I did call the Confederates evil. The purpose of slavery was profit, dead or emaciated slaves are less or not profitable. The purpose of the holocaust was elimination. And the holocaust was gradual, it escalated over a 12 year period.
There has been too much Nazi comparisons around for decades now, IMHO it demeans the unique evil of the Nazis and the evil of the people being compared to them. Yelling nazi, nazi, nazi has created a boy cried wolf effect. There are people that do deserve to be compared with the nazis. I would argue that the Atomwaffen Division are such people. While they have not done anything remotely like the Nazis of yore it is only because they have not had the power to do it, the intent is there.
The Nazis evil wasn't unique, only the industrial technology they had to improve 'productivity', so to speak. Genocides aren't uncommon throughout history, from tribal societies all the way to 'great' empires.
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was a longer and similarly intensely evil crime against humanity. To downplay this enormous act of evil in comparison to something that only last years suggests that you don't value the lives of the victims of that act the same way you value the lives of the victims of the Holocaust. Whether or not those left dead, mutilated or starved and worked to the brink of death was always intentional is immaterial. The people who died during transport (whether to plantations or concentration camps in the other example) were just as dead as those intentionally murdered. Does intending on working a person to death or repeatedly raping them before killing them make you less of a monster than those who would just outright kill? No, of course not and it's dishonest to pretend otherwise. Do you think slaveowners didn't intentionally maim or kill those they owned if they wouldn't perform in the way demanded? You think they never 'made an example' of someone they owned?
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade and the practice of slavery in Spanish, French, Portuguese and British colonies (and their successor states) was a much longer lasting and much broader act of evil than the Holocaust was - even if they are both among the most horrible acts humanity has ever inflicted upon itself. Refusing to actually recognize this won't make it any less true, but it will cause your motivations to be fairly questioned.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.

Joined: 25 Aug 2013
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I don’t know about horns and fangs but the confederacy evil is not up there with the Nazis. The Confederates enslaved however as many blacks as necessary, they did not deliberately try and kill each and every one of them.
If terrorizing and abusing people in order to keep them as property while forcibly working them to death isn't right up there with the Nazis (who did the same thing to prisoners before sending them off to death camps) then I don't know what you'd call evil. Maybe you don't view those as comparable, but many people do. If that's what you're going to defend from being properly labelled as evil you might want to consider what motivates you to consider those people's suffering and lives to be less important than the lives of those persecuted by the NSDAP. Keeping people as slaves steals their very humanity from them and working them to death is just a slower, more arduous method of slaughtering them. The evils committed by the Confederacy are on the same scale as the evils committed by any of the other regimes considered to be the most horrible abusers of humanity in history. Horns and fangs are inadequate to convey their evil.
Read what I wrote again I did call the Confederates evil. The purpose of slavery was profit, dead or emaciated slaves are less or not profitable. The purpose of the holocaust was elimination. And the holocaust was gradual, it escalated over a 12 year period.
There has been too much Nazi comparisons around for decades now, IMHO it demeans the unique evil of the Nazis and the evil of the people being compared to them. Yelling nazi, nazi, nazi has created a boy cried wolf effect. There are people that do deserve to be compared with the nazis. I would argue that the Atomwaffen Division are such people. While they have not done anything remotely like the Nazis of yore it is only because they have not had the power to do it, the intent is there.
The Nazis evil wasn't unique, only the industrial technology they had to improve 'productivity', so to speak. Genocides aren't uncommon throughout history, from tribal societies all the way to 'great' empires.
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was a longer and similarly intensely evil crime against humanity. To downplay this enormous act of evil in comparison to something that only last years suggests that you don't value the lives of the victims of that act the same way you value the lives of the victims of the Holocaust. Whether or not those left dead, mutilated or starved and worked to the brink of death was always intentional is immaterial. The people who died during transport (whether to plantations or concentration camps in the other example) were just as dead as those intentionally murdered. Does intending on working a person to death or repeatedly raping them before killing them make you less of a monster than those who would just outright kill? No, of course not and it's dishonest to pretend otherwise. Do you think slaveowners didn't intentionally maim or kill those they owned if they wouldn't perform in the way demanded? You think they never 'made an example' of someone they owned?
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade and the practice of slavery in Spanish, French, Portuguese and British colonies (and their successor states) was a much longer lasting and much broader act of evil than the Holocaust was - even if they are both among the most horrible acts humanity has ever inflicted upon itself. Refusing to actually recognize this won't make it any less true, but it will cause your motivations to be fairly questioned.
It is valid to compare the holocaust to other genocides. The slave trade while evil was 1. Not a genocide 2. Did not result in 12,000,000 people killed. If you want to go beyond slavery vs Holocaust the confederate inspired war killed over 600,000 the Nazi one killed an estimated 40 to 45 million.
I fear the overuse of Nazi(and racist) accusations is causing the downplaying of other unique evils. I desire to prevent this. If you want to think my motivation is to discount the deaths of blacks in comparison to whites because I am a racist f**k that is your prerogative.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

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It is valid to compare the holocaust to other genocides. The slave trade while evil was 1. Not a genocide 2. Did not result in 12,000,000 people killed. If you want to go beyond slavery vs Holocaust the confederate inspired war killed over 600,000 the Nazi one killed an estimated 40 to 45 million.
I fear the overuse of Nazi(and racist) accusations is causing the downplaying of other unique evils. I desire to prevent this. If you want to think my motivation is to discount the deaths of blacks in comparison to whites because I am a racist f**k that is your prerogative.
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade involved the kidnapping of approximately 12 millions people, with several million dying as a result of the voyage. That said, I'm not sure why we're pretending as though death was the very worst thing ever inflicted upon another person in either situation.
I'm not fixated on slavery only in the context of the USA/CSA. That's a dishonest way to avoid having to consider the slaves held in other parts of the colonial era New World, unless the topic is specifically limited to slavery within America.
I'm uncertain of your motivations for why you keep insisting those people's lives and suffering isn't comparable to the Holocaust. I'm not sure why so many people wish to pretend that this great evil isn't comparable, I'm just unwilling to play along with them.
All I know is that you're continuing to downplay the evils of one of the greatest acts of evil ever perpetrated by humans against other humans and that I'll continue to call BS when you attempt to do this.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.