Yes it gets to me, but I still don't know if the issue is really whether we "allow" them to be a certain system of government or not..
Shouldn't the real issue be why are we even taking part in problems that aren't ours?
Yes safeguarding the future, that involves better education, especially because a lot of younger people now think the middle east is full of anti-peace terrorists, everywhere you go...
I understand sending troops to aid a government, I understanding accepting people in, or helping people escape their country. What I don't understand is the war was jusftified first as a retaliation, then as a hunt for weapons, then as a removal of a dictator..
If we follow the same guidelines, america has made unjust attacks, america has way too many WPD's.... But would I suggest to attack them?
No because forcing people to change, or telling them our system of government is better, or telling them its for their own good, does not help them!! !
All hail the new flesh, cause it suits me fine!