Tequila wrote:
Haven't some PVV representatives defected over this lack of democracy within the party? That said, the PVV have soared in Dutch political terms.
One of them has defected and formed his own political party, and it looks like he's not going to be elected in the next elections.
Tequila wrote:
What is the state of the PVV like in the polls? They seem to be suggesting that the PVV might lose a seat or two but will otherwise stay static.
According to the poll I trust most, the one that has shown most accurate though slightly underestimating the PVV in the past two elections, they're stable at the same amount of seats they have now. Relatively speaking, they're third. They're behind the first, which is a eurosceptic socialist party, and behind the second, which is a moderately pro-EU conservative-liberal party. This situation is unique - until a few years ago, the country was governed almost exclusively by three 'mainstream' parties, those being conservative liberals, social democrats and christian democrats. If elections were held now, they couldn't piece together a majority coalition with the four largest non-eurosceptic parties. And they wouldn't even be able to come to a proper agreement, because they disagree strongly on other matters.
These elections are going to prove very interesting. It's always fun to watch exit polls and preliminary results until the morning, but this time is going to be even more satisfying because of a complete landslide. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait until after the summer. For some reason, a set of austerity measures and the signing away of another few billion to the EU wasn't too much effort to pass before summer, but a simple election was.