NASA: THE TRUTH about the END OF THE WORLD on 21 Dec

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08 Dec 2012, 5:18 pm

Mutanatia wrote:
The one myth that was (somewhat) scientific in basis was Y2K, was it not?

There's a difference between a myth and truth blown out of proportion. Y2K was not a myth, it was a problem that needed to be fixed by on or near the end of 1999 else it could have caused all sorts of problems. The only reason the problems never occurred, is because it was fixed beforehand. Had the fault been ignored, there would have been many serious problems.

Though many of the problems the public feared might happen were myths that could not have occurred, Y2K, essentially a bug in many computer systems around the world, really existed and was not a myth.

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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08 Dec 2012, 5:23 pm

Mutanatia wrote:
Being a physics students, I guess I can ask, were any of my points accurate? :) If not, could you correct them? :D

Looking at your list I see two suggestions for the end of the world. One is a big planet 2 or 3 times the size of the Earth hitting us and the other is being hit by a black hole. In both cases such objects would have been detected long before now, either directly or indirectly because of their secondary effects. You can't just put a huge bellowing elephant onto a football field and not notice it running towards you. :wink:

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08 Dec 2012, 5:25 pm

I also kind of had this fear in me since middle school as well. THe root of this came from a dramatic relay of what people on the news were saying about "Good night, x. See you tomorrow." (Forget the guy's name) and then the guy responded and said "if there is a tomorrow." (That was about the Cuban Missile Crisis on the news)

I take it, in this case, there is no "if there is a tomorrow" because there will be a tomorrow? :D


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08 Dec 2012, 5:26 pm

MrXxx wrote:
There's a difference between a myth and truth blown out of proportion. Y2K was not a myth, it was a problem that needed to be fixed by on or near the end of 1999 else it could have caused all sorts of problems. The only reason the problems never occurred, is because it was fixed beforehand. Had the fault been ignored, there would have been many serious problems.

Though many of the problems the public feared might happen were myths that could not have occurred, Y2K, essentially a bug in many computer systems around the world, really existed and was not a myth.

Yes, I was one of the programmers who was working feverishly updating program code fixing various Y2K bugs. The massive amount of hype actually helped to motivate companies to get the problems fixed to avoid their systems failing.

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08 Dec 2012, 5:32 pm

And I know enough to know that a magnetic pole shift doesn't really occur suddenly, either. And if it did, the most that happens is we would get dizzy. Plus, it happens over a long period of time, not a short one.

^ Also, Tallyman, that's the sort of (dumbed-down xD) information that one should learn in school. But that doesn't really happen here in the States >.<


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08 Dec 2012, 5:43 pm

Sorry. I dumbed it down for my sake. My fingers are tired from typing too much. :P

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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08 Dec 2012, 5:58 pm

Last question for you, TallyMan: If an object was less than 2 weeks from hitting us... what would we be feeling on the ground? As in, right now?


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08 Dec 2012, 6:14 pm

Mutanatia wrote:
Last question for you, TallyMan: If an object was less than 2 weeks from hitting us... what would we be feeling on the ground? As in, right now?

Depends how big it was and how far away it was (given your time-line of 2 weeks that would also specify its velocity). You were talking about an object 2 or 3 times the size of the Earth. The main thing is that it would be visible in the sky, probably even with the naked eye; let alone all the powerful telescopes pointing out there. The gravitational effects on the Earth would likely be too small at the moment to be noticeable except with highly sensitive instruments; but such an object lurking in the solar system would have effected the orbits of earth or other planets in the past... unless it is an extra-solar object which is just now venturing into our solar system for the first time; but then it would be visible anyway. So in short; we'd have noticed such an object one way or another by now.

Right, I'm off to bed now, it is gone midnight here, and I will sleep soundly forgetting all about the end of the world stuff the moment my fingers leave the keyboard. I hope you do the same.

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08 Dec 2012, 7:23 pm

Mutanatia wrote:
The one myth that was (somewhat) scientific in basis was Y2K, was it not? And that did not even happen. Do any of these people proposing these things have any scientific credentials at all?

Also, could you enlighten me with the knowledge you have? This might help me a lot, actually :D

Y2K, the problem was with early programing, Fortran, Cobol? that had a two digit date code, 70, 71, 72, which could not roll over from 99, 00, to even 100, much less, 2000, even at three digits, it would come up 000, being a computer, its view might be to wait till 01 showed up, or just shut down.

Or being aspie, it might think it was 1900.

The world did not end.

This is the Sixth Sun, we have survied five so far.

The Dark Planet, the 1,000 AU comet, were theories that tried to fill in the blanks, mostly stolen from Sumarians, and their cycle god Marduk.

Even if that was so, a large planet would not come close to the sun, it would likely circle it out by the asteroids. Disrupting them, sending some toward the sun, was one view of the craters. Some comets do not light up till they pass the gas giants, and go unnoticed till then. Anything as large as a planet, inside the gas giants, would be on the six o'clock news, for every small scope would be watching it.

So we can rule that out.

The other view, our Solar System moves around the universe, making a Sine Wave pattern, moving around but also above and below the galactic Plane. The place is a junk yard.

While Apollo Objects do cross Earth orbit, they are slow. but one a mile wide would make a mess. The problen is relative motion, and the high speed stuff reaches 40,000 miles per second, so it has a lot more energy, and less time to burn up.

Some are stone, the shock wave they push can cause them to explode, like the air blast in Tusunga, in 1909. Miles of forests were laid on the ground and scorched.

Some are Irons, dense, solid, and they make it to the ground. Some come in at an angle, leave a trail of fire across the sky, some come down, and punch a hole in the ground that vaporizes them, and several cubic miles of rock.

Nothing in our Solar System is moving 40,000 miles per second. So there seems to be a class of objects that have another source, that we run into every 26,000 years. That fits with crossing the Galactic Plane.

Compare the local stuff to two cars on the interstate, both changing into the same lane, a fender bender, to hitting a loaded dump truck parked on the shoulder.

It exists, but we have volcanos that did a lot more damage.

We would not see it, passing through a hundred miles of air at 40,000 miles per second, not enough time to blink.

Where there is evidence, such as a cooling that lead to an ice age, it took thousands of years. We could use some cooling.

Campi Flegrei was a Caldera in Italy, when it blew 40,000 years ago, it spread ash over most of Europe, and that dusting darkened the surface of Ice that had stood for a hundred thousand years, and ended an ice age.

In 1543 BC, Mount Thera on the Isle of Santorini did the same.

All of it is spread over times that make humans seem like insects, and looking at your own time, the greatest danger is, "The Bathroom!" Slick, wet, soap, with some very solid objects waiting for you to slip and fall, Going in without a safety harness and helmet is asking to get killed. On a list of risk factors, it is worse than murder, cars, and all others combined.

Really, there is nothing to worry about, as long as you stay out of the bathroom.


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08 Dec 2012, 9:31 pm

Mutanatia wrote:
Last question for you, TallyMan: If an object was less than 2 weeks from hitting us... what would we be feeling on the ground? As in, right now?

Little or nothing.

We would not feel much until the body approached the Rouch limit when the tidal forces would be manifest



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08 Dec 2012, 9:40 pm

The world WILL end for more than 140,000 people on Dec. 21, that's just statistics:

Worldometers - real time

And on top of that, disasters happen at random and you never know if that number will be higher for any given day. But more people die of starvation every minute and that trumps all natural disasters.

Change of subject is in order: don't worry about it, we're all headed for the same end. How long we can avoid it and the quality of life in that time period are more important questions (the latter especially for us on this board).


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08 Dec 2012, 9:42 pm

This whole thread is ridiculous...I mean how can anyone possibly know 'the truth about the end of the world on Dec 21st'? The only way to find out the truth is wait till that day then if the world has ended it was true it was going to end, if it doesn't than it wasn't true.

Though the theories put forth as to why it would end specifically that day certainly don't have a lot of factual basis including the mayan calander theory since its not 'the end of the world' they predicted but rather the end of an old era and beginning of a new one at least that is how i understand it.

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08 Dec 2012, 10:13 pm

ruveyn wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:

Luther and Calvin wanted to. Today, we have no doctrines based on Revelations, and regard it as a very minor book, at best.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Luther just loved the Gospel According to John. You know, the most anti-semitic and Jew hating of the Gospels. If I was born into a church founded by a proto-Natzi I would leave it at the earliest convenient moment. Luther hated two things above all. One was taking a dump and the Other was the Jews.


As a matter of fact, references to "Jews" in the New Testament was actually describing Jewish religious leaders - who were fanatics, charlatans and Roman collaborators - not all Jews. It's unfortunate that modern translations haven't made that clearer.
And if you were to read Luther's earlier writings on the Jews, prior to when his mental health followed his physical health, you'd find that he was much kinder to the Jews.
And as a matter of fact, Luther is hardly all there is about Lutheranism. He was hardly the only theologian founding the branch of German Protestantism he's associated with - rather, he became it's leader and the focus of attention for the most part because he took one for the team, and got excommunicated, as well as having a death sentence leveled against him by the civil authorities. So, dislike Luther all you want, but there have been plenty of other Lutheran theologians, like Luther's friend Philip Melanchton, who had opposed Luther's later Antisemitic turn during their lifetime. As well, American Lutheran theologians, such as Lutheran Church Missouri Synod founder C.F.W. Walther, who had displayed no Antisemitism. And there were German Lutheran theologians such as Martin Niemoller, who had ended up in Auschwitz for his Anti-Nazi efforts, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who had been hanged with piano wire for his part in the Stauffenberg bomb plot to kill Hitler.
And it's hardly like Luther's whole theology was based on Antisemitism. Far from it - it was an unfortunate and embarrassing aspect of his mentally declining years, and hardly compares to his theology of the Cross, behind which stands a forgiving and loving God. And that's why I'm not going to drop out from being a Lutheran.
Now I suggest we get back to the main issue at hand - the ridiculousness of the earth ending in 12/21, before the moderators have to tell us to get back on track.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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08 Dec 2012, 10:32 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
... the theories put forth as to why it would end specifically that day certainly don't have a lot of factual basis ...

Then they are not theories, only hypothetical assumptions (at best), or outright lies (at worst).

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08 Dec 2012, 11:09 pm

Fnord wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
... the theories put forth as to why it would end specifically that day certainly don't have a lot of factual basis ...

Then they are not theories, only hypothetical assumptions (at best), or outright lies (at worst).

Yes I suppose so.

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09 Dec 2012, 3:51 am

They are speculation, for on one side we have a record in stone of great and sudden change, and on the other some stories passed down over thousands of years.

Only recently do we have records of long period events, like the great quake of 1811-12. Centered on the upper Mississippi, at New Madrid, the scarce reports said the river flowed backwards, the earth split open, and there are reports of church bells ringing in Washington and Boston.

Due to the War of 1812, some blamed the British.

We now know it is just an earthquake, projected to be a 7 to 9, that the record in the rocks shows happens every 200 years, and has for thousands. While it was due last year, Gelogic Time is not run on clocks.

That it will happen, that it will be mass destruction, I am 100% sure. The exact date, no way to predict, even with the swarms of small quakes showing up in the area.

All we can gather from the Mayans, is the Fifth Sun ends on the 21st, Looking at the begining, 26,000 years ago, it was hotter than any period, the ocean was seven meters higher, people lived along the Arctic Ocean, above the Arctic Circle. The Forth Sun ended, then the metor struck in Mauratania, blasted a mile wide crater, the force of a thousand atomic bombs, and the earth cooled.

Over the next 4,000 years, sea level went from 21 foot above now, to 450 below, as 45 miles of snow fell on northern lands, compacted to five miles of ice, and flowed outward till it was only three miles deep.

After the end of the Third Sun, we have Barriger in Arizona, another in India, that struck during a long ice age, ice got dusted in ash, melted, and this is when our species leaves the warm band, and moves north. The halfted axe, the thrown spear, come from this time. Moving east some make it to Austrailia. That happens during the first few thousand years of the Forth Sun.

So major change seems to come in the beginning of the next Sun, not in the end of the old.

While sapiens had been around for three Suns, they were naked, dirty, used a pointed stick in one hand and a sharpened rock in the other, and thought they were high tech, because they could control fire.

During the Forth Sun the Paleolithic ends, the Mesolithic begins, lots of new tech, the Australians had to cross sixty miles of deep open ocean to get there.

While the Fifth Sun starts with some major climate change, almost everyone died, it does bring the Neolithic, domestic crops and animals, and toward the end, computers. What was a few ten thousand sapiens grows to become eight billion, and spreads over the earth.

Now, due to Magical Thinking, nothing will ever change.