Offered for consideration, only -- ... gpsJKQR_ZE
^ The above video has an emotional counterpart. It's not simply compulsion, under threat of force. There are feelings and subjectivity, involved, in this.
I think that leftists are hiding behind institutions, so they never have to come into direct contact with anything dirty.
I have talked people out of suicide. They won't talk people into suicide.
I have made donations to new babies. They won't take donations for an abortion.
I have learned ways to treat a trauma. They won't inflict the trauma, personally.
Has anyone, here, learned to perform the abortion or euthanasia, personally.
They plug their ears or try not read, to keep the illusion of an insular bubble. Ironically, some people have called a comfortable, isolated, emotional life a sort of womb. They are delicate and attached to others, for their sustenance, are probably underdeveloped, so are playing the part of that fetus.
In one story, Romney was approached by a poor, black woman, in his past run for president. Her audaciousness was rewarded; he seems to have paid her electric bill, kindly, and without much ado. Communists said that he was a racist, white, hero figure, because she shouldn't have humiliated herself, to ask.
So, it seems that leftists won't even face that.
You hide behind an institution, to rob people, at gunpoint.
I think he means in taxes.
When seeing autistic people deal with ranching, medicine, and other social problems, they come across as rather stern and mechanical, I think; it's practical to them, they know no shame or fear. Whatever I am reading, here, is not autism, as I know it. It's not functional or direct. I think most the people posting are liberal cyberchondriacs, who want to play the victim, in life, like those who forever talk about their health problems or dietary preferences or the weather as a form of small talk. It's small because you won't give until it hurts. You won't actually take any proactive effort, in support of your own worldview. It's topical discussion.