Darmok wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
That is funny,not what I'd wear.lol
So Darmok,do you think women should get paid less than a man?
I think people should be paid according to the work they do, without regard to any extraneous personal characteristics.
So Miss Lizard, would you agree that the vastly disproportionate number of females in nursing and teaching is clear evidence of discrimination against males in those professions?
I've seen plenty of male teachers,I'm guessing there are more women becuse traditionally it was considered a woman's job.No reason a man can't do it and do it well.Some of my favorite teachers were male.I had a biology teacher that was a hoot,he dressed up as the wolfman for Halloween and came to class that way.It must have taken him hours that morning to glue the hair on his face.He said he got some strange looks driving to work.lolAs for nurses,men make great nurses.I think the reason you don't see more is that some men tend to rib guys about being a nurse.Its another job,like secretary that were classified as a female job.I wouldn't discriminate against a man for wanting a career in any of those jobs,whoever does is an ass.We need good teachers and nurses and it doesn't matter what sex they are.
Here is an old riddle you may have already heard.
A man and his son were involved in a car wreck,both were injured badly.They were rushed to the ER and prepped for surgery.The surgeon comes in to operate on the boy and says,"I can't operate,we need another surgeon in here.This is my son.
Who is the doctor?
I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi