Baltimore: ALL Confederate Statues Have Now Been Removed

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18 Aug 2017, 11:39 am

...How many of the original supporters of the states lynched or mauled somone racistly and were never punished for it? How many present- day pro-Cs were born because their killer/mauler ancestors got away with it? SUCH a " heritage " :P .
What's preventing the present-day pro-Cs from, after acquiring the disputed statues (which I have gone on record here as saying I don't support the total annialation of) and displaying them on private land? They could lead daily cakewalking and banjo sessions in front of them! :mrgreen:

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18 Aug 2017, 11:57 am

Aristophanes wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
/\ yes we were.Not that it was a good thing.
Was this child a traitor?

Never heard of him, and nothing in the article mentioned him taking arms up against the United States, he was merely a civilian casualty which are actually the majority of casualties in most armed conflicts.

He was tried and hung like a traitor.Off course you haven't heard of him,not like the Union (or any army)would brag about hanging a child.Both sides did their fair share of atrocities,just like any war.

I never said they didn't, it's war, atrocities happen as do mistakes. None of that changes the fact that confederates took up arms against their democratically elected government which is the very definition of traitor. Sorry but there's no excuses or equivocations that wash that repugnant smell away. I will say the same thing about Dodd that I do about Tecumseh Sherman: had the south worked in the democratic process set up by our forefathers none of those events would have happened.

And some considered it traitorous to take up arms against their state and the people that lived there.
Slavery should have been was a mistake our founding fathers allowed and later it had to be righted with blood on both sides.So if those forefathers hadn't allowed it,the war would have never happened.

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18 Aug 2017, 12:08 pm

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
Maybe a statue of Robert E.Lee doesn't belong in a public park,but if someone wants one in their front yard,then it's their right,no matter how odious some find it.Of course the owner of the statue is going to pay hell for it every Halloween.

I don't see why it wouldn't belong in a public park. Statues if Lee and other Confederate generals have been around in public places for over 100 years. Are all statues to be banned from public parks? What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. People need to toughen up a little and stop letting others tell them how to feel.

Perhaps you need to toughen up and accept that these statues are going down.

Why do you want these statues anyway? Are you emotionally attached to them? Why?

Face it. These statues are going down and there's nothing you can do about it.


U mad bro?

Most Americans probably agree with you more then not on the issues. But it is the cockiness and condensation of a lot of left that is one reason Trump got in. I want him removed most of all because his "personality" is the exact opposite of what is required for the job and puts the world at risk of nuclear armoggedon. However I believe if the resistance succeeds one nightmare will be replaced by another. The left will be emboldened in thier belief that they are superior morally and intellectually. They will run rampent overcorrecting while gleefully rubbing it in the face of their opposition. People or organizations deemed racist, sexist or hater might be deemed terrorists. The continuing clashes in the street will be used as justification. People will get sick of it and a competent fascist will gain power and we would find out what real right wing authoritism is unlike Trump's realty show, snowflake version of it we got now.

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18 Aug 2017, 6:22 pm

Raptor wrote:
DarthMetaKnight wrote:
Raptor wrote:
People need to toughen up a little and stop letting others tell them how to feel.

Perhaps you need to toughen up and accept that these statues are going down. Why do you want these statues anyway? Are you emotionally attached to them? Why?

Wouldn't bother me a small fraction as much as the Trump presidency is bothering you. Every one of your butthurt little anti-Trump/anti-conservative rants is a pleasure to read.

And, why a CANADIAN is having rants about the U.S. president, et al., is beyond ME, anyway!!

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18 Aug 2017, 6:28 pm

Its a thorny issue.

Maybe the nation should take a breather for a few months before we rush headlong either preserving or getting rid of statues across the land.

But Chief Justince Taney is an exception.

That taking down his statue is long overdue is a no brainer.

No can deny that he needs to go immediately.


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18 Aug 2017, 6:30 pm

AspieUtah wrote:
Since statues are symbolic speech, shouldn't everyone with an opinion about them remember the words of author Evelyn Beatrice Hall when she wrote the famous phrase "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" --The Friends of Voltaire (1906)?

Oh, COOL----I've said / heard that quote, a million-and-one times, but could never remember who said it----and, I like it even MORE, now, cuz a woman said it; let's hear it, for the girls!! LOL (wink)

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18 Aug 2017, 6:34 pm

Taney was the guy who signed off on the Dred Scott decision----which basically precluded African-Americans from ever becoming citizens within the context of the ante-bellum United States.

The decision also provided authorization for Southern masters to retrieve their "property" from the North. Of course, this was part and parcel of the Compromise of 1850--but it provided more teeth for this provision.


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18 Aug 2017, 6:46 pm

Another racist Confederate statue has been vandalized in New Orleans: the statue of Joan of Arc! (I think she commanded an Alabama regiment at Little Round Top and owned a plantation full of slaves. Or something.) ... ti_te.html

(Joan of Arc lived in France in the 1400s.) :lol:

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18 Aug 2017, 6:52 pm

You've got to be kidding!


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18 Aug 2017, 6:56 pm

Campin_Cat wrote:
Raptor wrote:
DarthMetaKnight wrote:
Raptor wrote:
People need to toughen up a little and stop letting others tell them how to feel.

Perhaps you need to toughen up and accept that these statues are going down. Why do you want these statues anyway? Are you emotionally attached to them? Why?

Wouldn't bother me a small fraction as much as the Trump presidency is bothering you. Every one of your butthurt little anti-Trump/anti-conservative rants is a pleasure to read.

And, why a CANADIAN is having rants about the U.S. president, et al., is beyond ME, anyway!!

Hint: It lives under a bridge and eats goats.

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18 Aug 2017, 7:03 pm

The legal lingo version of Tanney's "achievement" was to declare that "slaves are not citizens".

But he himself summed up his decision in one colloquial sentence: "No Negro has any rights that any White man needs respect".

To honor him with a statue is to honor that statement .

Honoring fallen soldiers of your state, even if they died for a questionable cause, is one thing.
But Tanney being honored is something else entirely IMHO.


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18 Aug 2017, 7:10 pm

Darmok wrote:
Another racist Confederate statue has been vandalized in New Orleans: the statue of Joan of Arc! (I think she commanded an Alabama regiment at Little Round Top and owned a plantation full of slaves. Or something.) ... ti_te.html

(Joan of Arc lived in France in the 1400s.) :lol:

Might be a sympathizer with the recent vandals of the Lincoln Memorial who were obviously retaliating against the vandals of the Confederate statues. Maybe they thought Joan of Arc was a Nineteenth Centurey American Abolishionist.

Or maybe the person just hates all Frenchies.


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18 Aug 2017, 7:41 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
But Chief Justince Taney is an exception. That taking down his statue is long overdue is a no brainer. No can deny that he needs to go immediately.

*I* can!!

Here's the thing, with Taney..... The first thing out of everybody's mouth, when talking-about Taney, is "Dred Scott", but the law-of-the-land, at-the-time, was that Negroes/slaves were NOT citizens----so, Taney upheld the LAW!!

Like I've said, before----when we know better, we do better; besides, he, from what-all I've read, was a very religious man, and thought slavery was evil, so he FREED his slaves!! Also, from what I've read, he was a FIERCE defender of INDIVIDUAL rights being covered by the Constitution. How could any of these things be wrong? He did his job, freed his slaves (that he had INHERITED, BTW), cuz he felt it was morally wrong to have them, and fought for people's rights.

Things like this, get misconstrued, all-the-time----and, instead of people researching, to make-up their OWN minds, about whatever, they just accept what they've always heard. A prime example of a long-held fallacy, IMO, is that "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was about a black man who betrayed his own people----when, in-fact, he helped some, escape, and died because of a beating he took, instead of carrying-out an order, to beat a fellow slave. It was because of Tom's GOODNESS, that his former owner freed all of his slaves, in Tom's memory----and, as he did so, he told them to remember Tom's sacrifice, and to be good people, like Tom was.

Some people don't wanna hear either of these narratives, though----cuz it doesn't fit their "Aww, poor black people", agenda.

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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18 Aug 2017, 7:52 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
...I believe if the resistance succeeds one nightmare will be replaced by another. The left will be emboldened in thier belief that they are superior morally and intellectually. They will run rampent overcorrecting while gleefully rubbing it in the face of their opposition. People or organizations deemed racist, sexist or hater might be deemed terrorists. The continuing clashes in the street will be used as justification.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid you're right----I can TOTALLY see this happening.....

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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18 Aug 2017, 7:57 pm

Campin_Cat wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
But Chief Justince Taney is an exception. That taking down his statue is long overdue is a no brainer. No can deny that he needs to go immediately.

*I* can!!

Here's the thing, with Taney..... The first thing out of everybody's mouth, when talking-about Taney, is "Dred Scott", but the law-of-the-land, at-the-time, was that Negroes/slaves were NOT citizens----so, Taney upheld the LAW!!

Like I've said, before----when we know better, we do better; besides, he, from what-all I've read, was a very religious man, and thought slavery was evil, so he FREED his slaves!! Also, from what I've read, he was a FIERCE defender of INDIVIDUAL rights being covered by the Constitution. How could any of these things be wrong? He did his job, freed his slaves (that he had INHERITED, BTW), cuz he felt it was morally wrong to have them, and fought for people's rights.

Things like this, get misconstrued, all-the-time----and, instead of people researching, to make-up their OWN minds, about whatever, they just accept what they've always heard. A prime example of a long-held fallacy, IMO, is that "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was about a black man who betrayed his own people----when, in-fact, he helped some, escape, and died because of a beating he took, instead of carrying-out an order, to beat a fellow slave. It was because of Tom's GOODNESS, that his former owner freed all of his slaves, in Tom's memory----and, as he did so, he told them to remember Tom's sacrifice, and to be good people, like Tom was.

Some people don't wanna hear either of these narratives, though----cuz it doesn't fit their "Aww, poor black people", agenda.

Taney's personal decisions and choices in life didn't have a single effect on the whole country, regardless how good they might have been, while the reprehensible Dred Scott decision did.

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18 Aug 2017, 7:59 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Taney was the guy who signed off on the Dred Scott decision----which basically precluded African-Americans from ever becoming citizens within the context of the ante-bellum United States.

NO!! He "signed off on" the MAJORITY decision that a slave could not sue the Federal Government----and, the reason for that, was because it was a law, that slaves were not citizens!!

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)