Police: Autistic teen With AK-47 Opened Fire

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27 May 2008, 10:37 pm

catspurr wrote;

his father should not have a weapon like that around.

Care to elaborate?


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28 May 2008, 4:32 am

Fogman wrote:
Down here, a minister with a fully automatic AK-47 isn't that unheard of, either

Actually, fully automatic weapons are very difficult to get, and are extremly expensive. The firearm refered to in the story is a semi-automatic 'clone' similar in appearance, but very different in operation.

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28 May 2008, 7:41 am

T-rav20 wrote:
Fogman wrote:
Down here, a minister with a fully automatic AK-47 isn't that unheard of, either

Actually, fully automatic weapons are very difficult to get, and are extremly expensive. The firearm refered to in the story is a semi-automatic 'clone' similar in appearance, but very different in operation.

Not as difficult as you've probably been lead to believe. A guy that I used to work with had a couple of fully automatic rifles, (an M-16 as well as an AK-47). When I was a kid, I had a temporary foster parent who was in the process of building a militaria museum, and he ha a LOT of weapons, amongst them was a German MP-40 that was fully functional save for a barrel that was plugged. It would be a simple matter for anybody with metal working knowlege and access to a lathe to make a replacement barrel for one of these. --He had no Federal licence at all for it because he didn't plan on firing the thing.

Also, some small arms are relatively easy to convert to fully automatic fire. Probably one of the easiest to convert to full auto fire is a semiauto MAC-10/11. Conversion kits were available for the Uzi, the AR-15, Mini-14, Avtomat Kalashnikov, M-1 Garand and many other rifles that we know as semiauto, and many people have done so without obtaining a Federal Weapons Permit. The reason why you don't hear that much about it, is that nearly all of the people who've done so are for the most part law abiding citizens who wouldn't use them against other people.

There are also ways around converting a semiauto rifle to full auto. one of them being a an automated trigger puller, as used to great effect by the David Koresh's Branch Davidians against FBI, BATF, and local law enforcement agencies in Waco Texas. Another way to get around the full auto ban is to 'bump fire' a semiautomatic rifle. Bump firing is acheived by holding the weapon in such a way that the recoil from a fired shot moves the weapon back against the trigger finger to cause more shots to be discharged. A high rate of cyclical fire can be achieved this way, though it is not particularly safe for the shooter, or particularly accurate. --Then again, people who'd shoot at other people in this manner isn't particularly concerned about either safety or accuaracy.

Furthermore, the average person who'd use a gun to commit a crime is not going to walk into the local gun shop to purchase a gun, they'll acquire them through illegal channels, either by purchase, or theft. In 2001, a couple of Ecxtasy dealers were caught in the parking lot of the store that I was employed with at that time in Charlotte, NC. They were both armed with stolen guns, of which, the Glock 17 one of them was carrying had been reported stolen in Fall River MA, in 1984. This leads me to belive that there's a lot of stolen arms in circulation, and many of them have been 'black market' for years.

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28 May 2008, 8:28 am

Fogman wrote:
Not as difficult as you've probably been lead to believe. A guy that I used to work with had a couple of fully automatic rifles, (an M-16 as well as an AK-47).

I suppose I should have specified - Legally difficult.

Fogman wrote:
When I was a kid, I had a temporary foster parent who was in the process of building a militaria museum, and he ha a LOT of weapons, amongst them was a German MP-40 that was fully functional save for a barrel that was plugged. It would be a simple matter for anybody with metal working knowlege and access to a lathe to make a replacement barrel for one of these. --He had no Federal licence at all for it because he didn't plan on firing the thing.

Barrel plugging is no longer considered sufficient to De-mil a firearm, the reciver needs to be cut apart, again, for it to be legal.

Fogman wrote:
Also, some small arms are relatively easy to convert to fully automatic fire. Probably one of the easiest to convert to full auto fire is a semiauto MAC-10/11. Conversion kits were available for the Uzi, the AR-15, Mini-14, Avtomat Kalashnikov, M-1 Garand and many other rifles that we know as semiauto,
In previous years, perhaps, but in more recent production guns the BATFE requires that they be made in such a way that an auto sear is very difficult, if not impossable to use.

Fogman wrote:
many people have done so without obtaining a Federal Weapons Permit. The reason why you don't hear that much about it, is that nearly all of the people who've done so are for the most part law abiding citizens who wouldn't use them against other people.

Well, obviously, 8O otherwise we would be hearing even more BS from the anti-gun nutjobs about the EvilBlackScaryDeathAssaultGuns. Not that they would not lie about it anyway, even if it were not true.

Fogman wrote:
There are also ways around converting a semiauto rifle to full auto. one of them being a an automated trigger puller, as used to great effect by the David Koresh's Branch Davidians against FBI, BATF, and local law enforcement agencies in Waco Texas. Another way to get around the full auto ban is to 'bump fire' a semiautomatic rifle. Bump firing is acheived by holding the weapon in such a way that the recoil from a fired shot moves the weapon back against the trigger finger to cause more shots to be discharged. A high rate of cyclical fire can be achieved this way, though it is not particularly safe for the shooter, or particularly accurate. --Then again, people who'd shoot at other people in this manner isn't particularly concerned about either safety or accuaracy.
Some trigger modifications are also considered illegal. as for the other thing, if it's not a modification to the gun itself, it's legal

Fogman wrote:
Furthermore, the average person who'd use a gun to commit a crime is not going to walk into the local gun shop to purchase a gun, they'll acquire them through illegal channels, either by purchase, or theft. In 2001, a couple of Ecxtasy dealers were caught in the parking lot of the store that I was employed with at that time in Charlotte, NC. They were both armed with stolen guns, of which, the Glock 17 one of them was carrying had been reported stolen in Fall River MA, in 1984. This leads me to belive that there's a lot of stolen arms in circulation, and many of them have been 'black market' for years.
Obviously, that's why gun bans don't work, but try explaining that to one of the antis. They don't really function on logic, y'know?

Anyway, it's all rather silly, (not to mention unConstitutional, but that's another tale...) and I think all federal firearms laws should be repealed, but it ain't going to happen.

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28 May 2008, 12:06 pm

T-rav20 wrote:
and I think all federal firearms laws should be repealed, but it ain't going to happen.

I'm with you for the most part there, but there is one new federal law I think is needed. That would be a preemption law, that disallowed individual states from creating the overlapping tapestry of guns laws seen today. That, and a national CCW permit that was good anywhere. Everyone would be safer, the states could devote their police dollar to enforcing laws that matter, and my life would be easier.


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28 May 2008, 2:16 pm

What, gun-laws don't matter? Maybe not to you, Dox.


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28 May 2008, 4:43 pm

First question why did the minister have a gun, is he one of those absurd homophobic, gun-toting, god-fearing, torture the terrorists kind of person as the current administation?

The second amendment was written in the 1790s when this country was a wilderness, today we have a modern society with modern infrastructure.

As for the actual teenager, well it seems like he reached boiling point after all these years, after being hated by children, teachers and parents, being treated like a paper in the cabinent, and being shuffled around psychologists and being told he was an infant who couldn't take care of himself.

One day,NTs will learn to practice what they preach, and that day I will be in Cape Town, drinking my wine, and seeing what disastors they have created, and how they got out of them.

My god, of course, I don't condone what he did, and he should be sent to jail but to a counseling/rehab place and as for society, well it's time they learn the words, acceptance, forgiveness, and understanding, which they continue to spew, but like George W Bush, destroy the already meager social infrastructure that exists!


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28 May 2008, 9:33 pm

slowmutant wrote:
What, gun-laws don't matter? Maybe not to you, Dox.


(1) Diseases of the heart- heart attack (mainly) 28.5%
(2) Malignant neoplasms- cancer 22.8%
(3) Cerebrovascular disease- stroke 6.7%
(4) Chronic lower respiratory disease- emphysema, chronic bronchitis 5.1%
(5) Unintentional injuries- accidents 4.4%
(6) Diabetes mellitus- diabetes 3.0%
(7) Influenza and pneumonia- flu & pneumonia 2.7%
(8) Alzheimer's Disease- Alzheimer's senility 2.4%
(9) Nephritis and Nephrosis- kidney disease 1.7%
(10) Septicemia- systemic infection 1.4%
(11) Intentional self-harm- suicide 1.3%
(12) Chronic Liver/Cirrhosis- liver disease 1.1%
(13) Essential Hypertension- high blood pressure 0.8%
(14) Assault- homicide 0.7%
(15) All other causes- other 17.4%

Sounds like you should get to work regulating fatty foods, sugar and hydrogenated oils, Slow, they kill a lot more people than my guns ever might. Let's not forget plain 'ole stupidity, a cause of death that should hit close to home for many anti gun people...


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28 May 2008, 9:39 pm

Right, what was I thinking? Bullets are little tiny doctors, healing and restoring life wherever they embed. They're only bad when fired from unregistered criminal weapons. My parish has a few carbines and grenade launchers locked up in the sacristy, just in case.

By the way, those stats aren't from the NRA website are they?


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29 May 2008, 12:15 am

slowmutant wrote:
Right, what was I thinking? Bullets are little tiny doctors, healing and restoring life wherever they embed. They're only bad when fired from unregistered criminal weapons. My parish has a few carbines and grenade launchers locked up in the sacristy, just in case.

By the way, those stats aren't from the NRA website are they?

Slow, Slow, Slow... It's like you can't help yourself, completely missing the point while posting random nonsense. Given the point of WP, I'm actually holding back from really torching you on this thread, since I don't know your personal status. Suffice it to say, you're making it really difficult for me not to make a bunch of sarcastic remarks at your expense, though you'd probably miss the point of those too.

Those numbers came from the CDC, the NRA couldn't care less about tracking diseases and such. They deal with important matters, like keeping ignorant foreigners from interfering with our guns. Note that homicide accounts for 7 out of 1000 deaths in the USA, and that's all homicides, not just gun related ones. As you accountant, if backwaters such as Canada have such extravagances, will tell you, that's a pretty low risk. Now that pizza and Pepsi you're pounding while sitting in front of the computer, that just might kill you...


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29 May 2008, 6:28 pm

Raptor wrote:
catspurr wrote;
his father should not have a weapon like that around.

Care to elaborate?

There is no need to elaborate on that statement.

His father. Should not. Have a weapon like that. Around.


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29 May 2008, 7:12 pm

slowmutant wrote:
Raptor wrote:
catspurr wrote;
his father should not have a weapon like that around.

Care to elaborate?

There is no need to elaborate on that statement.

His father. Should not. Have a weapon like that. Around.

Since you seem to be into the whole "brevity thing", as well as the whole "impervious to logic and reason" thing, I'll reply in language you should understand:

W H Y _ N O T ?


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29 May 2008, 7:14 pm

Because assault rifles are extremely dangerous. Especially when found at the back of Dad's closet.


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29 May 2008, 7:19 pm

Bozewani wrote:

First question why did the minister have a gun, is he one of those absurd homophobic, gun-toting, god-fearing, torture the terrorists kind of person as the current administation?

What’s with the hang up over a minister having a gun? Are ministers exempt from their rights because they’re ministers? Not that I can recall.

I’m not even going to go into the comments about the current administration, that’s a separate topic in itself and not germane to the discussion we’re in now (if this can be called a discussion that is).

The second amendment was written in the 1790s when this country was a wilderness, today we have a modern society with modern infrastructure.

The 2nd amendment does not include bears and Indians on the 18th century frontier. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to actually read it and see what it says. Do we really have to lead you through it by hand?

And, modnern society and it's faulty infrastructure is a good part of the reason to be armed.

slowmutant wrote:
There is no need to elaborate on that statement.

His father. Should not. Have a weapon like that. Around.

And your reasoning behind that brash statement is…………………….what?

Again, you anti-gunners offer only opinions that reflect not only ignorance but also arrogance while the pro-gun side of this little debate provides facts, logic, and rational thinking.
Anyone undecided on this topic that has two brain cells to rub together and reads this thread I doubt would be swayed by your side.
You’ll have to do better in order to be taken seriously.


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29 May 2008, 7:28 pm

slowmutant wrote:
Raptor wrote:
catspurr wrote;
his father should not have a weapon like that around.

Care to elaborate?

There is no need to elaborate on that statement.

His father. Should not. Have a weapon like that. Around.


Yes. Should. NOT. Have. A Weapon. Like. That.



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30 May 2008, 7:41 pm

And for you Raptor, I was creating a personification of the society that Bush wants to create, by using the minister as an example.

You see if we lived in Russia and Japan(where guns are ilegal, no question) we wouldn't have such a high crime rate.

Now, the reason why Russia has a high crime rate, in case you're using that argument, is because of vodka and drunk people don't themselves :roll:.

It seems like that teen is a victim of the society that Bush wants to create, another innocent human being scarificed to politics, and scarificed of his humanity.