Iraq car bomb kills four at Eid celebrations
Hashberry, a movie called "Zeitgeist, the movie" ( ) opened my eyes. As much as part I it's anti-religion (the director is agnostic), it supported the Islamic view of Christianity and other religions indirectly, hence triggering my reversion to Islam. Leaving that aside, it opened my eyes as to how our rulers have controlled us like pawns since time immemorial, by controling our religions, by spreading false propaganda, by spreading false flag attacks, by controlling our money, and soon, will control our lives.
The website is currently down as part IV is being uploaded today, which offers a solution to these problems.
I've always been against banking systems. Always.
slowmutant, most Arabs are highly materialistic. Ever been to the middle east? You'll be amazed at what Arabs really are like. There are millions out there, only a handful are like the terrorists you describe.
A sudden change in tone. Something hit a nerve?
I guess so. The justification for terror attacks s always some variant of, "Well, we were victims of their terrorism first, so whatever we do in retaliation is above reproach."
That is never true, no matter who is involved.
You misunderstand me. I do not believe there is any justification for terror attacks and i have already stated that i believe that they are conducted by agents of the west. Including 9/11.
I was thinking more book of revelations.
Admittedly, I have never been to the Middle East. But a good friend of mine is a Pakistani Muslim born & raised in Canada. We discuss religion & politics frequently. But never will I argue religion with this person. Never. She has Muslim beliefs and I have my Christian beliefs and actually there's a lot of overlap there.
Khan Sama, don't you think that the Arab world is falling prey to the cultural imperialism of the West? My Muslim friend tells me that everything is modernizing and westernizing. Khan Sama, just how prevalent is the anti-Western sentiment in the Arab world?
Thank you.
Khan Sama, don't you think that the Arab world is falling prey to the cultural imperialism of the West? My Muslim friend tells me that everything is modernizing and westernizing. Khan Sama, just how prevalent is the anti-Western sentiment in the Arab world?
Thank you.
Yes, it is. KFC, Pizza Hut, Mc Donalds, etc, are all spread out throughout the Arab Gulf. Everywhere. The teenage Arab girls wears Abayyas, but underneath, they wear the latest designer clothes. Arabic rap has become very common. The unofficial nickname for the United Arab Emirates is "The United States of Dubai". The same thing is happening here in India. The same thing happened to me - I am completely westernised. The only thing that makes the difference is my accent and my religion.
Globalisation is the word people use. I call it westernisation. Not that I'm against it, I just don't like the parts that go against Islamic cultural values. I don't like the way children are being influenced by western media - showing disrespect to their parents, for instance. There's an oral tradition of the prophet (saw), that he was once in the company of some of his companions, when a man appeared, and asked Muhammed (S) some questions, and when he answered them, the man said that he was correct. One of the questions was "What are the signs of the day of judgement?" One of the answers Allah's apostle (S) gave was that when all women give birth to their masters and mistresses, ie, when all children begin to treat their parents as slaves. Later, when the man left, his companions asked the prophet (S) about the man's identity. The prophet (S) replied that he was the Angel Gabriel disguised in the form of a human.
The authenticity of this hadith, I can't verify. However, it explains my point of view. I consider this situation of disrespect towards elders something which is of western origin. I see the same with my sister and am ashamed. Likewise, I don't like western fashion for women. It degrades a woman. It makes her a sexual object, not a living being.
Prior to the Iraq war, there was virtually no anti-American sentiment, apart from criticism of Western cultural values.
Last edited by Khan_Sama on 03 Oct 2008, 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
jrknothead, it implies to when all children treat their parents like slaves. Plus, I would imagine that cultural belief of what was considered rebellious then and now has changed drastically. For example, I would not dare talk back to my father. In western media, this is considered normal. This is leaving insulting one's parents aside.
I recall that Roman society was controlled by the strict Paterfamilia doctrine. I guess the Greeks had a similar doctrine imposed.
Anyway, I don't want to argue about this. I don't want to lead this debate into a "my culture is superior to yours" kind of debate. I just wished to explain my point of view.
I agree with you that Western values, the materialism from our part of the world, is very bad. Do you know the story of Moses, the stone tablets from the mountain, and the golden calf? In the Bible it is said that one cannot worship two masters, ie God and money. Christians are forbidden against the worship of idols, of graven images. Western culture has these last two in abundance.
The god of materialism is called Mammon. It is said that if you're aren't worshipping God you are worshopping Mammon, ie. worshipping money.
You, it's often that I'm pleasantly surprised at how much Muslims and Christians actually have in common.
slowmutant, that's because we believe that it's the same religion. We just consider Islam as the last and final version of the religion that has been preached by all 140,000 prophets from the time of Adam to Noah to Abraham to Moses to Jesus to Muhammed (peace be upon all of them).
There's a reason behind why the Jews worshiped a golden calf. Every 2150 years (approx), the Earth goes through a cycle through which one of the 12 Zodiacs emerges in the centre of the sky. During Moses's era, the bull/cow represented Taurus. During this era, Hinduism and Zoroastrianism, for example, came into being. In both religions, cows are given an almost divine-like status. Right now, we're in the age of Pisces, the age of the two fish.
Likewise, during the Roman Empire's pagan era, Bull sacrifice was very common, and represented the transaction from Taurus era to Pisces era. I imagine the Jews decided to worship a calf as it was the beginning of the Taurus era. Pagan religions are based on lots of mythology and magic, all based on the movement of celestial bodies.
Yes, money is our master. Most of us will always be slaves to it. Those people who say that money is immaterial are rich.
slowmutant, Zeitgeist: Addendum explains my point of view. It's a good watch, and unlike Zeitgeist, contains very few references to religion (two slight references, and I've seen half of it so far). Not really offensive. ... 7695921912
The "Animal" here. Yes, I have been characterized as an animal simply because I disagreed with someone. No apology, so far and therefore I will have to agree with this statement 100%.
It has been common for many decades, well past 15 years, for the CIA to be blamed for nearly everything wrong in the world. For all of the ills blamed on them, you would think that the CIA has someone hiding behind every tree, under every bush, and around every corner just waiting to "steal", "rape" and "murder" unsuspecting "Non-Westerners". This is total crap! This is PROJECTION at its best.
In conspiracies there is always a shred of truth that then gets twisted so "deviously" that the original thought is no longer recognizable. I do not deny that the CIA has done some not so nice things but to ignore what your own people and religion are doing is "delusional" and part of the bigger problem.
So, this anti west and anti Israel propaganda being spread here is normal but most of the time makes no sense. Why would the US and Israel conspire together to assassinate Egyptian president Muhammad Anwar Al Sadat in 1981? Last time I checked this was not done by the CIA but "Fundamentalists" that spouted some of the same propaganda I see here.
Now this post was about Muslims blowing up Muslims which has been taken over "purposely" by a few that do not want to discuss the "facts" but instead wish to blame, you guessed it, the West. The same people that complain about the Wests islamophobia but, yet, and yet again complain about "Western" influences into their culture (Oggleleus Scratches head in disgust at the hypocrisy).
So, what I have gotten from this wonderful, respectful and enlightening discussion is that some Terrorists blew up some other Muslims, but really this was done by the CIA in an effort to put pressure on the Iraqi Govt. to sign a deal. Hmmm, maybe the US should have gotten the CIA to do the same when the "Oil" contracts were signed to foreign countries such as China instead of the US. Nope, who needs the CIA when there are a few Democrat "Senators" that made the trip to Iraq to pressure the Iraqis into not "rewarding" US oil companies.
We can agree to disagree. Good Luck to all and I hope the animosity keeps you warm during this winter.
I recall reading somewhere that for every infidel killed in the great jihads against the evil western satan, 10,000 muslims have been killed.
The figures don't look healthy.
Iraq may never have been a threat militarily to the west, but ask Kuwait how it feels about Iraqi aggression? Or Iran maybe. And to be fair, I dont think the Kurds were exactly happy.
The CIA just isnt that good, or clever, or in fact that forward thinking. After all, they did train Afghans to shoot down Hinds, then were really f*****g surprised when Afghans started shooting at US troops...
(Though thats a side point I would like to raise. If flying a kite offends god, then what the f**k is a surface to air missile going to do to him? Is this not a contradiction?)
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
that you can't take part" [Mario Savo, 1964]