Baltimore: ALL Confederate Statues Have Now Been Removed
Nicky Haley is frustrating, she is a person of colour who classifies herself as white and obviously continually tries to ingratiate herself with conservative sourthern white voters. What would she know about civil war sacrifice? her parents were first generation migrants from India?
My dad's ancestors were Polynesians from Hawaii who moved to North Carolina. I'm not defending the Confederate fag, but you make it sound like just because somebody lives in the south and isn't 100% white that they should hate everything about the south.
You are making long connections where there isn't one.....
Nicky Haley is 100% Indian ethnicity but prior to the Dylan Roof incident she opposed the removal of the flag and equated the flag to equated the Confederate flag with "service and sacrifice and heritage"
Her lack of sensitivity and apparent ignorance despite signing the the flag be taken down is quite breath taking given she claims to be a person with a conscience.
That's not what I said.
Because you refuse to honestly assess the problem and I can't help you with that.
Becuse I don't follow the script you mean.
Really? It sure seems as though you've been following a script.

No matter what is discussed you're quick to trot out 'the left needs racism' and 'the left is making racism worse' with nothing to support your claims or even to bind them to reality.
Give me a f*****g break! You couldn't think outside the box if your life depended on it. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Have you prepared your lecture yet? I'm still intrigued.
Veggieman reminds me somebody doing an Irish jig around a a hat....keeps dancing around the issue and won't budge

Nicky Haley is frustrating, she is a person of colour who classifies herself as white and obviously continually tries to ingratiate herself with conservative sourthern white voters. What would she know about civil war sacrifice? her parents were first generation migrants from India?
My dad's ancestors were Polynesians from Hawaii who moved to North Carolina. I'm not defending the Confederate fag, but you make it sound like just because somebody lives in the south and isn't 100% white that they should hate everything about the south.
You are making long connections where there isn't one.....
Nicky Haley is 100% Indian ethnicity but prior to the Dylan Roof incident she opposed the removal of the flag and equated the flag to equated the Confederate flag with "service and sacrifice and heritage"
Her lack of sensitivity and apparent ignorance despite signing the the flag be taken down is quite breath taking given she claims to be a person with a conscience.
Well duh, she IS a politician! They're all pretty much corrupt power-hungry liars!

♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
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♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.
That's not what I said.
Because you refuse to honestly assess the problem and I can't help you with that.
Becuse I don't follow the script you mean.
Really? It sure seems as though you've been following a script.

No matter what is discussed you're quick to trot out 'the left needs racism' and 'the left is making racism worse' with nothing to support your claims or even to bind them to reality.
That's not what I said.
Because you refuse to honestly assess the problem and I can't help you with that.
Becuse I don't follow the script you mean.
Really? It sure seems as though you've been following a script.

No matter what is discussed you're quick to trot out 'the left needs racism' and 'the left is making racism worse' with nothing to support your claims or even to bind them to reality.
Give me a f*****g break! You couldn't think outside the box if your life depended on it. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Have you prepared your lecture yet? I'm still intrigued.
Veggieman reminds me somebody doing an Irish jig around a a hat....keeps dancing around the issue and won't budge

You remind me of a class clown.
That's not what I said.
Because you refuse to honestly assess the problem and I can't help you with that.
Becuse I don't follow the script you mean.
Really? It sure seems as though you've been following a script.

No matter what is discussed you're quick to trot out 'the left needs racism' and 'the left is making racism worse' with nothing to support your claims or even to bind them to reality.
Give me a f*****g break! You couldn't think outside the box if your life depended on it. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Have you prepared your lecture yet? I'm still intrigued.
Sadly, I lack your vast experience working at call centers. *Snicker*
What do you call a hot dog in a gangster suit?
Oscar Meyer Lansky

Joined: 27 Oct 2014
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That's not what I said.
Because you refuse to honestly assess the problem and I can't help you with that.
Becuse I don't follow the script you mean.
Really? It sure seems as though you've been following a script.

No matter what is discussed you're quick to trot out 'the left needs racism' and 'the left is making racism worse' with nothing to support your claims or even to bind them to reality.
Give me a f*****g break! You couldn't think outside the box if your life depended on it. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Have you prepared your lecture yet? I'm still intrigued.
Sadly, I lack your vast experience working at call centers. *Snicker*
Sadly it seems you're still lacking an argument, but since you never had a point to make I don't expect you to suddenly have a coherent argument to impress us with. This is why you appear to be little more than a useful idiot for white supremacists. You barge in belligerently and attempt to churn things up to muddy the waters and then retreat without making anything that even slightly resembles a point.
I understand calling racists racist hurts their feelings, but I'll continue to call a spade a spade. You can deal with the hurt feelings, your feelings are not my problem.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
That's not what I said.
Because you refuse to honestly assess the problem and I can't help you with that.
Becuse I don't follow the script you mean.
Really? It sure seems as though you've been following a script.

No matter what is discussed you're quick to trot out 'the left needs racism' and 'the left is making racism worse' with nothing to support your claims or even to bind them to reality.
Give me a f*****g break! You couldn't think outside the box if your life depended on it. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Have you prepared your lecture yet? I'm still intrigued.
Sadly, I lack your vast experience working at call centers. *Snicker*
Sadly it seems you're still lacking an argument, but since you never had a point to make I don't expect you to suddenly have a coherent argument to impress us with. This is why you appear to be little more than a useful idiot for white supremacists. You barge in belligerently and attempt to churn things up to muddy the waters and then retreat without making anything that even slightly resembles a point.
I understand calling racists racist hurts their feelings, but I'll continue to call a spade a spade. You can deal with the hurt feelings, your feelings are not my problem.
Onward and upward, you racist fighting crusader, you! Heh!
Honestly, I doubt you give a s**t about racism; rather you just like to pump yourself up with a lot of empty, politicized posturing. Then you accuse others of sticking to a "script."
My points have been made pages ago. Perhaps you'd like to reread them, throw away your script, and have an actual conversation. I won't hold my breath, though.
What do you call a hot dog in a gangster suit?
Oscar Meyer Lansky
I have to wonder what interest non-Americans have in America's problems of racism? Seems to me like they're just trying to stir s**t up for s**ts and giggles.
♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
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♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.
Jeez! This thread is long.
As far as removing Confederate statues, I say: “Why’d it take so long? It’s about time!”
What they symbolize is not something we should be celebrating.
There are many Southern innovators and artists (as well as soldiers who served in various wars) who are much more worthy of adulation who could be put in the others’ places.
As far as removing Confederate statues, I say: “Why’d it take so long? It’s about time!”
What they symbolize is not something we should be celebrating.
There are many Southern innovators and artists (as well as soldiers who served in various wars) who are much more worthy of adulation who could be put in the others’ places.
I agree. But it aint gonna happen though. The rest of the country never wants to let the south forget that we're the evil racist traitors. That's why Hollowood makes movies and TV shows that mock us.

And I need to stop kidding myself. The south is just as much to blame too for celebrating these symbols.
♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.

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White supremacism isn't a problem that's limited to America. WS/WN propagandists and organizations located in the US influence people outside of America too.
I'm sorry you're so cynical as to believe the only reason one might care is if they have dishonest motives. If your family isn't white you don't get to pretend like this isn't important. I pass and have no problem self-identifying as white (or metis, or Abenaki and English) but that's not true of all of my extended family (Obomsawin is the family name). Attitudes that treat non-whites as 'permanent strangers' actually directly impacts the lives of my loved ones, if that's not part of your experience you may not get why I take this personally.
For that matter, my ex-fiancée was a black American from the south. It's not like that wasn't the most significant personal relationship I've had in the past decade.
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I've never had the privilege of being able to pretend like this isn't a relevant issue.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.

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Exactly. If the south ceased to celebrate The Lost Cause and the associated imagery there would be far less ability to use it as a cudgel.
I'm not sure if that will get the other former colonial powers that relied on slavery to ever confront their own histories. France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands, the Brits and Brazil all have their own ugly histories to examine (just a handful who come to mind) - at least part of the US can claim to have fought a war at significant cost to end the institution within it's borders.
That's only focusing on it within the west, in the past 500 or so years, because the deeper you dig the more atrocious human history often is. Ultimately identifying our sins should be the first step, but contrition and reconciliation are needed too. That's why I'm hostile to the idea of continuing to celebrate the symbols of the CSA, that's the exact opposite of expressing contrition.
One of the few unifying things about our entire species is that we all have ancestors who did atrocious things to other people's ancestors (you know, unless they annihilated their entire line, which was also common).
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
Another thing that truly unifies our species and every other species is death.
♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
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It's also the only way world peace will ever truly exist.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
White supremacism isn't a problem that's limited to America. WS/WN propagandists and organizations located in the US influence people outside of America too.
I'm sorry you're so cynical as to believe the only reason one might care is if they have dishonest motives. If your family isn't white you don't get to pretend like this isn't important. I pass and have no problem self-identifying as white (or metis, or Abenaki and English) but that's not true of all of my extended family (Obomsawin is the family name). Attitudes that treat non-whites as 'permanent strangers' actually directly impacts the lives of my loved ones, if that's not part of your experience you may not get why I take this personally.
For that matter, my ex-fiancée was a black American from the south. It's not like that wasn't the most significant personal relationship I've had in the past decade.
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I've never had the privilege of being able to pretend like this isn't a relevant issue.
I do understand that racism is a very real issue, especially in America. It bugs me the way Americans act towards people of color and then deny that racism even exists. But you're right, I am too cynical to trust people's motives. It's just who I am. I'm a bit of a misanthrope.

♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.