Baltimore: ALL Confederate Statues Have Now Been Removed

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White supremacism isn't a problem that's limited to America. WS/WN propagandists and organizations located in the US influence people outside of America too.
I'm sorry you're so cynical as to believe the only reason one might care is if they have dishonest motives. If your family isn't white you don't get to pretend like this isn't important. I pass and have no problem self-identifying as white (or metis, or Abenaki and English) but that's not true of all of my extended family (Obomsawin is the family name). Attitudes that treat non-whites as 'permanent strangers' actually directly impacts the lives of my loved ones, if that's not part of your experience you may not get why I take this personally.
For that matter, my ex-fiancée was a black American from the south. It's not like that wasn't the most significant personal relationship I've had in the past decade.
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I've never had the privilege of being able to pretend like this isn't a relevant issue.
I do understand that racism is a very real issue, especially in America. It bugs me the way Americans act towards people of color and then deny that racism even exists. But you're right, I am too cynical to trust people's motives. It's just who I am. I'm a bit of a misanthrope.

As you might have noticed not-racists frustrate me quite a bit. Basically the label racist is so toxic that no one wants to risk being labelled with it, which means people who clearly are will insist otherwise until they're blue in the face and also that it's politically incorrect to call them out on this when they express it. They'll express casual racism and defend it with superficial distractions - it's not racism, it's heritage, or free speech, or states rights, or just like my opinion man or whatever and become increasingly belligerent if you point out what's going on. It makes it difficult to have constructive dialogue.
Since I pass often I'll encounter people talking about injuns don't pay taxes or similar. They'll assume I'm sympathetic to lies and negative stereotypes because they don't realize that that's my family they're insulting and the British North America Act and Indian Act show they're wrong.
It's a different experience from what 'other' white people or what POC experience.
Also, I've never doubted that the underlined statement is true.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
White supremacism isn't a problem that's limited to America. WS/WN propagandists and organizations located in the US influence people outside of America too.
I'm sorry you're so cynical as to believe the only reason one might care is if they have dishonest motives. If your family isn't white you don't get to pretend like this isn't important. I pass and have no problem self-identifying as white (or metis, or Abenaki and English) but that's not true of all of my extended family (Obomsawin is the family name). Attitudes that treat non-whites as 'permanent strangers' actually directly impacts the lives of my loved ones, if that's not part of your experience you may not get why I take this personally.
For that matter, my ex-fiancée was a black American from the south. It's not like that wasn't the most significant personal relationship I've had in the past decade.
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I've never had the privilege of being able to pretend like this isn't a relevant issue.
I do understand that racism is a very real issue, especially in America. It bugs me the way Americans act towards people of color and then deny that racism even exists. But you're right, I am too cynical to trust people's motives. It's just who I am. I'm a bit of a misanthrope.

As you might have noticed not-racists frustrate me quite a bit. Basically the label racist is so toxic that no one wants to risk being labelled with it, which means people who clearly are will insist otherwise until they're blue in the face and also that it's politically incorrect to call them out on this when they express it. They'll express casual racism and defend it with superficial distractions - it's not racism, it's heritage, or free speech, or states rights, or just like my opinion man or whatever and become increasingly belligerent if you point out what's going on. It makes it difficult to have constructive dialogue.
Since I pass often I'll encounter people talking about injuns don't pay taxes or similar. They'll assume I'm sympathetic to lies and negative stereotypes because they don't realize that that's my family they're insulting and the British North America Act and Indian Act show they're wrong.
It's a different experience from what 'other' white people or what POC experience.
Dude, you're preaching to the choir. I've had to listen to my own brother make racist jokes about black people while riding around with him and when I ask him to stop because it bothers me he, like many others in Georgia, always gets defensive and insists I don't have the right to be offended because "he was just joking".
I know many people in the south are racist. I really do try not to be myself. I mean, who am I to judge others on the outside when I myself am gay and mentally disabled? Not to mention the fact that my own dad was Polynesian? But the reason I get so worked up about defending the south is because I find it ironic as HELL when northerners (especially liberals like Seth MacFarlane) preach about the importance of tolerance and then turn around and mock people from the south with negative stereotypes just for being from a different region.
♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.
Well...the south has had a lot great scientists, artists, authors, designers, philosophers etc....there's some of the best universities in the US not to mention NASA have a presence in Houston and Florida...
but instead the southern masses seem to want to live through the prism of the past symbolism via a flag, culture and statues that glorify the evil of slavery.
There is a rise in right wing populism across the world has seen the election of politicians who are not future thinking but instead want to recreate the glories of a mythic past. Brasil's far right leader Bolsanaro wants to return to the Judeo-Christian culture of the middle ages where people whom were unbelievers (he specifically targets Afro-Brazilian spiritualism) were put through an inquisition which is bizarre and frightening?
Highly educated white Americans chose a president who is right wing, populist and anti-intellectual. Something like half of college educated women were happy to elect a president despite his misogyny and anti-intellectual leaning.
Meanwhile back on WP I have suggested that our little forum have a book club, science club or history club. My suggestions have been met with deafening silence because it seems anti-intellectualism has also crept into our online world as well. 90% of the threads here are to do with dating and other assorted crap.
Last edited by cyberdad on 07 Dec 2019, 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sounds childish to react that way. McFarlane is mocking intolerance....attacking the act not the person...
Sounds childish to react that way. McFarlane is mocking intolerance....attacking the act not the person...
That's a load of crap.
♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.
Then I guess you can say when Trump calls Mexicans murderers and rapists he's just "attacking the act, not the people". Yeah, double standards.
♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.
Sounds childish to react that way. McFarlane is mocking intolerance....attacking the act not the person...
That's a load of crap.
How do you know?
Sounds childish to react that way. McFarlane is mocking intolerance....attacking the act not the person...
That's a load of crap.
How do you know?
What else can I say about a comedian who often says "America is great! Except for the south."? And he's not the only comedian who mocks the south either.
Also your claiming that it's all about hating the behavior and not the people of the region is hypocritical.
♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.

Joined: 27 Oct 2014
Age: 40
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I know many people in the south are racist. I really do try not to be myself. I mean, who am I to judge others on the outside when I myself am gay and mentally disabled? Not to mention the fact that my own dad was Polynesian? But the reason I get so worked up about defending the south is because I find it ironic as HELL when northerners (especially liberals like Seth MacFarlane) preach about the importance of tolerance and then turn around and mock people from the south with negative stereotypes just for being from a different region.
There's two things going on here.
The obvious one being that he's a hypocrite for mocking southerners.
The other one, I think you've seen me say this thing before Northerners wanna talk about the South's racism, Canadians like to talk about American racism.
People find it more comfortable to discuss this issue when it's another culture. 'Boy, those Nazis sure were bad, not like us Americans with Jim Crow and internment camps' 'Boy, those southerners sure are racist, not like this Midwestern state with a long history of Klan violence' 'Boy, those Americans sure are racist, not like us Canadians'.
Also, I'm way too fuckt at the moment to function.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
I know many people in the south are racist. I really do try not to be myself. I mean, who am I to judge others on the outside when I myself am gay and mentally disabled? Not to mention the fact that my own dad was Polynesian? But the reason I get so worked up about defending the south is because I find it ironic as HELL when northerners (especially liberals like Seth MacFarlane) preach about the importance of tolerance and then turn around and mock people from the south with negative stereotypes just for being from a different region.
There's two things going on here.
The obvious one being that he's a hypocrite for mocking southerners.
The other one, I think you've seen me say this thing before Northerners wanna talk about the South's racism, Canadians like to talk about American racism.
People find it more comfortable to discuss this issue when it's another culture. 'Boy, those Nazis sure were bad, not like us Americans with Jim Crow and internment camps' 'Boy, those southerners sure are racist, not like this Midwestern state with a long history of Klan violence' 'Boy, those Americans sure are racist, not like us Canadians'.
Also, I'm way too fuckt at the moment to function.

I got one:
"Boy those Southerners sure are racist! Unlike us New Yorkers who got the island of Manhatten from those indians for a cup of beads!"

♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.
Ok, so it out turns that was an exaggerated myth too. Like just about everything else in American history.
https://commonplacefacts-wordpress-com. ... -for-24%2F
♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.

Joined: 27 Oct 2014
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Both the value of the money and the meaning of the word trinket seemed misinterpreted. At the time it occurred USD didn't exist so there's no 'real' amount of USD that the goods would be equal to. Maybe there was a time when 60 guilders was equal to $24, but in this context it's more like $1000 in terms of purchasing power.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
Sounds childish to react that way. McFarlane is mocking intolerance....attacking the act not the person...
That's a load of crap.
How do you know?
What else can I say about a comedian who often says "America is great! Except for the south."? And he's not the only comedian who mocks the south either.
Also your claiming that it's all about hating the behavior and not the people of the region is hypocritical.
It's pretty obvious southerners hate him because South Park and Family Guy ridicule the backwoods mentality of the region (that's not great secret). Ironically his TV shows rate very highly in the south

McFarlane was awarded a humanist award by Harvard University in 2011 for his contributions which speaks volumes for his intellect and artistry
The other one, I think you've seen me say this thing before Northerners wanna talk about the South's racism, Canadians like to talk about American racism.:
I think if you watch his animated comedies there's liberal lampooning of US values which aren't restricted to hicksville south of USA

Joined: 27 Oct 2014
Age: 40
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Posts: 30,792
Location: Right over your left shoulder
The other one, I think you've seen me say this thing before Northerners wanna talk about the South's racism, Canadians like to talk about American racism.:
I think if you watch his animated comedies there's liberal lampooning of US values which aren't restricted to hicksville south of USA
I'm a fan of his work, I can still think he's imperfect.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.