Baltimore: ALL Confederate Statues Have Now Been Removed
Seth MacFarlane is a pretentious hack who ripped off The Simpsons. And yes I know there's lots of trailer trash pot heads in the south who will laugh at overrated trashy television. I live in a trailer park myself. I used to laugh at that show too until I realized how stupid and tasteless it is, and believe me I'm not the only one tired of the sh***y offensive jokes or the endless references to 80's pop culture that nobody gives a s**t about anymore.
♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.

Joined: 27 Oct 2014
Age: 40
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I'm a trashy stoner, so clearly I'm unlikely to have any issue with Seth MacFarlane's work. Classic era The Simpsons is probably my favourite TV show of all time though.
I don't live in a trailer though, I'm just trash.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
Sadly it seems you're still lacking an argument, but since you never had a point to make I don't expect you to suddenly have a coherent argument to impress us with. This is why you appear to be little more than a useful idiot for white supremacists. You barge in belligerently and attempt to churn things up to muddy the waters and then retreat without making anything that even slightly resembles a point.
I understand calling racists racist hurts their feelings, but I'll continue to call a spade a spade. You can deal with the hurt feelings, your feelings are not my problem.
Onward and upward, you racist fighting crusader, you! Heh!
Honestly, I doubt you give a s**t about racism; rather you just like to pump yourself up with a lot of empty, politicized posturing. Then you accuse others of sticking to a "script."
My points have been made pages ago. Perhaps you'd like to reread them, throw away your script, and have an actual conversation. I won't hold my breath, though.
I'm the one who used the word script. What's going on is obvious. Calling basically everyone who's not a member of a political party a racist, while at the same time making a huge show of being racist fighting crusader. It's quite cut and dry and extremely obvious.
The script that I brought up are well practiced rebuttals. It reminds me of how a Jehovah Witness is trained. They are taught a series of verbatim comebacks. Such as "I understand calling racists racist hurts their feelings". The 'you are objecting to racists being called racists' line is one I have heard from several.
Of course the thing is most anyone who is not a member of their political party they call a racist.

Joined: 27 Oct 2014
Age: 40
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Location: Right over your left shoulder
Sadly it seems you're still lacking an argument, but since you never had a point to make I don't expect you to suddenly have a coherent argument to impress us with. This is why you appear to be little more than a useful idiot for white supremacists. You barge in belligerently and attempt to churn things up to muddy the waters and then retreat without making anything that even slightly resembles a point.
I understand calling racists racist hurts their feelings, but I'll continue to call a spade a spade. You can deal with the hurt feelings, your feelings are not my problem.
Onward and upward, you racist fighting crusader, you! Heh!
Honestly, I doubt you give a s**t about racism; rather you just like to pump yourself up with a lot of empty, politicized posturing. Then you accuse others of sticking to a "script."
My points have been made pages ago. Perhaps you'd like to reread them, throw away your script, and have an actual conversation. I won't hold my breath, though.
I'm the one who used the word script. What's going on is obvious. Calling basically everyone who's not a member of a political party a racist, while at the same time making a huge show of being racist fighting crusader. It's quite cut and dry and extremely obvious.
The script that I brought up are well practiced rebuttals. It reminds me of how a Jehovah Witness is trained. They are taught a series of verbatim comebacks. Such as "I understand calling racists racist hurts their feelings". The 'you are objecting to racists being called racists' line is one I have heard from several.
Of course the thing is that most anyone who is not a member of their political party is called a racist.
I haven't called any individuals racists because I'm not certain what motivates either of you on this matter.
The not-racists I refer to aren't entirely embedded in the far-right. Many of them are quite moderate on many issues.
That said, generally speaking the left (at least in the Anglosphere) shuts those people down so they don't usually remain aligned with left-wing ideology. The right is more tolerant of them, so they're more likely to end up aligning with those ideologies; the outspoken white supremacists are pretty much entirely aligned with the right. People who fall between not-racists and goose-steppers are made uncomfortable by discussion of working against racism, and go where they're celebrated instead of merely tolerated.
You keep claiming that I'm doing something that I'm not.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
I think in the US any attempt to reconcile inequality is strongly resisted and ingrained culturally with the McCarthy era indoctrination that civil rights groups are in the pocket of international communism. Even though McCarthyism is long gone there is an intergenerational retention of values that make conservative whites deeply suspicious of any talk of social justice as the vanguard of the "red commie infiltration" of the government. Heck! what next they might ban our guns and take away our right to call black people the n-word

McCarthy certainly did a number on the American psyche....even Stalin's propoganda ministry would have been impressed.
Sadly it seems you're still lacking an argument, but since you never had a point to make I don't expect you to suddenly have a coherent argument to impress us with. This is why you appear to be little more than a useful idiot for white supremacists. You barge in belligerently and attempt to churn things up to muddy the waters and then retreat without making anything that even slightly resembles a point.
I understand calling racists racist hurts their feelings, but I'll continue to call a spade a spade. You can deal with the hurt feelings, your feelings are not my problem.
Onward and upward, you racist fighting crusader, you! Heh!
Honestly, I doubt you give a s**t about racism; rather you just like to pump yourself up with a lot of empty, politicized posturing. Then you accuse others of sticking to a "script."
My points have been made pages ago. Perhaps you'd like to reread them, throw away your script, and have an actual conversation. I won't hold my breath, though.
I'm the one who used the word script. What's going on is obvious. Calling basically everyone who's not a member of a political party a racist, while at the same time making a huge show of being racist fighting crusader. It's quite cut and dry and extremely obvious.
The script that I brought up are well practiced rebuttals. It reminds me of how a Jehovah Witness is trained. They are taught a series of verbatim comebacks. Such as "I understand calling racists racist hurts their feelings". The 'you are objecting to racists being called racists' line is one I have heard from several.
Of course the thing is most anyone who is not a member of their political party they call a racist.
Exactly. Framing a discussion about racism from an extreme partisan position is what I find particularly odious. Those who are adherents to a political ideology will always be forced the filter reality through it.
What do you call a hot dog in a gangster suit?
Oscar Meyer Lansky
One of the key features of the autistic mind is it operating independently on its own wavelength. Being that much of an adherent to group-think is something that is hard to grasp. I could not do it if I tried.
Or do you just post about white supremacists all the time?
Wearing your rose coloured glasses too long again?
I was talking about the intergenerational impact of Mcarthyism on American conservative values which relied on instilling fear of in Calvanist conservative christian types that their way of life was in peril from anyone who dared speak of poverty, environment, civil rights or women or gays....
You guys are thoroughly programmed to accept bunk (like many of your fellow Americans) and attack social justice as some type of vanguard of the international socialism

Or do you just post about white supremacists all the time?
Wearing your rose coloured glasses too long again?
I was talking about the intergenerational impact of Mcarthyism on American conservative values which relied on instilling fear of in Calvanist conservative christian types that their way of life was in peril from anyone who dared speak of poverty, environment, civil rights or women or gays....
You guys are thoroughly programmed to accept bunk (like many of your fellow Americans) and attack social justice as some type of vanguard of the international socialism

You avoided my question.
Do either of you proactively do anything towards establishing equality?
Or do you just post about white supremacists all the time?
Or do you just post about white supremacists all the time?
Wearing your rose coloured glasses too long again?
I was talking about the intergenerational impact of Mcarthyism on American conservative values which relied on instilling fear of in Calvanist conservative christian types that their way of life was in peril from anyone who dared speak of poverty, environment, civil rights or women or gays....
You guys are thoroughly programmed to accept bunk (like many of your fellow Americans) and attack social justice as some type of vanguard of the international socialism

You avoided my question.
Do either of you proactively do anything towards establishing equality?
Or do you just post about white supremacists all the time?
Read your own history books Ezra....McCarthyism created generation of brainwashed idiots in the US
Or do you just post about white supremacists all the time?
Wearing your rose coloured glasses too long again?
I was talking about the intergenerational impact of Mcarthyism on American conservative values which relied on instilling fear of in Calvanist conservative christian types that their way of life was in peril from anyone who dared speak of poverty, environment, civil rights or women or gays....
You guys are thoroughly programmed to accept bunk (like many of your fellow Americans) and attack social justice as some type of vanguard of the international socialism

You avoided my question.
Do either of you proactively do anything towards establishing equality?
Or do you just post about white supremacists all the time?
Read your own history books Ezra....McCarthyism created generation of brainwashed idiots in the US
I'll take that continued deflection as a no, you don't proactively do anything towards establishing equality.
And a yes, you just post about white supremacists all the time.

Joined: 27 Oct 2014
Age: 40
Gender: Non-binary
Posts: 30,792
Location: Right over your left shoulder
Or do you just post about white supremacists all the time?
I work ~50 hours a week, I unfortunately haven't had much time in the past decade for actively engaging in social activism. Does this mean I'm not entitled to express opinions on social matters, or just not if they conflict with how you see the world?
What exactly would you consider a concrete example of proactively contributing 'to establishing equality'? Some sort of guidelines might be nice in order to give a reasonable answer.
White supremacism is one of the handful of topics I post about often, it's certainly a topic I find interesting. Generally speaking, ideologies are intriguing to me and I find it interesting to learn about the history and the factions that exist within various movements throughout history.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
Or do you just post about white supremacists all the time?
I work ~50 hours a week, I unfortunately haven't had much time in the past decade for actively engaging in social activism. Does this mean I'm not entitled to express opinions on social matters, or just not if they conflict with how you see the world?
What exactly would you consider a concrete example of proactively contributing 'to establishing equality'? Some sort of guidelines might be nice in order to give a reasonable answer.
White supremacism is one of the handful of topics I post about often, it's certainly a topic I find interesting. Generally speaking, ideologies are intriguing to me and I find it interesting to learn about the history and the factions that exist within various movements throughout history.
I'll take that as a no to the former and a yes to the latter.