Metalwolf wrote:
Dillogic wrote:
It's not uncommon for the lower-functioning folk to masturbate in "inappropriate" places (not unheard of for the higher ones too). You can see why too, as if they're "in their own world", it wouldn't matter to them; public or a bedroom, it's the same thing.
I'm guessing that is what the use of this drug is meant for by the parents, other then just the 'removal' of mercury. The parents are afraid that their lower functioning son will act sexually aggressive, especially if he is already violent (since he seems to have poor impulse control.)
At least, that's what I'm getting from the article anyway

Sorry, but there is a difference for me between masturbating in "inappropriate" places or being "sexually aggressive". The first one will be disturbing for some people, but there is absolutely noone hurted by that. That doesnt mean, that everybody shall be cheering if such things happens, but its not harming anyone either, so there is no need to overreact either. Dogs and Sheeps also are not interested if someone watches them, still I am not violated if the Sheeps, belonging to the farm that is neighbor to me, are doing their thing right in front of my garden.
Inappropriate - Yes. Sexually aggressive - No.
So I understand, that if someones son is physically molesting others, and really does not understand what he is doing, that this is a problem to be solved. But inappropriate masturbating is a problem you can easily solve yourself by turning your head, so physically violating someone with medication because of unphysically violating moral ideas, seems wrong to me.