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Another of the jurors described it in more detail. On the first degree murder charge, the initial straw poll was 10-2 to acquit. On the manslaughter charge, the initial straw poll was 6-6. I suspect the jurors who are in the "she's guilty" camp are more willing to talk, while those in the "she might be innocent" camp are not talking.
It's ironic that you say this on an aspie forum. Many aspies have trouble just paying for an item at the drug stor because the amount of human interaction is too overwhelming. How much more difficult is it to go to the police station and file a missing person report?
I'm not saying she's aspie, but I find it entirely believable that an innocent person might not notify the police about whatever happened.
Besides, according to Casey's story, Caylee drowned accidentally, so Caylee was never missing. It was Casey's father and mother who went a month without seeing Caylee before calling the police.
If that were the case, why not call an ambulance and 911 and don't believe for a moment this girl had trouble interacting with people. She was a party animal who dated Lord knows how many men off of dating sites. That is not someone with limited interacting ability. Plus, she was a model prisoner noted for good behavior. Seems to be no hint of interacting issues there. Don't assume Casey Anthony has problems communicating with others because there is no evidence of this whatsoever.
Also, if Caylee drowned in the pool by accident, why make up a story about a Nanny that doesn't exist. Face it, the justice system let this one fall through the cracks like they have many others and she'll probably go on and do something else.
The justice handled this the same way it always tries to. I think you're letting emotion get in the way. As long as you have full confidence in commercial media's attention to this trial, which is driven primarily by ratings and not by honest coverage, then your perspective will be the same emotionally-charged perspective that the mass media is trying to sell you.
If emotion drove every criminal trial, or if trials were won on as little evidence as was presented by this prosecutor, there'd be many more innocent people behind bars. The idea behind the American justice system is to protect the innocent, not to punish everyone we want to think or are misled to think are guilty. If you were charged with a crime you didn't commit, you wouldn't want a conviction to be so easy to get, would you?
As to "why not call an ambulance..." you should know that there is a petition out for what's being called "Caylee's Law" that is supposed to deter this exact kind of thing. I don't know any details, but I think the idea is to make it a crime not to report a child's death within a certain period of time. I don't know how much good it would have done in Caylee's case, but at least it's a start.
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I can't help but notice that some members are buying into the story spun by Casey's shysters, that she had been sexually abused by her father and brother. I should like to remind everyone that this allegation had been thrown out there, then had never been backed up by any evidence. Sure, child molestation is a terrible crime that should never go unpunished, but as far as I'm concerned, this had been done solely to draw attention away from Casey, and to make her look sympathetic. She threw her family under the bus, and now has ruined their reputations in the minds of many.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Fact is, we don't know for sure if the abuse allegation is true. If it is then it does explain a lot about Casey's behavior as well as the very unusual duct tape evidence and the parents lying and seemingly contradicting themselves during depositions.
Regardless of whether Casey killed her child or not... whether she was abused (or her child abused) or not, its no excuse for her covering up the death of her daughter while under her care.. that's negligent manslaughter right there.
The verdict was the result of the prosecution not charging her with it so that the jury could convict her of it.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Yeah it's strange how there is NO evidence what-so-ever that she was molested and people bought her story and felt sympathy.
There WAS evidence however that she lies alot.
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-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Fact is, we don't know for sure if the abuse allegation is true. If it is then it does explain a lot about Casey's behavior as well as the very unusual duct tape evidence and the parents lying and seemingly contradicting themselves during depositions.
Regardless of whether Casey killed her child or not... whether she was abused (or her child abused) or not, its no excuse for her covering up the death of her daughter while under her care.. that's negligent manslaughter right there.
The verdict was the result of the prosecution not charging her with it so that the jury could convict her of it.
I think her parents lied because they didn't want her to get the death penalty, even though their lawyer said the Anthonys believed their daughter had killed their granddaughter.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
People, people, people, listen to what you are saying (some of you). You believe that in all probability this woman killed her child. Based on this, you think the jury should have convicted her. What you are doing is advocating doing away with the criminal burden of proof in favour of the civil burden of proof. Forget about this particular case for a moment. Do you really think it is in society's best interests for people to be convicted of crimes because there is a 51% chance that they did it?
As Judge Rolfe once said, 'hard cases ... are apt to introduce bad law'.
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As Judge Rolfe once said, 'hard cases ... are apt to introduce bad law'.
I'm willing to concede that the prosecution had overestimated their case, and so have no one to blame but themselves. But for myself, I believe the b***h is guiltier than sin.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
As Judge Rolfe once said, 'hard cases ... are apt to introduce bad law'.
I'm willing to concede that the prosecution had overestimated their case, and so have no one to blame but themselves. But for myself, I believe the b***h is guiltier than sin.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
I agree with you. That's the downside of protecting the rights of innocent people: some guilty ones slip through the net.
There WAS evidence however that she lies alot.
1. Lying is not a capital offence.
2. Lying about one thing does not prove the truth about another.
You missed the point. The point is she lied ALOT why should anyone take her stories of molestation seriously?
Why are you in such defense of her for? There was other evidence submitted that logically would conclude the girl didn't drown in a swimming pool.
Do they do more hurt to innocent people than sending innocent people to jail does? The justice systems of every civilised country say no. In fact the principle that it better 10 guilty go free than 1 innocent be jailed is older than any of our justice systems, going back to Abrahamic times. It's such an important protection of innocent people that it is considered a basic human right written into international law.
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There WAS evidence however that she lies alot.
1. Lying is not a capital offence.
2. Lying about one thing does not prove the truth about another.
You missed the point. The point is she lied ALOT why should anyone take her stories of molestation seriously?
Why are you in such defense of her for? There was other evidence submitted that logically would conclude the girl didn't drown in a swimming pool.
Perhaps most importantly, she lied to the police, which is in fact illegal.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Do they do more hurt to innocent people than sending innocent people to jail does? The justice systems of every civilised country say no. In fact the principle that it better 10 guilty go free than 1 innocent be jailed is older than any of our justice systems, going back to Abrahamic times. It's such an important protection of innocent people that it is considered a basic human right written into international law.
If you were to let 10 murderers back out on the street, that causes more innocents to die. If one innocent person is behind bars, where is the justice in that as well? Both are injustices and a case of justice not really being served and neither scenarios are really better than the other. 10 guilty people going free doesn't lend a helping hand to an innocent person not going to prison.
That logic is being used to justify guilty people who do crimes such as this as going free because hey there's no DNA evidence, where are the pictures showing her murdering her child? How much more evidence do they need and on top of that some of the jurors bought the defense's theory that the child accidentally drowned when it's more probable that she was murdered with all the evidence presented then they turn around and pretend like there wasn't much evidence.
This woman may go out and commit more crimes now taking away an innocent life.
Also, if innocent people are so protected then why are there so many in prison? DNA tests thankfully have set some free but in a case like this the jurors act like they needed to see pictures of the lady killing her child or dna proof linking her to a badly decomposed body. There was no connecting of the evidence, dots, motive and justice was not served.
So while there are innocent people in prison still, I know setting a murderer back on the street isn't going to save innocent people from being found guilty. If this lady were black, she would get the death penalty. If her daughter was autistic, this lady would be given sympathy for murdering her. How biased our justice system is. It's an outrage.