A political assassin. The bomb did not have much chance of taking down the government, just people on the street. Then he targets the youth wing of the Labor Party, their future leadership.
Those who lived will never forget.
One of these countries has been editing the Bible, mentioning Sodom has become a crime. The nation, Norwegians, the future, birth control, and bringing in immigrants who are of other faiths. Some do see this as self destruction.
Unlike other countries, France who invaded Algeria, most of West Africa, or England who invaded the world, who came by their minority populations through their acts, Norway invaded no one. They had a local range.
Importing an alien minority population does seem strange. What next, is Islam enough, or does equality call for importing Hindus in equal numbers?
What is the Jain quota?
There is a liberal view that banning some words, opening the borders, everyone will become the happy brotherhood of man. It has not been working out that way.
It is the same view that produced the Colonial Era, exporting French Culture to West Africa and Viet Nam will raise the people up to embrace all that is French. It raised the people up into a long and bloody war to get rid of the French.
Culture is the most powerful thing and always was. I think it is from Herodotus, three people, one ate their dead, one burned them and one buried them, each was shocked by the others. None would ever consider changing.
So this little story is about old christian closed culture Norway, and some moderns who want to change what has stood for a thousand years.
The French lasted 161 years in Algeria. They had a long run in Viet Nam. There is hardly any cultural impact left over from their stay.
After four hundred years the Romans pulled out of Roman England, no one ever spoke Latin again.
The modern politically correct view, if we just keep saying it it will become true, is doomed to the same fate.
America is not a melting pot. We have third generation Chinese who do not speak English, Mexicans who crossed the border twenty years ago or last week are still Mexicans, and live by Mexican cultural rules. Blacks live in a sub culture, as do whites. In New Orleans we do talk, socialize, are more alike than either with northern people. But we go home to our neighborhood and culture.
South Louisiana worships the Pope, and fifty miles north are Christians who cannot explain what that means, but they are enemies of the Pope. It makes for some great State politics. This has been the case since the Louisiana Purchase. Being invaded and occupied by the Union Army changed nothing.
When W.W.II put guns in the hands of Algerians and Vietnamese, it was like the French came yesterday. Twenty years, millions dead, they finally drove out the French. Then the Vietnamese drove out the Americans, just like they had the Japanese and the Chinese before.
The Great Powers of Europe had agreed to giving these lands and people to the French. They broke laws, killed French men women and children, and took their world back, a world that had died five generations before.
Cultural identity cannot be changed. Akmed the Viking will never fit in. The bones of ancestors in the ground are not his.
Short term thinking has long term results.