Will the US be like a rerun of the fall of the Roman Empire?

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13 Apr 2012, 9:12 am

@ruveyn.I meant like china,japan or the European union.the euro is already double the $ so if it was devalued it could be 10 times more valueble than the us$.which would that they could easily buy many american corporations and land.and china and japan have bought most of our dept

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13 Apr 2012, 9:46 am

vermontsavant wrote:
@ruveyn.I meant like china,japan or the European union.the euro is already double the $ so if it was devalued it could be 10 times more valueble than the us$.which would that they could easily buy many american corporations and land.and china and japan have bought most of our dept

Name an American company please. They're all gone.

There are a lot of multinational companies with HQs in the US, but they aren't American Companies... The days of "What's good for [company name here] is good for America," are over.

A weak dollar would make American an attractive investment and revitalize American manufacturing. That would mean that America could have good middle class jobs again. That is not a bad thing.

A weak dollar and a bit of inflation would be great for most of America, just not the 1% calling the shots.

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13 Apr 2012, 5:22 pm

GoonSquad wrote:
vermontsavant wrote:
@ruveyn.I meant like china,japan or the European union.the euro is already double the $ so if it was devalued it could be 10 times more valueble than the us$.which would that they could easily buy many american corporations and land.and china and japan have bought most of our dept

Name an American company please. They're all gone.

There are a lot of multinational companies with HQs in the US, but they aren't American Companies... The days of "What's good for [company name here] is good for America," are over.

A weak dollar would make American an attractive investment and revitalize American manufacturing. That would mean that America could have good middle class jobs again. That is not a bad thing.

A weak dollar and a bit of inflation would be great for most of America, just not the 1% calling the shots.
makes sense

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13 Apr 2012, 5:53 pm

GoonSquad wrote:
vermontsavant wrote:
@ruveyn.I meant like china,japan or the European union.the euro is already double the $ so if it was devalued it could be 10 times more valueble than the us$.which would that they could easily buy many american corporations and land.and china and japan have bought most of our dept

Name an American company please. They're all gone..

Intel, the latest generation stuff is always made here, otherwise it's stolen.


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13 Apr 2012, 6:01 pm

GoonSquad wrote:

Name an American company please. They're all gone.

http://www.pacamor.com/brochures/americ ... cturer.php

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_co ... ted_States

Google Inc. Amazon Inc. IBM. Apple. Microsoft. U.S. Steel. Polaroid Inc. Ford Motor Company. Stop and Shop. Barns and Noble



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13 Apr 2012, 10:25 pm

I have no idea how to predict what will happen in the US and they won't will care anyway because I am Canadian. All I know is that the US is so unbelievably messed up and nearly everyone down there is crazy. Not crazy as in mentally ill and not being aware of their own behavior or the aftermath of it, but crazy as in CRAZY, if you know what I mean. I believe one reason is that Americans life in a society saturated with stress and nearly everyone is overworked and underpaid. Everyday life seems so miserable that it literally sends pain through my body to imagine what a day in their lives must be like. Not that people aren't stressed up here, EVERYone gets stressed. I get VERY worked up and stressed over things most people don't think twice about. Like how a single bite from a tick could infect me with Lyme Disease and then I will become horribly sick and and my life will be destroyed forever and people will think I'm faking my disease like that lady with seziures and ignore me, leaving me to die all alone and then I'll be buried in an unmarked grave and it will be like I never lived...

I've digressed. And I'm not sure if anyone has even SEEN a tick where I live.

But like I've said, the US has gone insane from an overly stressful lifestyle. All I have to do to see that is watch their news.

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14 Apr 2012, 9:47 pm

"History always repeats itself twice; first as tragedy, then as farce."


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15 Apr 2012, 1:02 pm

As the world reserve we can export inflation.

Our debt is Bonds, long term, fixed rate, and the recent rise of gold, 500%, shows what Bonds are worth.

A devalued dollar is what backs a Yen, so they move in lockstep downward.

This is supposed to drive up other money, making their goods more expensive, as the recent, China must revalue the Yuan upward. China refused.

China, India, Iran, have been buying Gold, Copper, Silver, Iron.

China is now the worlds largest oil producer, and as oil is priced in dollars, the Gulf States seem the fall guys.

All paper money has become worthless, and life went on.


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30 Apr 2012, 11:49 am

If our educational systems continue to decline, we will not even realize a national decline has happened. Textbooks will all still proclaim the U.S. as the greatest nation on earth and the children will love it as they wave their flags.


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30 Apr 2012, 4:27 pm

Inventor wrote:
As the world reserve we can export inflation.

Our debt is Bonds, long term, fixed rate, and the recent rise of gold, 500%, shows what Bonds are worth.

A devalued dollar is what backs a Yen, so they move in lockstep downward.

This is supposed to drive up other money, making their goods more expensive, as the recent, China must revalue the Yuan upward. China refused.

China, India, Iran, have been buying Gold, Copper, Silver, Iron.

China is now the worlds largest oil producer, and as oil is priced in dollars, the Gulf States seem the fall guys.

All paper money has become worthless, and life went on.

Yeah... That being said, late last year, the UAE held a meeting... if the value of the dollar doesn't grow, we're going to be ousted as the currency oil is dealt in... and then we are screwed.

Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.


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03 May 2012, 2:49 am

Feralucce wrote:
Inventor wrote:
As the world reserve we can export inflation.

Our debt is Bonds, long term, fixed rate, and the recent rise of gold, 500%, shows what Bonds are worth.

A devalued dollar is what backs a Yen, so they move in lockstep downward.

This is supposed to drive up other money, making their goods more expensive, as the recent, China must revalue the Yuan upward. China refused.

China, India, Iran, have been buying Gold, Copper, Silver, Iron.

China is now the worlds largest oil producer, and as oil is priced in dollars, the Gulf States seem the fall guys.

All paper money has become worthless, and life went on.

Yeah... That being said, late last year, the UAE held a meeting... if the value of the dollar doesn't grow, we're going to be ousted as the currency oil is dealt in... and then we are screwed.

That has been suggested for the last twenty years, but there is no other to replace it.

More important, what we do produce, Grain, Technology, Weapons, which would then be priced in Gold. All of the weapons systems we have sold need continous spare parts.

We could pull a Soviet Union, we are Russia, and you are all free.

I have some Latvian paper money, smaller than Monopoly money, and worth less. Most former Soviets, have money worth nothing outside their borders. They have to pay in grain, wine, cheese, fruit.

Ex Soviets have incomes from $35 to $200 a month. They lack industry, and must import steel, arms, autos, computers, electric and phone machines, and gas and oil.

Also, they are expected to build their own buildings, defend their own borders, police their own people, and everything they want to do is opposed by two Democratic Gangs, who are modeled on our Washington Freedom.

Both say, "We want to help the people, but they won't let us."

Not only are the good old days missed, Occupation by the Red Army, Stalin is now viewed as a man who got things done.

The world thought they would lose The Great Patrotic War, themselves included, Stalin marched them to Berlin, then stayed, stood up to the West, and created a super power,

Stalin and Beria were from Georgia, Putin b***h slapped the NATO Ally and leveled Uncle Joe's hometown. He trashed Georgia's main port on the Black Sea, sank their ships, and supports a third provence that borders on Turkey. They blew up the only bridge that connects them to Georgia, and are going it alone with Russian backing. He allowed two other provinces to join Russia, and barred the import of Gorgian Wine.

He picked up his old KGB dacha on the Black Sea, and had the Modern Russian Army occupy the beaches, cafes, and night life. They also spend hard exchangable money. They are allowed to sell smuggled Georgian wine in Russia.

Most have CCCP on their birth certificate, and now Russian Passports, money, and are full Citizens.

Turkey calls him, "The New Vlad." With a shudder.

On the other side of Turkey we killed over 100,000 Iraqi's, destroyed their world, then left. Because that is what Freedom is about. From Turkey we are sending activists/terrorists into Syria, to kill children, so the government can be blamed for Child Abuse.

Turkey has been informed that is an act of war, by Vlad, who now holds their northern and southern borders. Their relationship with Syria suffers, also Iraq, Iran, and the Kurds.

Turkey has been cut off, and would get no support from NATO if someone armed the Kurds. Eastern Turkey is Kurds and Armenians, and Iran and Iraq would gladly donate their Kurds to a Kurdistan Homeland, To the west, Turkey can look to support from the Greeks, on Cyprus.

Turkey has been the base that supported Iraq Freedom, now Syrian Freedom and Chetzneian Freedom for the last twenty years, It is time to support a Free Turkey, Kurdistan, and Greater Christian Armenia.

With enough roadside bombs anything is possible. like the recovery of the Seat of The Eastern Orthodox Church in Constantanople.

The Turks have been enticing children to cross from Syria, with candy, murdering them, then planting their bodies in Syria, to destroy the last Christian holdouts and rightful owners of Constantanople.

Syria was the refuge for a million Iraqis, 600,000 Christians, who are now under attack again.

Only Mother Russia and Vlad can drive out the Bedowins and restore the Faithful to the Eastern Empire.

NATO has sold the blood of Christian children for oil, armed desert tribes and called them Kings, as they played their great powers game. The game goes on.

Their guns drove out the rightful keepers of Mecca, who were Syrians.

When Mother Russia is threatened she has never failed to raise a Hero Son up to the task of overcoming the threat. Greeks, Romans, French, Germans, all tried, all were destroyed.

So the Turks want to play Osama Ben Lauden to the Chetzneians? Arming them to kill children in Russia, at schools, concerts, to rule them with terror? The Turks send men with guns into Syria?

Vlad is coming, with 100,000 bears who are his bodyguard, Each is pulling a wagon load of stakes to impale you, They are all around you, the circle closes, they have not come to talk. Notice how the Armenians and Kurds look at you, do you see that faint smile?

What of the 20% of your population who share the same religion as the leaders of Syria?

Those who export terror, civil war, will soon import it.

Rome did decline over time, but each provence lost was like a light going out. It was far away, nothing could be done, and slowly the borders came closer and closer. It was still Rome, till the last light went out.


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03 May 2012, 5:35 pm

Money and debt are imaginary things these days. If everybody chose to stop believing in them they wouldn't even exist.


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22 May 2012, 7:45 am

ruveyn wrote:
Biokinetica wrote:
anarkhos wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
On top of that, Spain had engaged in non-stop (religious) war...

A non-warfaring empire would be a contradiction in terms

War is something that describes the human condition. Not the political construct. One nation can be granted inhabited land through a trade agreement and legitimately declare itself an "empire". War is not necessary.

Give some historical examples, please.


The Louisiana Purchase.

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28 Mar 2013, 9:13 pm

I have not read all 7 pages so forgive me if this has already been brought up.

If any threat were to occur it would probably most resemble the financial collapse of Germany formally know as the Weimar Republic.

In a nut shell they had a currency not directly linked to gold (same as the US). They printed money to pay for the debt owed to other country's. This devalued there own currency (just like the US) but we have done this to a lesser extent. Example, quantitative easing 1,2 and 3 aka QE3. (look it up)

They tried to create jobs to get the market going (just like US)

Eventually hyperinflation took effect leaving there currency worthless collapsing it.

People wanted change and politician promised it to them sadly
this man was Hitler.... I think you know the rest.

My reference is in the link below



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28 Mar 2013, 9:41 pm

just-me wrote:
I have not read all 7 pages so forgive me if this has already been brought up.

If any threat were to occur it would probably most resemble the financial collapse of Germany formally know as the Weimar Republic.

In a nut shell they had a currency not directly linked to gold (same as the US). They printed money to pay for the debt owed to other country's. This devalued there own currency (just like the US) but we have done this to a lesser extent. Example, quantitative easing 1,2 and 3 aka QE3. (look it up)

They tried to create jobs to get the market going (just like US)

Eventually hyperinflation took effect leaving there currency worthless collapsing it.

People wanted change and politician promised it to them sadly
this man was Hitler.... I think you know the rest.

My reference is in the link below


That comparison is also ludicrous. The problems of the Weimar Republic were largely due to the fact that the Allies made a deliberate effort to punish Germany economically for starting WWI. The debt they owed was largely not in their own currency.


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28 Mar 2013, 10:39 pm

marshall wrote:
just-me wrote:
I have not read all 7 pages so forgive me if this has already been brought up.

If any threat were to occur it would probably most resemble the financial collapse of Germany formally know as the Weimar Republic.

In a nut shell they had a currency not directly linked to gold (same as the US). They printed money to pay for the debt owed to other country's. This devalued there own currency (just like the US) but we have done this to a lesser extent. Example, quantitative easing 1,2 and 3 aka QE3. (look it up)

They tried to create jobs to get the market going (just like US)

Eventually hyperinflation took effect leaving there currency worthless collapsing it.

People wanted change and politician promised it to them sadly
this man was Hitler.... I think you know the rest.

My reference is in the link below


That comparison is also ludicrous. The problems of the Weimar Republic were largely due to the fact that the Allies made a deliberate effort to punish Germany economically for starting WWI. The debt they owed was largely not in their own currency.

The US situation is different but the similarity's are striking and the end result could be the same. By end result i mean hyper inflation and a currency collapse. we owe a huge sum of money to foreign lenders I dont know how much off the top of my head but it is huge! We continue to borrow at an alarming rate. no significant spending cuts have been made in proportion to our debt.

QE3 and the prior 2 were en effort to artificially prop up our economy in addition to that we are artificially keeping interest-rates down which is creating another bubble . and by bubble i mean like the one that popped and caused the housing market crash except this time it wont be houses, IF it pops it will be our currency.