NOT GOOD, Connecticut shooter was diagnosed with Aspergers..

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15 Dec 2012, 1:46 am

Surfman wrote:
I found one....

I was reading THIS thread just the other day on Asperger’s Syndrome, when it suddenly struck me – the behavior being described with this ‘syndrome’ thing is the EXACT SAME BEHAVIOR DISPLAYED BY SERIAL KILLERS, PSYCHOPATHS, MASS MURDERERS, AND CHILDREN WHO SHOOT UP SCHOOLS!

It doesn’t take some fancy degree in that psychology garbage to realize that this Asperger’s Syndrome is EVIL, PURE EVIL, and from The Devil! While ALL Syndromes are inherently evil, from the sounds of it, this Asperger’s is the worst of them!

To make matters worse, now liberal’s have put a name to this, instead of just saying ‘These children are evil / born bad / psychos / wrong in the head’, so they can palm them off into ‘cognitive behavior therapy’ and similar nonsense, instead of locking these evil monsters away where they belong – away in a small white padded cell, before they can start killing small animals!................cont


What the fu-...


What the hell!?!??!?

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15 Dec 2012, 1:48 am

Well what I'm trying to say here, is that normally with any case like this.....they first gather criminal history or arrest records and slather them all over the media to give some sense of peace as to why this happened.......and to of course claim the person was bad bad bad.......but the funny thing is they didn't do squat. Actually they would not give revealing information about the shooter......and that left me very "suspicious" that there was something more here.

In case you all didn't know, just a few days ago, in Casper, Wyoming, another boy diagnosed with aspergers shot and killed both his parents too. (I'm starting to wonder if since so many have been diagnosed since the early 1990's with some for of autism, that this is the end of the world as we know it). :D The dude in Oregon, that went whacko with a gun in the mall......had no history of violence, but yet, most considered him quiet, soft spoken and then he just......well snapped. But it's funny, cause even though they say he was "popular" in school.......there is no record of him being involved in extra curricular activities at all.......:D Just think about it.......and then hide your guns lol......I'd prefer to go down with a fight if you know what I mean.


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15 Dec 2012, 1:49 am

alpinedon wrote:
Okay, I just have to say this. I have Asperger's and I too, have been pushed to the point where I wanted to kill. I did. I actually have wondered if some of the other mass shootings that have occurred have been perpetrated by fellow aspies. I know that we are not evil, I know that we do have empathy, but this is what would happen to me: I would get so picked on, so badly that I would just stew and stew and the pain, the isolation, the feelings of injustice would get so bad that sometimes the only way I could imagine I could deal with it was to hurt someone so badly that there could be no doubt to anyone that this person had hurt me. Think about how obsessive we get with our interests. Now imagine being that obsessive about getting revenge, even if it is directed in the wrong direction. It is not the right way to deal with it, I know that now, but it took me many years to realize that I could express myself much more gently. Buddhism helped. A lot. But nevertheless, I, for one, am not too surprised that he may be an Aspie. What I think it means is that people with Aspergers, especially when they are bullied, really need someone to let them vent, or else it reaches a point where it just drives you insane. Unfortunately, most of you are right, the mainstream will not take this the right way, they will probably vilify Aspies in general, and that will only make the problem worse. I know that even now, when I am mad at someone, I always envision lashing out and getting revenge in ways that far exceed the situation at hand, and I bet there are a lot of you out there who think the same way.

You make a whole lot of sense. I can find this kind of features in myself.


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15 Dec 2012, 1:56 am

When I heard on the radio that they thought he may have aspergers, I first thought they were just jumping to conclusions, like it seemed like they did in this video.
But from how he is described in the OPs' link, it does seem that he did have AS.

I am kinda worried about all of this. I'd hate to think that people (even if it's a small number) may end up seeing something that is a fundamental part of who I am, as being synonymous with being a potential murderer who could go on a shooting spree without warning.

I love guns, target shooting and hunting. I can just imagine in the near future another line on the background check form for purchasing firearms, just below the one asking if you've been committed to a mental institution... "Have you been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder?"

I don't want to turn this into a gun debate. I just want to give an example of the possible discrimination that I'm worried could come from all of this.

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15 Dec 2012, 2:02 am

Now its on the front page of CNN near the top graphic "Family member: Suspect had form of Autism"


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15 Dec 2012, 2:05 am

I don't have the right to judge whether Adam Lanza is an Aspie or not. Initially, I'm very angry whenever NTs say stuff such as Aspies are more prone to violence than NTs. I thought, "How dare they stereotype us like that!" But now, I'm trying to figure out why these NTs think that Aspies are prone to violence. (Disclaimer: I still think that "all Aspies are violent" is a stereotype doesn't deserve to exist.)

1. I don't know about other Aspies, but I have a violent temper. I'm trying very hard to keep it in check.
2. My thinking tend to be more black-and-white than most NTs' thinking. If there is a nasty person within a group, most NTs have no problem socializing with all members of that group while staying away from that person. As for me, I will stay away from that entire group because I have a tendency to think that people who are part of the group that the nasty person belongs to might be guilty by association. I'm trying to get rid of such black-and-white thinking, but sometimes it still haunts me.

If a person has a violent temper and happens to hate entire groups of people, argh, maybe he/she will resort to violence the day his/her irrationality defeats rationality.

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15 Dec 2012, 2:07 am

As an aside, I discovered WrongPlanet after a shooting incident in 2005 at a fitness club I think in Orange County, California. The news report indicated the shooter was an aspie, and I heard Alex on the radio (KFI with John & Ken). I think that was about the time I was figuring out what Aspergers was, and beginning to take some comfort in the notion that my quirky and often frustrating life path perhaps came about due to factors that were hard-wired, rather than as a result of personal failures of character or will. Anyway, in this 2005 incident, there had been enough warning signs that the shooter was about to blow...some troubled posts on the Internet (on a WrongPlanet forum?), and he'd written a story about somebody doing approximately what he did (the lead character was named "Natas", which is Satan spelled backwards...not exactly subtle). Alex went on the radio and explained we were all a bunch of time bombs, and people had better start treating us a lot better or we'd rise up and kill everyone. Just kidding. Alex said aspies were quirky but non-violent in the extreme, which I certainly believe. I'd expect that, on the whole, we're more likely to implode than explode. Of course, reality often has nothing to do with the memes that sweep through the popular culture, so I don't think there's much point trumpeting how benign we are. As a practical matter, just shrug and carry on.

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15 Dec 2012, 2:11 am

MindAsh wrote:
anyone can be pushed to kill but i think the connection between school shootings and asperger's if there even is one is that Aspies tend to not only be easy open targets of bullying but also don't usually fight back in turn allowing for them to be bullied not only more in terms of ammount but also in terms of severity and this if anything i feel would be the factor to consider not just them being emotionless aspies which i sure as hell have emotions and even empathy!

also here is a short dislaimer i wrote on my FB page after hearing this

for the record let me state that what i did at school when i was 17 was not intended to cause anyone anything more than a slight scare after having to deal with being treated like sh** on a daily basis for 11 years of my life. i do not advocate harming other people let alone killing and the only weapons i posses are words art and and music also i am diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome but now they'
re saying this shooter and i believe they said James holmes was also diagnosed with AS and the point im getting nervous to go outside because of a mix of certain people judging me for something i did over a decade ago when i was still a stupid young kid that i am nothing even remotely like in my adult life nor since. ive not been in trouble, ive not hurt anyone and if anything i go out of my way to help out people when i can 99% of the time even when i have nothing to gain from it and mix that with having the AS diagnosis that i do along with these monsters commiting atrocious acts and can you blame me now for being just a little paranoid?
As it stands i live by a very strict albeit simple code
1:do not harm yourself or others
2:help out when and however you can but dont expect payment
3:understand it takes all walks of life to make the world go round and remain open to understanding
4:do what you can to make this world better for those just starting out as well as your fellow man
5:do not lie cheat or steal
6:show respect to those who deserve it and do not disrespect those you do not know
7:learn to love and live it
8:try not to vent more than you have to and pass on negativity through such actions
and 10: do your best to give others the benefit of the doubt

with that all being ranted out and said anyone who knows me knows im not a violent person, i don't really hold a grudge, and even tho i can be a bit bitchy or whiny im generally known to have a positive personality so please don't judge me on the actions of monsters or a past which i have done my best to grow up from.

Thank you

a brief backstory
back in school from 1st grade until 11th when i had my incident i was beaten and bullied on a daily basis physically and psychologically even not during school hours i would have groups of local neighborhood kids riding their bikes in circles outside my house threatening to beat me amongst other things daily for hours upon hours and finally after turning to drugs namely valium and xanax i snapped one night shaved my eyebrows dyed my hair black and while still high came up with the idea to fill a test tube with water bring it to school and tell some people it was chlorine gas i was going to put in the vents just to cause a scare as it was tested by the police, it was only water and i had no other weapons/chemicals ect on me i just wanted to the school to have a wakeup call and in hindsight it was not a well thought out way of doing that i've known for a long time now and would never do such a thing again let alone something worse! im rather relaxed and content in life at age 30 and have no real issues with anyone and get along with pretty much everyone i meet but i ended going to a boys boarding school for 5 months following a month in a psychatiric childrens hospital for evaluation. but that turned out to be a great experiencing i grew and learned alot from and had it not happened i may have gotten into worse trouble with age but thankfully since that incident i havent had any legal problems aside from 3 or 4 traffic violations and 1 time lowest level misdemeanor one can get for having a marijuana pipe in my pocket on my way to go for a hike last year and i rarely if ever even smoke but figured it would be a nice day but oops heh. ok regardless i think i made my point and sorry for the rant style but as you all know it happens with some of us :-)
I never had it that bad in school, most of my issues were with socializing. I asked out a girl I really liked back in 8th grade and I couldn't talk to her after that (just not good at talking, she wasn't really like me much in the first place) and she broke up with me after Christmas break was over. Before 7th grade I was even worse when it came to socializing, I still got called names but mostly nothing psysical. I did get punched in the balls and hit in the face with a ball a good few times. The basketballs hitting my face numerous times over the years (started happening in third grade) was mainly my fault, and back then in 8th, getting punched in the nuts or balls was something those guys did to each other too, not just me. I have had longer hippie-like hair for a while(since 8th grade), that got some people calling me gay, and I was picked on by taller people for being average height. I also had OCD all that time too I posted here: about that.

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15 Dec 2012, 2:14 am

He was human. Let's just leave it at that. Aspie, NT or otherwise, a human being is fully capable of violence. He might have been a little more prone to violence, but it's still wrong to assume that AS was the cause. Anyone with the "right" motivation can do something like that.


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15 Dec 2012, 2:33 am

reneeirena wrote:
He was human. Let's just leave it at that. Aspie, NT or otherwise, a human being is fully capable of violence. He might have been a little more prone to violence, but it's still wrong to assume that AS was the cause. Anyone with the "right" motivation can do something like that.

*nods* Agreed.


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15 Dec 2012, 2:36 am

alex wrote:
... about why the holocaust happened. There's no explanation, no reason why, ... .

It's because Hitler had a form of autism, and all of the super-Waffen too, O, and guns, they had lots and lots of guns.

It's all starting to come together.

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15 Dec 2012, 2:37 am

anyone notice this headline today of all days as well? ... hpt=hp_bn2

i know its relatively unrelated but theres 2 things i wish to point out. this happened the same day as the shooting in Conneticut and as i stated above it shows how the problem is not just somthing Gun related as a man with a knife (or anything be it a hammer or baseball bat or even a set of car keys) who is intent on harming others can easily accomplish such pathetic acts without a Gun.

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15 Dec 2012, 2:54 am

MindAsh wrote:
anyone notice this headline today of all days as well? ... hpt=hp_bn2

i know its relatively unrelated but theres 2 things i wish to point out. this happened the same day as the shooting in Conneticut and as i stated above it shows how the problem is not just somthing Gun related as a man with a knife (or anything be it a hammer or baseball bat or even a set of car keys) who is intent on harming others can easily accomplish such pathetic acts without a Gun.

And once again they illude to mental illness, hopefully they don't take it much further. "Initial assessments suggest the man is mentally ill, said, citing Guangshan authorities." per ... hpt=hp_bn2 Dec 15, 2012


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15 Dec 2012, 2:55 am

<--- Has AS and has been bullied but never went on a shooting rampage. Of course, had no access to guns, either.

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15 Dec 2012, 2:57 am

redrobin62 wrote:
<--- Has AS and has been bullied but never went on a shooting rampage. Of course, had no access to guns, either.

Yeah I refuse to own a gun, because my biggest fear is that it'd be too easy for me to commit suicide as I've been taked to the hospital before for it. But thankfully my medicine helps a lot now with my depression that caused it.

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15 Dec 2012, 3:00 am

MindAsh wrote:
anyone notice this headline today of all days as well? ... hpt=hp_bn2

i know its relatively unrelated but theres 2 things i wish to point out. this happened the same day as the shooting in Conneticut and as i stated above it shows how the problem is not just somthing Gun related as a man with a knife (or anything be it a hammer or baseball bat or even a set of car keys) who is intent on harming others can easily accomplish such pathetic acts without a Gun.
The arguments have been going back and forth since guns kill people, or do people kill people? Personally I don't think that's the primary question. I look at it this way: Civilization is based upon restraining our evil impulses. (Some would argue that people shouldn't have evil impulses, but I consider that attitude unrealistic.) If restraint is the key, then either restraint comes from within (we restrain ourselves) or without (somebody else beats us into submission). Seems to me the latter approach may be effective, but it's dehumanizing. I want to live in a world where we have as much liberty as possible; where we can choose our paths. As an eccentric character, this is particularly important to me, because decisions made by the tribal council will not take my particular quirky wants or needs into account. So ideally, I'd like to not shoot because I curb my anger, not because they took away my gun. In other words, I must understand and accept the responsibility that comes with liberty. Same argument with respect to drugs, etc. Of course, you push that philosophy too far and you get anarchy, which doesn't work. There has to be some structure, yes, and regretfully some enforcement. But we must take care. For example, the American Energy Secretary, in defense of outlawing incandescent bulbs, said "We are taking away a choice that continues to let people waste their own money." I suppose he's got a point. Especially if he's managing an anthill. But if we're to live as human beings, I'd rather be convinced than coerced.