The Major Factor underlying the Increase in Rampage Killings

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What is the Major Factor underlying the Increase of Rampage Killings in the last 3 Decades?
Guns. 16%  16%  [ 12 ]
A New Demographic of Males under the age of 26. 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
The loss or abscence of a Social Role in Society. 26%  26%  [ 20 ]
Violent Video Games. 4%  4%  [ 3 ]
Mental Disturbance. 21%  21%  [ 16 ]
Expiration of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban in 2004. 7%  7%  [ 5 ]
Other, Please Comment. 24%  24%  [ 18 ]
Total votes : 76


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24 Dec 2012, 5:55 pm

Media attention; there is no faster way to go from loser nobody to the most famous person on earth.

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24 Dec 2012, 7:18 pm

there are different evolutions of human culture and conciousness.
1.people do what they want but it causes no friction because everyone wants the same things.different cultures develop not because people change but because rivers,oceans and mountain isolate one group of culture from one another.genetic mutation first arises when people become separate from one another but genetic mutation is slow within a culture.
2.then as a culture organizes and becomes a nation kings and emperors mix around the human genetic profile by conquest and through conquest different cultures merge and alter there genetic the huns who came from nowhere(although most scholors believe they came from southwestern siberia but thats unproven) ruled from peking to paris and then just disapeared ,likely after the fall of atilla"s empire they mixed in with the nations they conquered.but there DNA lives in many many nations forever.or another great conquer chengis or some say gengis kahn is said to be a relitive of 1 in 200 people alive today.through conquest or in some cases to spread a culture religion the genentic code gets mixed up.but people are still are not trying not not conform. freud said in calling the 20th century the era of the self where eccentricity caused genetic mutation within a earlier times cultures bickered with each other but rebellion against once own was unforgivable.but the american and french revolution made rebellion seems less an act of treachery but of true was those events that set up for the century of the self i guess i took 100 years for the affects of the american and french revolution to take hold and become the new normal.

.now human culture is at its final stage where rebellion against its own is the new normal and we are down desending into chaos and one tries to rebel anymore they just do what want but because of so much genetic mutation people develop odd random interests,wants,needs,fetishes we have at this point the dna of untold years of human civilization all inside of us and coming out at random unpredicable times.i wont go into for how long human culture has been mutating because i am nor scientist or theologian and i wont speculate as to whethere human culture evolved or was created.i do historical facts thats it

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24 Dec 2012, 8:55 pm

BlueAbyss wrote:

Most of the answers I see, here and in other media, just seem too superficial and simplistic to me.

Doesn't matter if they commit suicide.

They still go out with a bang.

Jeffery Dahmer is stone-dead, but he is still very famous.

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24 Dec 2012, 9:52 pm

aghogday wrote:
There was a mass hysteria among some that it was going to be "the end of the world as we know it", for both calendar events. It will be another interesting correlation if there is a similar dramatic drop-off in rampage killings in the year 2013 and after, as there was in the early years of the 2000's decade. It's hard to say exactly what the straw was that broke the camel's back in the final decision to do these things is, if the straw was outside a person's mind.

It could be in part increased by some specific social pressure. Though it could also be just a normal variation of these things due to their rarity -- it's hard to get good data on something that rarely happens, so the standard deviation can be quite large and the accuracy called into question.

I'm sure the authorities have a complete list with the personal reasons for those who didn't kill themselves (and those that did). Though these aren't usually released to the public officially. Though I guess Cho, Anders, Columbine and some others have released their personal reasons -- I never really had a desire to read their ramblings. I guess that's a good place to look to see what's going on in their minds and to look for anything that may have been from outside of such.


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24 Dec 2012, 11:33 pm

By the numbers, herd pressure, and the ancestors. Killing Native Americans was a high Christian goal, as was the thirteen hour bayonet battles of the Civil War, that left tens of thousands dead. Also settling the west.

It was a type that survived, that acted first, when in doubt.

The genetics that survived, were the ones that crossed an ocean killed the locals, then killed each other, in day to day dealings and in formal war.

Breed that mix for generations, you get TV Preachers, mass murder, and Rock and Roll.

I have traditional values, I would kill my neighbors, breed their women, and spread my being through children, except they are expensive, the women ugly, mouthy, who just watch TV, and the taxes are high.

I respond by ignoring them. They think the same as me, how life would be much better if something happened to that old guy. It is our new Civic Standard. I grew up fifty miles from here in the woods, then moved to the edge of the city as a child. The city has expanded to include my woods.

Small old towns have been engulfed in spreading burbs, a culture clash between the old farm poor, who are now major land holders, Townies, who lost it all to Walmart, and Burbies who spent $300,000 on a plywood box on 1/8 acre.

It has happened everywhere, there is no way out, they are trapped in some fifties folly. There is no vision of where people can go from here.

I traveled, saw the country, it is the same, people have no use for other people, even long standing neighbors. It caught me by surprise when I was living in very rural country, that the few people did want to get to know me, put up with my existing, and made effort to include me in the animals who are not cows.

I had a van with a bed, a little old lady told me to leave the keys in it, keep it full of gas, because they were going to steal it if they ever needed an ambulance. The other choice was the back of a pickup, and sixty miles to the hospital. When it snowed and trucks reported someone broke down, I was told to go pick them up. Someone else gave them a place to stay, got their ride fixed. I was drafted into the culture.

One rule above all others, no matter who, if you see someone broken down, and out there was very large and untraveled, you stop and give aid, because people can die without water. I carried two gallons in my saddle bags.

With few people, they are always short handed, they make use everything.

Crossing that line, when there are excess people, excluding people becomes the norm. I live in well to do surburbia, I can hardly say hello to the neighbors, and some groups are plotting my overthrow. They are unhappy, and blame me. It gives them a reason to form a group.

Our local head of government, Parish like County, and the Lawyer, are facing Life plus 400 years, and are guilty. The Governor, Edwards, his son, three Insurance Commissioners, a Congressman, were all in Federal Prison at the same time.

First Grade Teachers are likely stealing the kids milk money.

Our last Sheriff was convicted of Federal Crime, barred from owning a gun, and continued as Sheriff. The inside story was he was hunting doves in a field that had been baited, and The FBI spread the bird seed, then had the game wardens, Federal, come flying in.

The US Attorney was just fired for fixing cases.

That is only the surface, people do not go to law school to learn how to be honest.

School children know that only some of them are going to make it, and they make war to promote their group. Church schools all over the south, and public education is unfunded.

We have fallen into Social War, Even then, it is not those who have always been on the bottom, it is the White Children of Privledge, who when failing to make the next step into a life of high income, become rage killers.

Under 26 fits with when they discover they will not become over class members.

I also deal with the other side, at my hardware, auto parts, Black guys, who most likely have a police record, but when it comes to auto parts, hardware, are much smarter than all these White Upper Class. It does not pay the big bucks, but they are seen as someone who knows what they are doing, and are of value. They dealt with setbacks, learned on their own, and have a place in life.

White boys who discover they are not going to become doctors, GE VPs, have nothing to fall back on. Losing, Losing, lost...Bang Bang Bang.

We do not have a Department of Culture. We live in a Video Game, an image without logical subtance. Illusions fail.

Game Over.


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25 Dec 2012, 12:01 am

Or Demons.


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25 Dec 2012, 1:20 am

thanks inventor
is that like an eastern thing?



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25 Dec 2012, 4:26 am

I forgot to mention,

I was watching a doctor on CNN speak of the causes of these things, and he listed (I'm guessing this is common thought in medical circles):

Anti-social PD (one of the Columbine killers)
Psychosis (Jared), though he said this is the rarest as they're usually not functioning well enough to go through with the plan
Past trauma (bullying and other abuse)


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27 Dec 2012, 7:21 pm


This documentary tries to answer that question. An experiment with rats is featured at one point that is very interesting.


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27 Dec 2012, 8:22 pm

The population of the U.S is over 300,000,000 and probably no more than 100 a year are slain in "rampage killings" with fire arms. But 40,000 people a year die in auto accidents and I do not hear a single word about "automobile control" other than the usual licensing arrangements.



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27 Dec 2012, 11:00 pm

Nor the tens of thousands of miles of our best land that is paved over for their use, or how they foul the air and water. Autos kill more children in the street than rage killers.

Could 40,000 dead be, "An Accident."

Some murders are discovered because bodies show up. Some are even solved.

About an equal number just vanish, around 25,000 a year, and not many of the 250,000 in the last decade ever showed up again, live or dead.

That might be because no one is looking. A missing person report calls for no action, just wait and see, and the police will not be out knocking a few doors, talking with friends, making any effort at all.

Sometimes like in Detroit, a dozen were found buried in the yard, but no effort was made to discover who the first half dozen knew in common.

Making the world safe from school shooters, will not make the world any safer. "We must prevent .0002% of murder", is the wrong focus.

The lives of more children would be saved by putting cameras on the back of cars, so they could see behind, while backing up. Several hundred a year die that way.

It is all a deal with the Devil, as when after 9/11 more people drove, and excess traffic deaths were higher than 9/11, planes, buildings and all.

Reducing highway speed limits back to 55, would save at least 5,000 lives a year. Just slow down, drive sane, and a hundred people a week will not die. We voted that sixteen people a day is a reasonable price to pay if it cuts four minutes off a thirty mile trip.

An annoying buzzer in all cars that would sound when following to close at the speed would prevent these chain pileups, when people drive bumper to bumper at 70 in total fog, rain, snow, till something happens.

The medical profession kills five times as many by errors. A quarter of a million a year, under the heading, Opps! As it is a Religion, it is not reviewed by government. The local police never investigate. Doctors can get away with murder. They can kill you, and sign the death certificate.

We could do a lot to reduce the overall death rate, but we do not care.

Someone did shoot up a school, movie, one in 330,000,000, in one small place, for about a minute. That is a very small target to prevent. There is no way to predict, and blinding everyone is the only way to prevent. Then you would not need schools and movies.

Of course, overweight, lack of exercize, diet, kill more people than all of the above combined.

I blame video games, they are such low quality, the gore is comic book, We need realism, like when the murder is shown in a South American news paper, with half their head blown off. High graphic billboards of what six people in a car look like, after it hit the bridge.

Congress is doing it's part, soon we will have people starving in the streets, carts coming around to gather the dead, and reality will be outside your door.

I do not know, if I did, I would turn myself in, and throw a brick through their window till they had to deal with me. Perhaps I just have other feelings, and besides, The Department of Motor Vehicles is as oppressive to the people who work there.

I think the fame thing has a lot to do with it, and just reporting some inconsiderate person ruined the movie for everyone, no name, no press, the result would be the same, but no fame for the shooter.

There were two serial killers near me, I never heard, till after they were convicted. They got no fame, it spawned no copycats. Their trials and convictions did not make the press.

As I recall, this all started with the Ted Bundy treatment, serial killer as movie star.

TV in the courtroom? The accused was innocent till proven guilty, so showing the trial is wrong.

After the trial, I can see fifteen minutes of fame, an edited last meal, last walk, and a close up as the guilty was strapped in the chair, and the switch was thrown. None of that mask stuff, smoke coming out the ears.

The Russians have a good method, a little article in the paper, some time in the last few months some thirty to fifty convicted murders were exacuted, somewhere, after their Birth Certificates, school records, all pictures, were destroyed. This is to announce that they never existed.

The only one they gave press, was known to have killed 53, traveled a lot, and they put his pictures and travels, and dates out, because they thought he might have killed hundreds. It was a last chance to clear up a lot of missing people.

They have as many unsolved as we do, as many disappeared, but the press is about captured, disposed of, which makes it look like they are doing something. It is always after the fact, captured, chained, tried, found guilty, going to die. Even their deaths are reported months after the fact.

The story reads, a stray dog that was killing chickens was captured and put down by animal control, sometime last month.


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27 Dec 2012, 11:40 pm

ruveyn wrote:
The population of the U.S is over 300,000,000 and probably no more than 100 a year are slain in "rampage killings" with fire arms. But 40,000 people a year die in auto accidents and I do not hear a single word about "automobile control" other than the usual licensing arrangements.


Seat belts, Air Bags, Anti Lock Brakes; the list goes on. Not all restrictions are enforced by legal requirements, but the issue of fatalities resulting from auto accidents have been effectively addressed over the last few decades and interestingly compared below with the steady increase of gun fatalities in homicides, suicides, and accidents, since a peak low in the year 2000. ... -2015.html



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28 Dec 2012, 9:17 am

aghogday wrote:


Of those 30,000 plus gunshot deaths only 8000 are homicides. The rest are suicides and accidents. There are twice as many suicides by gunshot as their are homicides by gunshot.

The effect of "gun control" would be to deny folks who are tired of living a quick death. Gunshot to the head is quicker and more painless than any other kind of suicide.



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28 Dec 2012, 10:25 am

08 did not bring safer cars and saner drivers, it brought recession, mass layoffs, and higher gas prices. People did slow down, to save gas, and kept their cars in better repair, because they were not getting a new one.

Miles driven are way down, but gun ownership and population are up, and the gun deaths flatline over time.

Gun ownership is also tied up with people's right to off themselves. Do I smell some plan to take away the guns and convert that into Office Hours and Drug Sales?


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28 Dec 2012, 4:20 pm

ruveyn wrote:
aghogday wrote:


Of those 30,000 plus gunshot deaths only 8000 are homicides. The rest are suicides and accidents. There are twice as many suicides by gunshot as their are homicides by gunshot.

The effect of "gun control" would be to deny folks who are tired of living a quick death. Gunshot to the head is quicker and more painless than any other kind of suicide.


There are pros and cons. It also provides children permanent solutions to temporary problems when the guns are laying around the house. Along with the same issue that occurs when guns are left laying around the house and accidents result in deaths.

Israel has it covered with stiff jail terms for guns that are not properly secured, and "get away" from the owner. These type of issues do not require guns bans, only penalties for irresponsible behavior, with a tool of death.

But, irresponsible behavior is the prize, not the lives of the children. Obviously that applies in too many others areas of life than to list in one topic, but not too many that have the "sudden impact" of this issue, other than vehicle accidents, caused by irresponsible behavior.


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28 Dec 2012, 8:05 pm

I believe a lot of it's due to the gradual destruction of morals in this society. If I might be so bold, I will also add that since God was taken out of the schools and is now being taken out of the public eye, things like this have been happening more and more.

I don't want a debate on this. I've said my piece, and I'm moving on.