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17 Aug 2015, 4:18 am

Dox47 wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
For all the defense being given to the rights of business owners who discriminate against Americans who happen to be Muslim, or gay, or black, there seems to be no concern about the rights of those citizens who are discriminated against. The feeling seems to be, if someone owns a business, their rights supersede those of customers of an unpopular group.

No one has any right to the labor or services of another, and honestly, I'm not sure why anyone would want said services from someone who has to be compelled to provide them, as you're giving them your money and they're not exactly motivated to give you anything you're going to like. I mean, if I went into a business and demanded a service that they didn't want to provide me, than returned with the authorities to take it by force, I wouldn't exactly have high hopes that I was getting their best effort, or in the case of food, anything that I'd trust to eat. Private property should be just that, private, with the property holder able to choose who they do and do not associate with, lest freedom be further trampled by this perverted idea of "tolerance" that somehow has come to mean compulsion at gunpoint.

So you'd be comfortable with shop signage that said "we don't serve autistic people"?


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17 Aug 2015, 11:16 am

^Don't be so obtuse. :roll:
The point made does not change and I double dog dare you to go find a business anywhere in the world with a sign that bars autistics. How would the store owner even know if a customer is autistic? We don't have horns.

No one is entitled be comfortable with anything.

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17 Aug 2015, 11:36 am

That's awful! Its discrimination and should not be allowed.


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17 Aug 2015, 1:04 pm

Dox47 wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
For all the defense being given to the rights of business owners who discriminate against Americans who happen to be Muslim, or gay, or black, there seems to be no concern about the rights of those citizens who are discriminated against. The feeling seems to be, if someone owns a business, their rights supersede those of customers of an unpopular group.

No one has any right to the labor or services of another, and honestly, I'm not sure why anyone would want said services from someone who has to be compelled to provide them, as you're giving them your money and they're not exactly motivated to give you anything you're going to like. I mean, if I went into a business and demanded a service that they didn't want to provide me, than returned with the authorities to take it by force, I wouldn't exactly have high hopes that I was getting their best effort, or in the case of food, anything that I'd trust to eat. Private property should be just that, private, with the property holder able to choose who they do and do not associate with, lest freedom be further trampled by this perverted idea of "tolerance" that somehow has come to mean compulsion at gunpoint.

I thought we weren't acknowledging one another's existence from now on.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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17 Aug 2015, 1:06 pm

Butterfly88 wrote:
That's awful! Its discrimination and should not be allowed.

That's absolutely right. But that's the thing about the conservative and libertarian mindset - - they consider the rights of businesses and business owners to be superior to that of customers, or labor.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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17 Aug 2015, 2:08 pm

[...And you can hardly have a cohesive , linked , society is everyone ca tell anyone who comes along , Get out , f*gg*t/Jew/conservative Christian/n*gg*r ! It hardly knits a society together .


Kraichgauer wrote:
For all the defense being given to the rights of business owners who discriminate against Americans who happen to be Muslim, or gay, or black, there seems to be no concern about the rights of those citizens who are discriminated against. The feeling seems to be, if someone owns a business, their rights supersede those of customers of an unpopular group.

No one has any right to the labor or services of another, and honestly, I'm not sure why anyone would want said services from someone who has to be compelled to provide them, as you're giving them your money and they're not exactly motivated to give you anything you're going to like. I mean, if I went into a business and demanded a service that they didn't want to provide me, than returned with the authorities to take it by force, I wouldn't exactly have high hopes that I was getting their best effort, or in the case of food, anything that I'd trust to eat. Private property should be just that, private, with the property holder able to choose who they do and do not associate with, lest freedom be further trampled by this perverted idea of "tolerance" that somehow has come to mean compulsion at gunpoint.[/quote]


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17 Aug 2015, 6:37 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:

I thought we weren't acknowledging one another's existence from now on.

IIRC, you're the one who's doing the boycotting, I simply stopped dancing around the fact that you can't follow my arguments and can't be bothered to learn about what you speak of, and having run out of synonyms for the root words of those traits that would pass TOS muster, have been letting a lot of stuff go. I don't imagine this will be any more productive, but you're not my audience in this case, simply the foil to the argument that I'm laying out.

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17 Aug 2015, 6:43 pm

cyberdad wrote:
So you'd be comfortable with shop signage that said "we don't serve autistic people"?

Of course. Why would I want to give my money to someone who hates me? Is it somehow better if he isn't allowed to express his true feelings and has to serve me through gritted teeth? More importantly, does anyone really think that's going to make the person being forced less prejudiced? Or simply harden their feelings, and push them towards the anti-government camp to boot?

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17 Aug 2015, 6:48 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
That's absolutely right. But that's the thing about the conservative and libertarian mindset - - they consider the rights of businesses and business owners to be superior to that of customers, or labor.

As said by someone who has about as much understanding of the "conservative and libertarian mindset" as he does of quantum physics. I can't so much speak for conservatives, but with libertarians, there isn't a distinction between business owners, employees, and customers, they all possess the same fundamental, inalienable rights, and the right to associate or not associate with whoever they choose is one of those, it doesn't magically disappear when someone chooses to open a business.

Please, spare me the civil rights era anecdotes, if you can.

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17 Aug 2015, 8:57 pm

Dox47 wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
That's absolutely right. But that's the thing about the conservative and libertarian mindset - - they consider the rights of businesses and business owners to be superior to that of customers, or labor.

As said by someone who has about as much understanding of the "conservative and libertarian mindset" as he does of quantum physics. I can't so much speak for conservatives, but with libertarians, there isn't a distinction between business owners, employees, and customers, they all possess the same fundamental, inalienable rights, and the right to associate or not associate with whoever they choose is one of those, it doesn't magically disappear when someone chooses to open a business.

Please, spare me the civil rights era anecdotes, if you can.

Sure, they all have the same rights. Except in practice; then business owners can boot any customer out who they don't like. Do you feel the same about a group of customers who boycott a business, maybe even demonstrate outside it, in order to either make them change their policies, or to shut them down?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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17 Aug 2015, 9:01 pm

And no, I never pretended to have a grasp of quantum physics, as the minds behind that science are astronomically exceptional. With libertarian and conservative thought, as the so called thinkers behind it are so simple minded, even a liberal ideologue like me can grasp it. :P

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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18 Aug 2015, 1:32 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
And no, I never pretended to have a grasp of quantum physics, as the minds behind that science are astronomically exceptional. With libertarian and conservative thought, as the so called thinkers behind it are so simple minded, even a liberal ideologue like me can grasp it. :P

Five years of failing to grasp anything suggests otherwise.

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18 Aug 2015, 1:35 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
Sure, they all have the same rights. Except in practice; then business owners can boot any customer out who they don't like. Do you feel the same about a group of customers who boycott a business, maybe even demonstrate outside it, in order to either make them change their policies, or to shut them down?

As long as they're not interfering with the business, they're free to do as they please, just as the business owner should be free to do as they please on their own property.

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18 Aug 2015, 1:37 am

Please, spare me the civil rights era anecdotes, if you can.
Why ????????? Because they make your arguments of why a " No (fill in here)s Served Here " sign on every corner will make for a glorious paradise more difficult to make ? :wink: :lol:


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18 Aug 2015, 2:06 am

Dox47 wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Sure, they all have the same rights. Except in practice; then business owners can boot any customer out who they don't like. Do you feel the same about a group of customers who boycott a business, maybe even demonstrate outside it, in order to either make them change their policies, or to shut them down?

As long as they're not interfering with the business, they're free to do as they please, just as the business owner should be free to do as they please on their own property.

So, in other words, no, as the whole point is to interfere with the business in order to either make it change it's policy, or to otherwise make it disappear from the face of the earth for it's offensive practices. Again, the conservative/libertarian view on rights is all about the rights of the workplace, and business owners.
As for your post immediately preceding this response: the whole point of our feud is your bad manners. Just because I extremely dislike libertarianism hardly means I'm failing to "grasp anything" for the past five years.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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18 Aug 2015, 2:17 am

ASS-P wrote:
Please, spare me the civil rights era anecdotes, if you can.
Why ????????? Because they make your arguments of why a " No (fill in here)s Served Here " sign on every corner will make for a glorious paradise more difficult to make ? :wink: :lol:

Again, that's the whole libertarian mind set. Leave people to make their own decisions even when those decisions hurt others, simply because they own the business where said other person is hurt. They believe a person who's been discriminated against can just happily go to some other business to cater to them, without taking into consideration that all business owners in the immediate vicinity have the same prejudice. Essentially, they are knowingly or unknowingly agents of supporting the status quo by refusing to support the notion that the rights of customers also have to be respected, regardless of the prejudice of the business owner. They are also seemingly ignorant of the fact that yes, attitudes can and have changed because the federal government has stepped in with civil rights legislation, causing a whole generation to grow up seeing people of all colors - and hopefully soon all sexual orientations - being treated equally, and realizing that any discrimination shown by their fathers had been wrong.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer