Fnord wrote:
Which seems more likely:
1. Trump, Dershowitz, the Clintons, princes, celebrities, Hollywood moguls and global financiers conspiring together to hire invisible stealth ninja assassins to do the actual dirty work? You gotta be kidding!
2. Overworked guards in the understaffed prison working in a brutal system that kills countless people through malice, negligence, and incompetence every year? This seems likely.
3. A cowardly old man seeing no other way out of a situation he put himself into after decades of forcing minors into sexual slavery, and then hanging himself the day after a dumpload of damning evidence and testimony against him was unsealed? This seems more likely.
Sorry. Wrong. It doesn't parse that way. Because those options are not mutually exclusive.
Claiming ninjas broke in and killed him is crazy. He almost certainly died by his own hands. But that's exactly the problem. Everyone knew he was likely to do that.
The guards could have been paid off to look the other way, or someone higher up might have been paid off to accidently on purpose schedule the guards so that there were gaps in observing a guy everyone knew was in danger of suicide. Or accidently on purpose allow him to have bedsheets and his own pants belt (things normally denied to prisoners on suicide watch).
When keeping the guy alive takes action, you don't have to take action to kill him. You just need a lapse in action.
So it could be three, or it could be a combination of one and three.
Incompetence. Or deliberate incompetence. Either seems likely to me.
My actual opinion:I lean toward it being pure three. The guy just did himself in. Hillary, Donald, and Prince Andrew had nothing to do with it. And it just happens look a little too convenient for certain powerful guys. But we don't really know at this point.