cyberdad wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
TRUMP is exciting because he's talking about more tax cuts.
Cutting government services to the bone? creating two Americas where the privileged can pay for their gated communities and armed guards and services are completely privatised to a user pay system.
Welcome the GOP dream, a dystopian future (actually predicted in science fiction) where the GOP descendants live in high tech metropolis which they completely self-fund and the vast majority of Americans live in a wild-west environment where Darwinian principles apply (survival of the fittest) like many third world countries today.
The poor join the army or police to escape poverty and enforce power of an authoritarian GOP government which live in the aforementioned metropolis which is protected by a giant wall call the "Trump wall".
This is the road Trump is taking America and it will create a neo-authoritarianism that many other leaders seem to be imitating around the world.
The biggest thing I see wrong with your comment is the dystopian part. Why? There was nothing about making only $5,000, the year I began college that made me want to give up. I don't understand that. Being poor motivated me to never want to be poor again. So, I worked. And I stayed relatively poor (compared to your GOP analogy) for many years, although I was better off than before college. And my kids watched me work and now they work hard, even my son with Autism. He is a car detailer, he doesn't make much, but he works hard and lives on his own. And he loves his life!
What manner of creature do you speak of that just sits down and gives up because they're poor? This is not the cloth I was cut from, I don't ever want to be like that.
I think you need to ask yourself what sort of message your government has been pumping into your people, if they all just sit down and give up.
Disagreeing with you doesn't mean I hate you, it just means we disagree.
Neurocognitive exam in May 2019, diagnosed with ASD, Asperger's type in June 2019.