slowmutant wrote:
...I can't have any direct knowledge of the Creator. Obviously.
This statement renders everything after it irrelavent. I you don't know anything, therefore you are just making it up.
slowmutant wrote:
This is the way I see it: If God revealed too much of Himself at any given time/place, it would offset the delicate balance of Free Will vs. Belief in God. That's quite a feat, if you think about it. If God intervenes too much, people will be too heavily influenced by Him. If God intervenes too little, no one will have faith in Him.
Perhaps I have missed the sentence in there explaining how you came up with this.
slowmutant wrote:
If a man claiming to be Jesus the Christ showed up on your doorstep one day and offered to forgive your sins, how believing would you be? Honestly?
And if you were witness to a seemingly impossible "miracle," like the sight of someone being raised from the dead, how quick would you be to deny what your eyes were showing you? Honestly?]/quo
There is no visible form God could take which would not be doubted, denied, rationalized away.
You readily admit that God cannot be rationalized. If he existed and had an effect on the natural world, it could be tested and measured. There has been no effect, so it is silly to believe he is there. If he does exist and is simply unknowable and unmeasureable, then he is irrelavent and it is still silly to base you life on something that has no effect on it.