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16 May 2012, 9:01 am

This seems very black and white. It's like saying people who are depressed shouldn't be allowed to try anti depressants, they should just accept themselves the way they are. Some people prefer to tough it out on their own, and that's fine, some people would like the extra help, and that's fine too. Who are you to say that everyone with autism has to accept every struggle they have if there was something out there they felt could help? And it doesn't cure anything, it helps reduce some severity of certain symptoms. It is a treatment, not a cure. It is great for you that you want to just accept yourself, but getting help is a healthy part of life.


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16 May 2012, 9:41 am

So many close minded ideas here sorry to point this out to you but with the mindset that autism doesn't need a cure you could basically say anything that doesn't kill you doesn't need a cure. So polio you should just deal with that I guess and conjoined twins just leave them together because that's "how they are." Think about that a cure would be absolutely outstanding I think and probably optional so why do you care? If you don't want to take it then DON'T if you do then do. also a lot of people are underestimating hugely how advanced and how quickly the world is changing the technology is ridiculous if this isn't the cure they will probably find the cause and eventually the cure this generation has so much to offer there will probably be a cure soon whether you aspies like it or not I would love it personally


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16 May 2012, 3:24 pm

The difference between depression and polio is that those are mental and physical illnesses. Autism is not an illness, but an irreversible developmental delay. Again, it's not something that can be cured, but rather can be coped with.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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17 May 2012, 5:29 pm

Bring it on those autistic pride militants who are happy as they are have no right to stop otheres who may be accademiclly gifted but have server social anxiety / difficulty who more then anything wont to move on from seeking some treatment / coure. If there is found to be a form of treatment thet can aleviate the frustration thet As can bring then it can only be a good thing. those who are up in arms about the posabillity of a cure have not experenced how hard life can be for a high functioning Aspie who wonts to get some were in life but has this problem holding them back.


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18 May 2012, 4:41 am

To my mind the type of Autism my son has is a neurological disorder, presumably as a result of a difference in the way the mechanisms of the brain works. For him it means he cannot talk, is mentally ret*d and is in a diaper at age 5 with no end in site. From where I'm sitting Autism is less of a difference and more of a major difficulty without much to redeem it.
If some drug is developed that can help him learn I would welcome that although I would be very cautious about it until it was proven, I am not desperate to 'cure' him (and the term cure itself I wouldn't use at all).


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21 May 2012, 11:57 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
The difference between depression and polio is that those are mental and physical illnesses. Autism is not an illness, but an irreversible developmental delay. Again, it's not something that can be cured, but rather can be coped with.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Sounds like you just don't want a cure yes you bring up a valid point to disprove mine but that means there won't be a cure? that movie flowers for algernon you think that's unrealistic or that the brain can't be tampered with? Well it probably can only science will tell since I doubt god or Jesus are going to do anything about it or they probably already wouldve by now. Do you think that there won't be a cure or do you just not want one science is catching up with Curing autism from what I've read whether you like it or not and I hate using aspergers so I would welcome a cure


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21 May 2012, 12:32 pm

jcohen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
The difference between depression and polio is that those are mental and physical illnesses. Autism is not an illness, but an irreversible developmental delay. Again, it's not something that can be cured, but rather can be coped with.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Sounds like you just don't want a cure yes you bring up a valid point to disprove mine but that means there won't be a cure? that movie flowers for algernon you think that's unrealistic or that the brain can't be tampered with? Well it probably can only science will tell since I doubt god or Jesus are going to do anything about it or they probably already wouldve by now. Do you think that there won't be a cure or do you just not want one science is catching up with Curing autism from what I've read whether you like it or not and I hate using aspergers so I would welcome a cure

If there is a "cure" it would be genetic modification in utero



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21 May 2012, 5:29 pm

jcohen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
The difference between depression and polio is that those are mental and physical illnesses. Autism is not an illness, but an irreversible developmental delay. Again, it's not something that can be cured, but rather can be coped with.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Sounds like you just don't want a cure yes you bring up a valid point to disprove mine but that means there won't be a cure? that movie flowers for algernon you think that's unrealistic or that the brain can't be tampered with? Well it probably can only science will tell since I doubt god or Jesus are going to do anything about it or they probably already wouldve by now. Do you think that there won't be a cure or do you just not want one science is catching up with Curing autism from what I've read whether you like it or not and I hate using aspergers so I would welcome a cure

What Ruveyn said.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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22 May 2012, 8:28 am

ruveyn wrote:
jcohen wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
The difference between depression and polio is that those are mental and physical illnesses. Autism is not an illness, but an irreversible developmental delay. Again, it's not something that can be cured, but rather can be coped with.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Sounds like you just don't want a cure yes you bring up a valid point to disprove mine but that means there won't be a cure? that movie flowers for algernon you think that's unrealistic or that the brain can't be tampered with? Well it probably can only science will tell since I doubt god or Jesus are going to do anything about it or they probably already wouldve by now. Do you think that there won't be a cure or do you just not want one science is catching up with Curing autism from what I've read whether you like it or not and I hate using aspergers so I would welcome a cure

If there is a "cure" it would be genetic modification in utero


You don't know that nor does anyone so y'all should stop assuming things. The scientists who are working on it are very optimistic and it sounds promising if there was something to cure autism and all that's on the spectrum e.g aspergers it would probably be optional so why are you complaining? Just don't take it but for guys and girls who hate havin it and want to be neurotypical why not? Anyway none of you know more than the scientists so dont go assuming a cure is just for pre birth just because you don't want a cure


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22 May 2012, 11:21 am

nostromo wrote:
To my mind the type of Autism my son has is a neurological disorder, presumably as a result of a difference in the way the mechanisms of the brain works. For him it means he cannot talk, is mentally ret*d and is in a diaper at age 5 with no end in site. From where I'm sitting Autism is less of a difference and more of a major difficulty without much to redeem it.
If some drug is developed that can help him learn I would welcome that although I would be very cautious about it until it was proven, I am not desperate to 'cure' him (and the term cure itself I wouldn't use at all).

If you were asking me, THIS is what the 'cure' would be helping - young kids who aren't high functioning enough to take care of their own bodily functions, and given the opportunity to suffer less from their traits so they can function in an everyday environment, at least to some extent, would be amazing for them. Some people with less severe autism, like aspergers don't have to take it obviously, but it might help some people who struggle a lot as well. As with any medicine development, there will always be people for, and people against it.

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22 May 2012, 11:58 am

jcohen wrote:

You don't know that nor does anyone so y'all should stop assuming things. The scientists who are working on it are very optimistic and it sounds promising if there was something to cure autism and all that's on the spectrum e.g aspergers it would probably be optional so why are you complaining? Just don't take it but for guys and girls who hate havin it and want to be neurotypical why not? Anyway none of you know more than the scientists so dont go assuming a cure is just for pre birth just because you don't want a cure

I do not think there is a cure short of selective breeding or genetic modification. Autism is in our genes either directly or epigenetically. Like cystic fibrosis.

The 1 % has been with us since homo sapien appeared on earth.



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22 May 2012, 3:20 pm

OliveOilMom wrote:
Xenu wrote:
Delphiki wrote:
Who says you need to take it? If are going to go with the x-men analogy some took the cure, but (I think) most didn't

Did you even read what I wrote? I wouldn't take it. But the people who would I honestly don't even think should have been born if they are willing to change themselves into a different person. The quirks and traits we have because of it aren't flaws or a disease! It's a part of who we are and if we were "cured" we would be a different person. How do you think people would react if a "cure" for being gay was found?

<< Edited, by Mummy_of_Peanut, to remove expletives. >>

AS causes problems for some people, even when other people and their actions aren't involved. It's taken me a long time to learn to deal witth mine and to learn to try and respond in a normal manner and not overreact, and I like responding normally and not overreacting. I like being able to talk to people. I like being able to speak up, make eye contact, etc. Yes, I learned that on my own but there are some people who can't and who wan't to experience the fullness of life but can't because of their AS.

I suppose you may think that I should never have been born because I've learned to deal with my AS and act normally. Thinking that those who want a cure shouldn't have been born is pretty crazy. You may be proud of your AS and happy to have it and that's great, but it's not up to you to decide that everyone must feel as you do. I'm fine with people not wanting a cure, but if there was one available I'd take it no matter what you or anyone else thinks.

It's hypocritical to say that those who would want a cure should't have been born. You would be furious if somebody said those with AS shouldn't have been born because they don't act and think like NT's, yet you have no problem saying that some people with AS shouldn't have been born because they don't act or think like you.

Hypocrit much?

Seriously cannot agree with this guy more. Reuven, Yes it would obviously be impossible at the moment because we don't know what really causes autism. But there are huge breakthroughs in finding out what causes autism and finding ways to reduce the symptoms. Genetic modification? have you not read about what they are working on. They are finding out the genes and DNA that causes autism once they have that which i bet in 10 years at the speed this generation is moving at they can target that and maybe look for the other causes and who knows maybe not now, but in 10-20 years maybe they will have a cure would that be a bad thing? as long as it's optional i don't know why it wouldn't be a miracle.


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22 May 2012, 3:28 pm

jcohen wrote:
OliveOilMom wrote:
Xenu wrote:
Delphiki wrote:
Who says you need to take it? If are going to go with the x-men analogy some took the cure, but (I think) most didn't

Did you even read what I wrote? I wouldn't take it. But the people who would I honestly don't even think should have been born if they are willing to change themselves into a different person. The quirks and traits we have because of it aren't flaws or a disease! It's a part of who we are and if we were "cured" we would be a different person. How do you think people would react if a "cure" for being gay was found?

<< Edited, by Mummy_of_Peanut, to remove expletives. >>

AS causes problems for some people, even when other people and their actions aren't involved. It's taken me a long time to learn to deal witth mine and to learn to try and respond in a normal manner and not overreact, and I like responding normally and not overreacting. I like being able to talk to people. I like being able to speak up, make eye contact, etc. Yes, I learned that on my own but there are some people who can't and who wan't to experience the fullness of life but can't because of their AS.

I suppose you may think that I should never have been born because I've learned to deal with my AS and act normally. Thinking that those who want a cure shouldn't have been born is pretty crazy. You may be proud of your AS and happy to have it and that's great, but it's not up to you to decide that everyone must feel as you do. I'm fine with people not wanting a cure, but if there was one available I'd take it no matter what you or anyone else thinks.

It's hypocritical to say that those who would want a cure should't have been born. You would be furious if somebody said those with AS shouldn't have been born because they don't act and think like NT's, yet you have no problem saying that some people with AS shouldn't have been born because they don't act or think like you.

Hypocrit much?

Seriously cannot agree with this guy more. Reuven, Yes it would obviously be impossible at the moment because we don't know what really causes autism. But there are huge breakthroughs in finding out what causes autism and finding ways to reduce the symptoms. Genetic modification? have you not read about what they are working on. They are finding out the genes and DNA that causes autism once they have that which i bet in 10 years at the speed this generation is moving at they can target that and maybe look for the other causes and who knows maybe not now, but in 10-20 years maybe they will have a cure would that be a bad thing? as long as it's optional i don't know why it wouldn't be a miracle.

In ten or twenty years, I'll be in my fifties or sixties, much too late to enjoy the benefits of such a cure - if I even wanted to take it - and Ruveyn will be dead.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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22 May 2012, 5:52 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:

In ten or twenty years, I'll be in my fifties or sixties, much too late to enjoy the benefits of such a cure - if I even wanted to take it - and Ruveyn will be dead.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Would you like to bet?



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22 May 2012, 6:14 pm

ruveyn wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:

In ten or twenty years, I'll be in my fifties or sixties, much too late to enjoy the benefits of such a cure - if I even wanted to take it - and Ruveyn will be dead.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Would you like to bet?


Okay, you're too cankerous to die.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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22 May 2012, 8:50 pm

ruveyn wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:

In ten or twenty years, I'll be in my fifties or sixties, much too late to enjoy the benefits of such a cure - if I even wanted to take it - and Ruveyn will be dead.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Would you like to bet?


:D only the good die young, and if that is the case Ruveyn will outlive us all. :wink:

All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
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