The debate is over: The oceans are in hot, hot water
sly279 wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
I think where there's a conflict of interest ( i.e. holding high office and accepting donations from advocacy groups ) then the person should be removed aforementioned high office for not representing the actual interests of their respective electorates.
The US system of accepting donations comes across as "bribes"
The US system of accepting donations comes across as "bribes"
Just for republicans I imagine
What about democrats?
What about democrats who invest in gun companies then push gun control which causes increased gun sales thus making them millions. If it doesn’t pas then get richer if it passes they still get richer and cash out before the falls and score points with anti gun people. It’s win win.
Bloomberg has bought votes in my state and owns our governor.
I don’t think any out of state funding or donations should be allowed.
They represent Oregon not New York billionaires
Yep I mentioned democrat Al Gore's investment portfolio including shares in the petrochemical industry