sacrip wrote:
So I won't try and convert you, and you don't call me stupid for my faith. Deal?
Nice try, but you don't get away with it that easily. No deal!
sacrip wrote:
I feel God inside of me.
So your entire argument is that you 'feel' it. What about all the people who are delusional due to various mental disorders. If your 'feeling' is valid and immune to question and rationale, then surely their feelings must be too? Why should you get special treatment? Ergo the man who believes he can fly unaided is in fact entirely sane and rational and everyone who denies his great power simply don't 'feel' it and are axiomatically incorrect despite overwhelming evidence that the lunatic can not indeed fly. Luckily he may swiftly be disproved as he jumps off a ten story building and falls to his death. Sadly he challenged the laws of gravity whereas you challenge something which won't plunge you headfirst into a pavement at 200 miles per hour. Still, one can dream.
sacrip wrote:
They had no proof because there is no proof that an atheist will accept.
I'd accept proof, you know the kind of proof that ACTUALLY proves something? I'd accept that, but I've yet to see it and nor have you. Besides, how do you know what I will and will not except? Hmm? Are you adding mind reading to your list of make-believe skills? So that's mind reading, feeling the presence of god inside you...excuse me for going of course here, but where exactly do you feel him? In the mind I assume? Or the soul? I suppose you believe in that too?
sacrip wrote:
To the atheist, God died when science was born.
He never lived, so I fail to see how something that never existed could have the capacity to die, expire, kick the bucket or otherwise...No wonder you believe in god. All rationality has long since departed from you. And you sound like you are implying that atheists existed before science... So what did atheists do BEFORE science was born? Did they believe in god and play ping pong?
sacrip wrote:
But the believer, the theist, isn't someone who just closes their eyes denies the facts of biology and physics.
You may not deny facts of biology and physics, but you render them irrelevant by pasting over them with a fairytale that cannot be disproved due to its vague nature. I expect everything becomes a matter of "god intended it to be that way" with you. Why can I not see god? Oh that's right, i've closed my eyes to him and in his infinite power he doesn't want to open my eyes. Of course he MUST be able to, he is omnipotent right? So what's the deal? He chose not to let me see the 'truth' can explain that to me. Go ahead.
sacrip wrote:
I believe in God not because I have solid evidence of His existence, but because I don't need it.
If we start believing in things without evidence where does it end? You still believe in santa don't you? Come on, admit it! There will be coals in your stocking, little boy.
sacrip wrote:
I know He's there.
there is he? Well
I know that a small elephant by the name of Gerald is
there, and if you were to ever be
there with him, he'd entertain you with a rendition of La Cucaracha on the spoons. I FEEL Gerald the elephant's presence. I KNOW he's there. I can't explain it to you, you'll never understand, and you'll never convince me otherwise. And when you die and go before Gerald's cosmic jury he'll pass judgement on you and sentence you to a eternity of opening stubborn jars with stuck lids because you didn't believe in him. Then you'll be sorry!
Oh wait, I just realised that saying "I know" doesn't equate to being right. Silly me. What's that, you still haven't realised?
sacrip wrote:
I can't explain it to you, you'll never understand, and you'll never convince me otherwise.
What a cop out. I'll NEVER understand? Once again, I ask, how are you privy to the events of the future? Your presumptions illuminate your foolishness like a neon sign. If there was anything TO understand, and if god was at all FAIR, surely I would have at least some chance of understanding?
So you believe in an unfair mean spirited god, do you? Must be motivated by fear. Figures. Perhaps you'll talk to god and get him to send me down a doughnut. He can parachute it down to me. Might as well put his infinite power to good use, after all I'm hungry and I'd certainly believe in him then! Make sure you ask for those little multicoloured sprinkles too. If it's not the best doughnut I've ever tasted I will be most displeased. Smell ya later, quaint little deluded fellow.
Wait, your post isn't meant to be sarcastic is it? I can't tell...