Journalist's Vaccine Piece Spurs Hate Mail

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28 Oct 2009, 4:56 pm

Journalist's Vaccine Piece Spurs Hate Mail


Journalist Amy Wallace's article in the November issue of Wired Magazine about the passionate, and sometimes angry, debate over whether vaccines cause autism drew some vitriolic response.

"I've heard a lot of anger. I've heard that I'm stupid. I've heard that I'm greedy. I've heard that I did this to get famous," Wallace tells NPR's Melissa Block. "I've heard that I'm a whore; I'm a prostitute."

Wallace's article, An Epidemic of Fear: How Panicked Parents Skipping Shots Endangers Us All, profiled pediatrician Paul Offit, who invented the vaccine for rotavirus, and is a lightning rod for criticism in the anti-vaccination community. Last year, Offit's book, Autism's False Prophets, which says any risks of vaccination are dwarfed by the risk of childhood disease.....

Here is a link to the Wired Magazine Article: "An Epidemic of Fear: How Panicked Parents Skipping Shots Endangers Us All"

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28 Oct 2009, 5:21 pm


You contradict bigots. How do they respond?


Funny if it wasn't sad.


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28 Oct 2009, 11:03 pm

So typical of them.



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29 Oct 2009, 12:49 am

That was an awsome article.

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29 Oct 2009, 10:19 am

We may quote statistical evidence suggesting
that any association between vaccines and autism
is coincidental till we're blue in the face. I'm the
first to admit, however, that it's hardly any
consolation to the persons who see such change
in their children and are trying to understand what happened.

I'm tempted to compare this to Dodi Fayeed's father's
belief that Dodi and Diana, Princess of Wales, were
murdered: Accidental events seem to be no explanation
at all for what happened in each case.


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29 Oct 2009, 2:45 pm

So why isn't the tuna industry getting hit? There's probably more mercury in a tin of tuna than there is in the Thimersol in a flu shot.


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30 Oct 2009, 10:47 am

Sure but would you inject it directly into your body? I mean.... I dunno... I'm just putting it out there.... :roll:

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30 Oct 2009, 1:39 pm

With heavy metals (such as mercury), I believe that ingesting them by eating is pretty much the same as injecting them directly into your bloodstream. They enter the bloodstream through your digestive system.

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30 Oct 2009, 2:23 pm

Injection, ingestion and inhalation are all effective vectors for heavy metal contamination.

A simple risk/benefit analysis puts the lie to the vaccine hysteria. Influenza is potentially lethal, especially in at-risk populations. H1N1/09 demonstrates higher virulence, and greater lethality among populations that demonstrate little susceptibility to seasonal flu (particularly young adults with no underlying condition).

Vaccine reactions are possible (though not primary infection, since flu vaccines contain inert viral material). Reactions to the adjuvant, the growth medium or the preservative are all possible. But given the 100,000:1 odds of a vaccine reaction, versus the 1:3 odds of exposure to the flu virus, and a 0.1% lethality rate, the risk of reaction is still less than the risk of serious disease or death from seasonal flu or H1N1.



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01 Nov 2009, 1:30 am

just finished reading the article about 4 hours ago...;) Hadn't realized his books' been on the home page since I don't know when...;)

small world. All that hate, and nothing from the AS community.

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01 Nov 2009, 8:14 am

This reaction isn't that strange, it's like that when you criticize fringe groups in general, do it to the Nazis and you're a Jew who is working for the Muslims, do it to the Ron Paul supporters and you're a "disinfo agent" working for the government, so on, so on. When logic fails, you can always rehearse your dogmatic prejudices.


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01 Nov 2009, 10:18 am

Douglas_MacNeill wrote:

I'm tempted to compare this to Dodi Fayeed's father's
belief that Dodi and Diana, Princess of Wales, were
murdered: Accidental events seem to be no explanation
at all for what happened in each case.

For the Conspiracy Theorist there are no coincidences. All things are planned by Them.



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07 Nov 2009, 11:54 pm

visagrunt wrote:
Injection, ingestion and inhalation are all effective vectors for heavy metal contamination.

A simple risk/benefit analysis puts the lie to the vaccine hysteria. Influenza is potentially lethal, especially in at-risk populations. H1N1/09 demonstrates higher virulence, and greater lethality among populations that demonstrate little susceptibility to seasonal flu (particularly young adults with no underlying condition).

Vaccine reactions are possible (though not primary infection, since flu vaccines contain inert viral material). Reactions to the adjuvant, the growth medium or the preservative are all possible. But given the 100,000:1 odds of a vaccine reaction, versus the 1:3 odds of exposure to the flu virus, and a 0.1% lethality rate, the risk of reaction is still less than the risk of serious disease or death from seasonal flu or H1N1.

Actually, the flu isn't really that bad. It's completely blown out of proportion, and for good reasons too. They want money. I mean, come on.. The government claimed that 90000 people would die this year from H1N1, yet only like.. 5000 or so have died? And we've peaked our flu season too, so death rates will be dropping.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people? It is a well known fact that the media lies to the public, and quite often, yet most people seem to just buy into their crap anyways. The seasonal flu isn't as dangerous as they claim, H1N1 is far less dangerous than the seasonal flu, and flu vaccines have been shown on many cases to be ineffective. Also, infection rates have only RISEN over the last 8 or so years. Let's not forget the fact that most vaccines also weaken your immune system for about TWO WEEKS after getting them. Oh yeah, they're just WONDERFUL.

I don't care if vaccines cause autism or not. Most people I know who have gotten a flu shot get sick right afterwards, that alone is enough for me to say, "forget that!" Not to mention the chance of it actually working is low. No thanks, there are plenty of natural solutions to preventing the flu. Vitamin D3 is one among many.

You guys can continue to get injected and further mess your body up with all the garbage they put in those things, but not me.

Permanently inane.


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09 Nov 2009, 1:27 pm

Actually, the flu isn't really that bad. It's completely blown out of proportion, and for good reasons too. They want money.
bull, it has got greater incidence in adults than an ordinary flu.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people? It is a well known fact that the media lies to the public,
It is also a well known fact that people insisting that the media is always wrong probably suffer from paranoia, have been the victim of internet hype or are pushing strange agendas.

The seasonal flu isn't as dangerous as they claim
Sure, if you are a teen/young adult you are not going to die. But vaccines exist to protect infants, elders and people with immune-deficiency from it. Sure a flu is not going to kill you but if you refuse to build a good herd immunity, you will put their lives at risk. Some of them can't get a vaccine without high risks. Instead, you are probably going to have it easy to get it.

H1N1 is far less dangerous than the seasonal flu, and flu vaccines have been shown on many cases to be ineffective. Also, infection rates have only RISEN over the last 8 or so years.
wild claims require strong evidence, I see no such links unfortunately.

infection rates rising? Could it be due to vaccine fearmongering?
Let's not forget the fact that most vaccines also weaken your immune system for about TWO WEEKS after getting them. Oh yeah, they're just WONDERFUL.
If you are the sort of guy that worries about an slight weakening of your body for two weeks, then you probably are not going to enjoy seasonal flu too much, as it is a serious weakening of all your body's functions and not just a slight one in the immune system, uh oh.
Most people I know who have gotten a flu shot get sick right afterwards, that alone is enough for me to say, "forget that!"
any more anecdotes you want to bring?
Not to mention the chance of it actually working is low.

Wild claims require strong evidence.

No thanks, there are plenty of natural solutions to preventing the flu. Vitamin D3 is one among many.

You know, it is always the case, a guy comes spilling tons of attacks against vaccines and right in the same post he advertises some supplement or natural medicine - news flash, vitamin makers make money too. Also, although vitamin D deficiency is likely to cause you issues. Getting too much of it is not going to do squat at preventing any flu.

You guys can continue to get injected and further mess your body up with all the garbage they put in those things, but not me.
oh god...



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09 Nov 2009, 3:26 pm

It chills me as a parent to see people exposing their kids to polio and other diseases that kill and maime out of the fear of austim. There is no real facts to back up the claim other then age when most kids with classic austim present and we all know know there are signs far before the age or 2yrs that if we are looking for we can find. My sons not dead,retared or any other way "lost". Are they that afraid of having a disabled kid that they much rather have a dead one? Sicking....