shadfly wrote:
EC wrote:
On all counts: Conspiracy BS.
It's not like the OFFICIALS aren't crying wolf either. The same pattern tends to be repeated:
1. declare that the sky is falling.
2. exaggerate the nature of the threat.
3. promulgate a magic bullet fix to the problem.
4. imply that the skeptics are deranged conspiracy theorists.
5. repeat endlessly and forcefully on all available media 1, 2, 3, and 4
...but all of the videos you posted were of conspiracy theorists, and promoting conspiracy theories. Vaccines work, and denying that shows a profound ignorance, or closed mind(Thank you, pseudo-science!). There is no intellectual basis for the claims that vaccines are evil, and in this particular case about the swine flu, the people who are pushing it are idiot conspiracy theorists(Alex Jones, et al), ignorant people, and Ron Paul supporters(they're a bit of both column A and B). Not being vaccinated puts not only yourself and other people at risk, but the entire country because if herd immunity drops below 85%, things like Measles, Mumps, and Rubella can re-surface just like what happened in Britain after the giant f**ktard Andrew Wakefield propogated his MMR-vaccine scare. The reason officials might be concerned is because there's a very real danger of a pandemic...? Or they might be Reptilians working for the Bilderberg group, trying to kill 80% of us so the NWO can move us all in giant dome-cities so they can better manage and control us. Come on, dude, don't believe these psychopaths. Our leaders are not Reptilians, governments are not fronts for the NWO, and vaccines are not just another way to kill us.