Ladysmokeater wrote:
Alex, that is true, but if they make it more difficult to do XYandZ at work then it also shows that they are enforcing that policy in some manner or another.
I taught computers to 8th graders some time ago and the school took solitare off all but one PC, mine. This was to "keep the kids from playing while they were working on assignments". SO they did other demented things because they lacked stuff to do when done with their work. One that I STILL chuckle over was changing the automatic spell correct in the WORD program to change people's names to vulgarities and other words to oppisites or something totally random (like love to hate, or dog to coffee). The kids were made to correct it, and got lunch detention for tampering with the software, but it WAS funny. They also loaded simple games into the computers and renamed the files so I "wouldnt find it". It was clever but I still found it. Snow ball I think the game was.... I looked up one day and the entire class, all 27 of the were playing snowball.... hahaha. one of those kids loaded it onto the network in another classroom.... Brilliant really. ah but I digress....
I agree that the solitare thing was harsh, the situation reeks of a person they were "looking" to fire.
Yeah, that is pretty funny. At my high school, my brother knows a kid in his math class who downloaded Super Mario onto his graphing calculator (one with a USB port). The teacher hasn't even caught him yet! I thought it was pretty clever, eventhough I'd want to just get my work done to get out of the class.
I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.