As usual, follow the money.
While having several names does make the study of the field harder, learning about a half dozen related conditions, one ASD Class creates millions of conditions which take a professional to sort out. So more office hours.
I find Asperger's alone to be too broad. To some it is a gift, to others a curse, and fitting both in the same group leads to confusion.
One ASD with some standard sorting would work better.
First it elimanates conditions not covered. Currently the field is a mess of covered, treatable, untreatable, and so some get over Dxed, so they can get services, yet in dealing with it, they are dealing with a condition they do not have. This also leads to medicating people who do not need it.
While the names are confusing, and often group things that do not group, a 1 to 10 scale would work.
The easiest to figure out are LFA, they need services. As the condition is not a single point, some higher functioning people do have the same problems, but only in one area. Scanning the whole person makes sense.
Someone can appear high functioning, yet stim like mad, have gut problems, and a Dx of Asperger's does not deal with that. So targeted treatment across the board for actual problem areas would work.
Also on follow the money, making available dollars go farther in delivering only the treatment needed.
While I often bash the psychobabble religion, just in autism they get problems thrown at them, such as gastrointestinal, Neurological, that they were never trained for.
The gastrointestinal folks know nothing of autism. Time for some cross training.
The rising concept that everyone is nuts fits the facts. It is just a matter of degree. As Jung said, "Show me a sane man, and I will cure him."
Mental Health, it is not just for whack jobs and ret*ds anymore, it is a problem across the whole of humanity.
Asperger's brings up that point. High functioning people in technology, they make great money, they would not want anything on their record, but they do need treatment, if they are ever going to get a date.
How wide is the ASD Spectrum? I would say 10% of the population. Maybe 1/10 of those need clinical and social services protection, but the rest could use some help.
Tony Attwood has a point that people will accept Asperger's, but not autism. He should also notice that his books are read by more people than we think there are Asperger's. His stuff is a crossover hit with the non clinical.
I have been calling these people Half-Aspies. This halo is large, and functions well, but the problems still exist. IT workers who live on Malox, are on their third marrage, or never had a date, the problems are real.
Mental Health used to be easy. Electro shock, ice water baths, near lethal doses of Thorizine, problem solved. Then the Supreme Court ruled that they could not lock up people for life who had done nothing. Later Dick Cheney refused to let their methods be used at Gitmo. Then there was that United Nations thing, something about Human Rights.
Mental Health work does have an image problem.
With High Functioning Autism, they are now dealing with people who are a lot smarter than they are, have more and higher degrees, and do question the validity of the whole field.
More than the DSM is in need of reform.