UK Tories stung by autism gibe from French minister

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05 Nov 2009, 9:28 am

The Conservative leadership came under double attack today when two frontbench Eurosceptics resigned and a French minister accused the party of political “autism”.

Click here for full article ... 904106.ece

Your thoughts on their choice of language?

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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05 Nov 2009, 10:19 am

For some reason i don't know, also people here in Spain may call you autistic as a way of disapproving your behavior. Of course without knowing what the word autism implies, and disrespecting all the families who struggle with their autistic kids.

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05 Nov 2009, 6:57 pm

I am getting annoyed at the way that politicians and some of the media are using the word 'autistic' as an attack on behaviour they don't like/understand. I find it deeply offensive, insulting towards the autistic community and statements like this just create further barriers of understanding about what living on the spectrum actually means.

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05 Nov 2009, 7:03 pm

I am suprised I have never heard that one before especially since the US is the most politcally disfunctional land on the face of this earth and I live in the most corrupt state in the union.I remeber when sarah palin kept on mentioning the fact she had a kid with down syndrome but I also rememeber she never showed the kid publicly,like she was ashamed or something I will never vote for a republican as long as I live.If they win the next election I am moving to the great white north or become a hermit.

When will they learn,all Humans are equaly inferior to robots-Bender
You idiots I said Peaberry this is sandalwood,Bender if you cant push sandalwood your not cut out for this league.


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05 Nov 2009, 8:40 pm

MagnusArmstrong wrote:
I am suprised I have never heard that one before especially since the US is the most politcally disfunctional land on the face of this earth and I live in the most corrupt state in the union.I remeber when sarah palin kept on mentioning the fact she had a kid with down syndrome but I also rememeber she never showed the kid publicly,like she was ashamed or something I will never vote for a republican as long as I live.If they win the next election I am moving to the great white north or become a hermit.

Uh, the Great White North is where Sarah Palin and her way too large family and out of wedlock grandbaby that's just 7 months younger than her own child live. You may want to rethink that.


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05 Nov 2009, 8:54 pm

she meant the other great white north, the one to the right of alaska


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07 Nov 2009, 2:17 pm

MagnusArmstrong wrote:
I am suprised I have never heard that one before especially since the US is the most politcally disfunctional land on the face of this earth and I live in the most corrupt state in the union.I remeber when sarah palin kept on mentioning the fact she had a kid with down syndrome but I also rememeber she never showed the kid publicly,like she was ashamed or something I will never vote for a republican as long as I live.If they win the next election I am moving to the great white north or become a hermit.

no she had her oldest daugher hold the baby to cover up the baby bump and I rember a shot of one of the younger girls with the little guy. I didnot how ever like the fact she went to Texas while in labor with him knowing that kids with downs are more prone to needing extra help following birth to get breathing and are also prone to heart malfuntions.