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16 Feb 2006, 9:48 pm

The Mormon Church teaches American Indians are descended from a lost tribe of Israel, but modern DNA test results contradict that tenet.
The DNA tests reveal the ancestors of the American natives came from Asia, not the Middle East, thereby casting doubt on many of the historical depictions found in the Book of Mormon, a 175-year-old book of religious facts the church regards as literal and without error, The Los Angeles Times reported Thursday.
The Book of Mormon is the central doctrine that divides The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from other Christian faiths.

Critics now insist the Mormon Church admit its mistake and apologize to millions of Native Americans it converted. Church leaders, however, dismiss the DNA test results as heresy, noting the prophet Joseph Smith proclaimed the Book of Mormon the "most correct of any book on Earth."

The Mormon leaders say the DNA test results are being twisted to attack the church.


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16 Feb 2006, 10:14 pm

Interesting! But, if Scientology can survive, I don't think Mormonism is in any sort of danger from this :-)


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16 Feb 2006, 11:32 pm

I did a presentation on the Mormons recently, and I find Joseph Smith hard to believe. I think he is a liar.


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19 Feb 2006, 1:38 am

They at this time are one of the fast growing religions at least when I was a Mormon years ago.

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19 Feb 2006, 11:14 am

I heard about this. It's going to be interesting to see what develops as a result of this. I don't think the religion will collpase, however they might backtrack or change or something to incoprporate this new infomration somehow.


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19 Feb 2006, 9:58 pm

It's hard to believe lots of the things that the Mormon church teaches, like how God is the only God, but only on this specific planet (at least from what I've heard). I don't agree with lots of the Mormon doctrine, and I think that Joseph Smith just wanted people to follow him and that lots of the stuff that he said were true actually weren't true at all. I'm not saying I'm pregidous of Mormons or anything (which is a completely different thing); there are some Mormons that I know at school, and most of them seem pretty nice. I just don't agree with lots of their doctrine when I look at it from a Biblical standpoint, and if you read the Bible, lots of their doctrine seems almost cultic (and cultic means to reject or change a core belief of the Christian faith). I just don't agree with the Book of Mormon.

I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.

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20 Feb 2006, 9:32 am

k96822 wrote:
Interesting! But, if Scientology can survive, I don't think Mormonism is in any sort of danger from this :-)

Scientology is way more puzzling than Mormonism (not that I have read the book). How can a bad science fiction plot from a bad science fiction writer convince people that it is a religion? Strange and sinister bunch.


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20 Feb 2006, 9:41 am

This is fantastic, I bet when this came out that Mormons were pulling their hair out across the world! Something that actually contradicts their teachings? This is great! They always seem to think that theyre right and try and convert (force feed) you to their way of thinking. I was badgered by mormons pretty much the entire time I was living in Northampton, the place was full of them, its like 'for f***s sake man, I came out to buy a pint of milk, not get told about Joseph freakin Smith'. I personally think that Joseph Smith had a very scary dream and decided to milk it.


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26 Feb 2006, 3:04 am

Fiz wrote:
This is fantastic, I bet when this came out that Mormons were pulling their hair out across the world! Something that actually contradicts their teachings? This is great! They always seem to think that theyre right and try and convert (force feed) you to their way of thinking. I was badgered by mormons pretty much the entire time I was living in Northampton, the place was full of them, its like 'for f*** sake man, I came out to buy a pint of milk, not get told about Joseph freakin Smith'. I personally think that Joseph Smith had a very scary dream and decided to milk it.

They did get their garments(underwear) in a knot over that article, you should have seen the letters to the editor of the LA Times. There's no way I could ever be Mormon, I love science and archeology too much. Plus, I'm far too outspoken and I think too much. I've heard that even though they claim 11-12 million members in the world, the convert retention rate is extremely low. Joseph Smith was basically a con-artist who invented a religion so he could justify sleeping with as many women as he wanted. That, and after he joined the Freemasons, he ripped off their rituals for the temple.

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