iquanyin wrote:
someone said (sorry, can't see who from where i'm writing) "it's not uncommon for criminals to voice..."
how do you know this? you actually know many criminals and have heard it for yourself, or you're related to an officer who's heard it? or is it something you've read somewhere?
i ask because i've never heard *anyone* say it, and tho i'm no criminal myself, i have most definitely known some, probably because i'm poor and urban.
but then, maybe they had no reason to bring it up while i was around. still, i'm wondering where you got that idea. sincerely wondering, not trying to be rude.
It's never offensive to ask someone for their sources. More people should do so. We'd have a much better informed populace as a result. People claim all kinds of wild things.
You might say I used to have some previous "inside information" on the subject, although that was over twenty years and a "colorful past" ago now. If you seek a more verifiable source, I heard this espoused on a more recently seen episode of Gangland (a television series). Unfortunately, I started watching this one in the middle and the episode title escapes me. It was dealing with motorcycle gangs. They would much rather kill each other. I also recall a reference on a 20/20 investigation circa the early Geraldo Rivera era.
But of course
does happen and of course there are exceptions. Some gangs may make cop killing into a badge of honor, even though there are few members who have truly "gotten away with it". People rat each other out. Be wary of what you hear on the street. This is mostly braggadocio and boasting. Most younger offenders talk a big talk but might behave differently when risking their life while looking down a barrel at an officer. It's usually the "older and wiser" survivalists that will discuss things on this level.