Judge lifts Obama's 6mo oil drill ban. White house to appeal

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22 Jun 2010, 5:21 pm

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100622/ap_ ... _oil_spill

The sad thing is it probably would take the whole 6 months (or more) for the investigation of the oil spill to get done at the speed the oil spill situation capping is going.

Perhaps shorten the ban and motivate the investigation to get done faster?

Btw does anyone think or know if gas at BP is gonna be cheaper now as a result of the spill? I know it's gonna go up in all the other gas stations because of the oil drill ban. Perhaps BP will have to lower prices cause of boycotts, then it will eventually run out of supply cause we'll all be there for the cheap gas. :lol:


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22 Jun 2010, 5:26 pm

This is pathetic. Commerce at the potential expense of human lives? I mean, it's not even as if they're being remotely subtle about it either.

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22 Jun 2010, 10:51 pm

I read that the judge owns shares in oil drilling companies.

If this is true then it is disgusting.


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22 Jun 2010, 10:54 pm

Wombat wrote:
I read that the judge owns shares in oil drilling companies.

If this is true then it is disgusting.

Just saw that on Rachel Maddow, dirty bastard should be disbarred and thrown in prison

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22 Jun 2010, 11:32 pm

raisedbyignorance wrote:

The sad thing is it probably would take the whole 6 months (or more) for the investigation of the oil spill to get done at the speed the oil spill situation capping is going.

Perhaps shorten the ban and motivate the investigation to get done faster?

Btw does anyone think or know if gas at BP is gonna be cheaper now as a result of the spill? I know it's gonna go up in all the other gas stations because of the oil drill ban. Perhaps BP will have to lower prices cause of boycotts, then it will eventually run out of supply cause we'll all be there for the cheap gas. :lol:

Sigh. The only thing I noticed is the editorial didn't include links to the original court report (lots of editorials include links to source materials). This is because the story was written by AP; a bastion of liberal reporters. The obvious intent here to vilify the Judge's decision. Comments like "This judge has been bought and paid for by the oil companies, isnt that against the law? Or are we beyond that now?" or "The Judge owns stock in BP" are blatantly egregious and only fuels the ignorance. Please use common sense.

I fully expect an emotional response now.

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23 Jun 2010, 1:47 am

The Deepwater Horizon failure was caused by the Government. A lack of inspection by Minerals Management for sixteen months, the blow out preventer is to be tested monthly.

Any rig with all of it's inspections up to date, and all the rest were inspected, should be able to continue in legal work for which they have all permits and permissions.

It is not an industry wide problem, just BP and their friends in Minerals Management and Washington.

The Judge is calling a coverup, blaming all when the problem was one. This affects 33 rigs that are mostly leased for $500,000 a day. It affects the workers, the suppliers, Mud, Pipe, Food, Crew Boats, and is a cost of at least $20,000,000 a day.

All of these rigs do have their Minerals Management and Coast Guard inspections up to date.

The BP well should have been shut down sixteen months ago. Any other well would have been when it failed it's first inspection.

The industry is being fined $4,000,000,000 for no reason, other than Obama is running a coverup.

Most rigs use a double casing system, and a double sheer blowout preventor. Most companies would rather be safe than sorry, and they have a near perfect record. Exxon had one complaint, they fixed it, BP had 700, and paid the fines.

Now it is on Obama to show that all deepwater wells are a class, that BP was not the only unsafe operator. This brings up inspections, the very issue he is trying to coverup.

The latest news from the BP well, the sea floor part, the blowout preventer, 450 tons, cemented into the earth, has tilted 12 degrees, very recently. This is very bad news.

So what has been a political coverup run by the Whitehouse, now becomes a case in Federal Court, where everyone has the same rights.

The disaster in the Gulf was caused by bribes that go all the way to the top, and the people who Obama refuses to question, all of Minerals Management, can be made to testify under oath. BP can be made to testify, or plead the 5th.

As all evidence will be legally gathered, it can be used in criminal trials later.

The Deepwater Horizon was the only well in the Gulf not inspected monthly.

We are not pro oil, we know oil, drilling, production, and we know a rat when we see one.

Watch Obama squirn, squirm Obama squrim. The same goes for Minerals Management, Department of the Interior, and Congress.

This is the reason that Federal Judges are appointed for life, one of the main checks to a President who gets caught breaking the law. BP inspections do seem to have stopped just as he took office, and they did give him $71,000.

We already know why the rig blew up.


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23 Jun 2010, 2:04 am

There's a long-standing tactic of appointing hacks, and others who don't believe in regulation to run regulatory agencies. I.e. "Nice job, Brownie!" This is done by people who believe in de-regulation, and "small government." IOW, the last administration.

Corporations didn't like regulation, lobbied such that coke-heads and lazy people are appointed to be inspectors, and then things go wrong, and it's the government's fault? Corporate interests got what they wanted -- lax regulation, and just like the banking industry, they showed they truly can't handle it without causing tremendous damage to the public. "Privatize the profits, socialize the losses."


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23 Jun 2010, 11:33 am

The response from the government, from the head of the Department of Interior, "I will just issue another ban."

Interior is in charge of Minerals Management.

His Fatwa will be taken to Court.