Wombat wrote:
Not that many years ago in Australia police would hang around public toilets and arrest sodomites who propositioned them.
Is this fair? Probably not.
I agree, public sex is gross, but that's probably a bad method of stopping it, because gays aren't the only ones who have sex in public.
Wombat wrote:
But now sodomites have "equal rights" and you can't stop them becoming teachers and scout masters.
Better still, we must give them "quotas" so that so many scout masters must be pedophiles.
What's wrong with gays being teachers and scout masters? I don't agree with quotas either, but one's sexual orientation should not be the deciding factor in whether they're hired or not. Also, homosexuality =/= pedophilia.
Wombat wrote:
After all, we must be "fair" and "balanced", right?
In America you can't even have a book about "Dick, Jane and their parents" unless it also mentions a "family" with two mothers or two fathers.
And if you ask me, there's nothing wrong with teaching kids the different kinds of family structures. It's no different than teaching them racial and ethnic diversity.