Parents lose child named after the Reichsfuhrer

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Pileated woodpecker
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07 Aug 2010, 4:22 am

Full story here.
Maybe they should have called him with a lesser known dictator.


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07 Aug 2010, 5:36 am

thats what they said when they took them at first now the state is saying something different.

excuse my french

Why in the f**k are cps, acs taking people damn kids away based on what they name them.

I need a shot gun badly. seem like mother f-ers are taking kids away for just having names, :roll:

my bf told me that they also said something online that the parents had autism and M.R
i don't know how true that is. :evil:

i have change for the better.


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07 Aug 2010, 8:58 am

A kid by any other name topic

There's more to this than a neo nazi moniker.

There was a family in Winnipeg, Manitoba, that was raising their kids to be white power advocates and the kids had temporary tatoos of fascist slogans emblazened on their arms. Upon subsequent investigation, which might not have occured if said slogans were not read upon the little nippers, child welfare authorities had reason to take the young ones and the family was investigated further for child abuse that had something to do with lifestyle.

I will try to find an update on this. I found this from February of 2010.

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07 Aug 2010, 2:20 pm

Its not like he was just called "Adolf". His given name was "Adolf Hitler." Far as I care, doing that to a child IS child abuse, and the further away from those morons those children get, the better.

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07 Aug 2010, 2:51 pm

Horrid parents for naming the kid after a horrid person to begin with.


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07 Aug 2010, 3:33 pm

What absolute fools. For me though it does depend on how you define 'abuse', though no doubt they were horrible people.



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07 Aug 2010, 3:36 pm

Its just a name! I could call my son Benito Mussolini or Saddam Hussein if I wanted to. Hell, I could change my name to Ted Bundy or John Venables!


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07 Aug 2010, 3:52 pm

Craig28 wrote:
Its just a name! I could call my son Benito Mussolini or Saddam Hussein if I wanted to. Hell, I could change my name to Ted Bundy or John Venables!

There is an Italian politician offering money for people to name their child "Benito".
Hussein and Saddam are already quite popular names and not particularly offensive to most of the known world.
Of course you COULD become Jon Venables, but I wager someone will have set you on fire within a week.

Calling a child Hitler is abuse as much and more than calling it "Fuckface".

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07 Aug 2010, 3:57 pm

Macbeth wrote:
Craig28 wrote:
Its just a name! I could call my son Benito Mussolini or Saddam Hussein if I wanted to. Hell, I could change my name to Ted Bundy or John Venables!

There is an Italian politician offering money for people to name their child "Benito".
Hussein and Saddam are already quite popular names and not particularly offensive to most of the known world.
Of course you COULD become Jon Venables, but I wager someone will have set you on fire within a week.

Calling a child Hitler is abuse as much and more than calling it "f****".

Adolf Hitler is just a name! For crying out loud, people really shouldn't put two and two together like this when parents use the name to call their child. Hell, even the name Hans Aspergers should be blighted upon by Aspies. It was that as*hole that helped bring misery for many thousands of people by spinning a scam and calling it "Aspergers Syndrome".


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07 Aug 2010, 4:03 pm

Craig28 wrote:
Macbeth wrote:
Craig28 wrote:
Its just a name! I could call my son Benito Mussolini or Saddam Hussein if I wanted to. Hell, I could change my name to Ted Bundy or John Venables!

There is an Italian politician offering money for people to name their child "Benito".
Hussein and Saddam are already quite popular names and not particularly offensive to most of the known world.
Of course you COULD become Jon Venables, but I wager someone will have set you on fire within a week.

Calling a child Hitler is abuse as much and more than calling it "f****".

Adolf Hitler is just a name! For crying out loud, people really shouldn't put two and two together like this when parents use the name to call their child. Hell, even the name Hans Aspergers should be blighted upon by Aspies. It was that as*hole that helped bring misery for many thousands of people by spinning a scam and calling it "Aspergers Syndrome".

No, it is not "just a name". Besides, its very easy to put two and two together when the parents already did that math and called the child "four". There is a reason why they chose that particular combination for their offspring and it was not random chance.

As for the "misery" thing: Theory of Mind. You sit in your misery and swill if you like, I'm quite content.

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07 Aug 2010, 4:07 pm

A minor precision about the thread's title : "Reichfuehrer" didn't refered to Adolf Hitler but refered to Heinrich Himmler.

And why not call your children Jesus Hitler or Buddha Stalin ? :P

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07 Aug 2010, 4:14 pm

Psychopompos wrote:
A minor precision about the thread's title : "Reichfuehrer" didn't refered to Adolf Hitler but refered to Heinrich Himmler.

And why not call your children Jesus Hitler or Buddha Stalin ? :P

"Reichskanzler" would be Hitler. Calling a child Heinrich Himmler would be on a par though. As I recall there was also a child called "Aryan Nation".

Morbidly amusing is the fact that Hitler was only called Hitler because of his fathers inability to spell his own (new) name.

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07 Aug 2010, 11:55 pm

The only question that matters is, are the parents acting in the best interest of the child? A name is a gift that parents give to a child. Only in this case, the parents have violated the golden rule and cursed their child. Most reasonable people would not want to be named after a monster. The parents have condemned the child to a life of ridicule and this is most certainly NOT in the child's best interest. I see no reasonable defense for the parents in this case, including the "freedom defense" in which "this is America and the parents are free to name their child anything they want." With freedom also comes responsibility.


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08 Aug 2010, 3:35 am

just naming a kid adolf hitler campbell is grounds for having the kid taken away. who in their right mind would named their kid adolf hitler?


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08 Aug 2010, 4:31 am

trojan51 wrote:
just naming a kid adolf hitler campbell is grounds for having the kid taken away. who in their right mind would named their kid adolf hitler?

So who cares about Adolph Hitler?

The point is that a lot of nutjob parents give their children names that guarantee that they will be mocked or bullied.

How about Michael Jackson naming his kids "Prince Michael the first" and "Prince Michael the second"?

I have seen lists of odd names and there are parents in America who have named their girls "La'trean" and "Placenta"

Or how about the hippies who named their kids "Moonflower Starwalker" or something equally horrible?
Remember the old song about a boy named Sue?


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08 Aug 2010, 4:50 am

thats what they said when they took them at first now the state is saying something different.

excuse my french
Why in the f**k are cps, acs taking people damn kids away based on what they name them.

I need a shot gun badly. seem like mother f-ers are taking kids away for just having names, :roll:

my bf told me that they also said something online that the parents had autism and M.R
i don't know how true that is. :evil:

I don't know....
seems to me that naming a kid after Adolf Hitler kind of is abuse.
i mean, it's reasonably certain that someone, somewhere in the world is going to beat the s**t out of that kid someday just because of his name.
Also i imagine roll calls for attendance in school are going to be an embarrassing experience. & while his parents might be neo-nazis, he might not turn out to be one and is certain to resent his parents giving him such a horribly infamous name.

I mean, it might've been okay if they named him just "Adolf," but why add the rest in?

besides, i believe the article also mentioned actual abuse as well. I'm not much at all surprised that their kids are being taken away if that's the case :? .

Article wrote:
The appeals court ruled on Thursday that sufficient evidence of abuse or neglect existed because of domestic violence in the home.

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