chaotik_lord wrote:
There is no way that she could win the primary, much less the election. Also, I agree that her reality show completely eliminates any credibility she somehow had previously.
Oh, how I wish I could emigrate.
Actually from what I'm hearing the show may change people's opinions of her that she isn't the monster the mainstream media portrayed her as. Also I'm expecting an increase in tourism to Alaska.
I agree though the way Obama is running things an Aardvark could beat Obama.
Heck right now former President George W. Bush is tied with him and Bush can't even run again. Additionally Bush's popularity is going up while Obama's is going down.
Quite frankly if this keeps up I think Rush Limbaugh with a vp on Ann Coulter could beat Obama in 2012.
Personally, I would like to see Sarah Palin as President, we know at least she would not care for Autism Speaks or any other groups that would want to do away with people on the spectrum through abortion. Also we at least know her negatives from the start.
Also found a fun tidbit.
Sarah Palin released her tax records for the years of 2006 and 2007, showing her income, and how much she paid in income taxes. She has given more to charity compared to Joe Biden's combined totals since 1998. ... z15bfjeFGL
Btw, Joe Biden was making a lot more money too.