Teacher threatened to cut student's fingers

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29 Sep 2010, 4:53 pm

I think this incident involved a regular student (not an autistic one) but still it's rather shocking. Seriously I'm reading way too many horror stories about teachers in this city it's scaring the hell outta me (and making me glad that I'm done with school).


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29 Sep 2010, 5:02 pm

In my first year of school my teacher lined us all up at the paper gilatine and said she would chop our fingers off. - of course she was not going to do it She was a great teacher though, just had a bad day. I thought she was realy going to do it at the time. That was in the days when they were allowed to hit us or put cloths pegs on our ears for the young kids. its a stressful job, I dont know how teachers cope in todays pc world.


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29 Sep 2010, 5:02 pm

I've certainly heard worse. While it is inappropriate I wouldn't take this solitary (assuming it is a solitary) incident as grounds for firing her completely.


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29 Sep 2010, 6:09 pm

I've had that happen to me before. I doubt the teacher meant it seriously; some people just have a weird sense of humour. She shouldn't have said it to a young kid though.


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30 Sep 2010, 4:04 pm

I had a teacher who threaten to put diapers on us when we act immature. I thought he was actually serious then and thought he actually had them in his closet. He also threaten to slap out hands like a two year old.


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30 Sep 2010, 8:14 pm

I really don't see this as all that serious. I think the teacher was kidding with the boy. My teachers said stuff that was much worse, and they were allowed to paddle us with big wooden paddles too. I am very glad they can't do that any more, though. It is hard to find good teachers these days, and I don't know if this lady is a good or bad one, but I don't think any school system can afford to fire every teacher that makes a remark a parent finds objectionable. It was not a racist or discriminatory remark. It was not disparaging to the boy (she didn't call him stupid or anything like that). We didn't hear the tone she said it in either. I think it takes more than one strange remark to determine a teacher unfit to be with children.


Lamping said her son has never had a problem with Golden before last week's incident

Sounds like hysterics.


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01 Oct 2010, 12:03 am

League_Girl wrote:
I had a teacher who threaten to put diapers on us when we act immature. I thought he was actually serious then and thought he actually had them in his closet. He also threaten to slap out hands like a two year old.

My second grade teacher threatned to send me back to kindergarden so I could learn how to color in properly. I had full body tremors and could not stay inside the lines when coloring in weither I wanted to or not. She would also hold up my papers and show them to the class to humuliate me. She would tie disruptive kids to their desks but I can't remember if she tied me up or not. My third grade teacher was emotionaly abusive and encouraged the other kids to to the same and my forth grade teacher put a bruise on my arm and I heard she recently did it to another kid with AS as well. I am certian that some people become teachers so they they can become dictators in a way.

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.


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05 Oct 2010, 5:15 am

I had a teacher shove me in a small featureless room for retriveing a pencil that fell off my desk. when I tried to make a run for it, he slammed me to the wall, drug me back to the room, and locked me in.

He later told my dad that he "feared for his safety"

my Dad told him that if he "feared for his safety, he had better shut up, because (he has) never been in as much danger as (he is) right now"

ahh... Nixa R-2 school district...


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20 Oct 2010, 12:26 am

I had a college professor toss me out of a class for imitating his motions. As a kinetic learner, I was only trying to learn how to make the cut (it was a plant propogation course) while he demonstrated - the only way i knew I would learn it.

He told me if I didn't leave on my own he would carry me out and toss me in the ditch (there was a deep ditch outside). I stopped going to his classes after this, and eventually fell out of the program from the embarassment, confusion and distress.

I never explained to my father why I'd left the course and I believe he still thinks I dropped it becasue I was "lazy and good for nothing".... and not respectful of the money he invested in it...


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23 Oct 2010, 10:42 pm

"I knew a little barber's boy who couldn't keep a still tongue in his head... he had his tongue cut out for letting it wag too much... There was an apprentice to a barber whose eyes were too big, who saw too much, and spoke of what he saw. So his master took his sharpest razor and stropped it well..." Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street


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25 Oct 2010, 11:48 pm

Well, even if she was joking or trying to get his attention because he was "out of line", she still should not have said this for the following reasons:

1) The child is seven years old, not 16, and hence it is highly unlikely that he is able to rationalize the way an adult would and he is probably going to take comments like that very literally.

2) Other children within his age group were present, chances are they overheard the remark and may have been frightened themselves.

Even if she was trying to correct him, she still should have known better than to make a highly inaproppriate remark to a seven-year-old.

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28 Oct 2010, 1:11 pm

I hear faulty ideas that school is a great place and this is one example why I would think it's faulty. I'm not going to waste my time arguing with another person about matter and I already formed my own opinion.


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28 Oct 2010, 2:25 pm

Personally, I think this is one of those things that can be taken really badly but which was probably meant in a joking way. An inappropriate joke, but not necessarily grounds for termination.


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31 Oct 2010, 9:29 pm

I had a 3rd grade teacher angrily threaten to flush me down a toilet since I was such a nuisance.
I shrugged it off even though she really was pissed and its funny to look back on now and always has been.
I can't say I got over it simply because I never thought to let it get over me. I guess it's because no one ever enlightened me that I'd been slighted.