Quartz11 wrote:
America has been owned by corporate interests for the last few decades.
This should not have come as a surprise, and our freedoms have already been thrown out from under us. Now it's just more blatant.
Uh it isn't Corporations that are the villains most of the time, usually it is the Unions. The Internet Censorship if it goes through is likely to be used to try to shut down Fox News, Drudge Report, and Conservative Blog sites.
Those will be the first places targetted to stiffle any dissent.
Conservative Talk Radio will be targetted not long after that.
I just hope no one dies in the United States Supreme Court, cause that's where it is probably going to end up and Obama will want to put in judges that will say Internet Censorship is constitutional. It's been a long dream of Democrats ever since President Reagan canned the original "fairness doctrine."
Call it for what it is, a power grab.