Ask yourself, what is your year of birth and age, this year?

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04 Apr 2011, 12:41 pm

This year will be the year when the date of the 11th of November 2011 will be 11/11/11. So, what year were *you* born? 1993 (93), maybe? Or 1981 (81)? Or maybe 1960 (60)? Whatever your birthdate, when you have your birthday, this year - as long as you are born in the 20th century - your current age plused with the last two digits of your birthdate will amount to 111. But only this year - not last year, and not next year. Next time this will happen will be the year 2111.



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04 Apr 2011, 2:30 pm

I'm not sure if coincidence is the right word. Interesting would be a better one.


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04 Apr 2011, 3:11 pm

Not at all, simple math and numbers, that we apply significance to as humans.

Same as with the significance of the year 2000 and 2012.

I used to think days were significant before I retired. Every day was a countdown to Friday and Sunday Night was somewhat of a letdown in anticipation of Monday. When I retired every Night felt like Saturday night and every day felt like Sunday. After three years of retirement days and years hold little to no significance for me.

Enjoy though, the more meaning you get out of life, even if it is only the meaning of numbers and days, makes it a little more interesting.

If I was still working I would probably be a little excited about 2012, regardless, if there was no real logic behind my excitement.

Snowy Owl
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04 Apr 2011, 4:38 pm

It only works after your birthday this year and before your birthday next year.


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04 Apr 2011, 4:46 pm

DrS wrote:
It only works after your birthday this year and before your birthday next year.

Yeah, I did point that out... did miss saying that for part of people it will amount to 111, most of next year, instead, and less of this year, but it doesn't make it much less interesting.

I wonder if there may be some sort of spiritual meaning behind the number 11...


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04 Apr 2011, 5:09 pm

Beauty_pact wrote:
DrS wrote:
It only works after your birthday this year and before your birthday next year.

Yeah, I did point that out... did miss saying that for part of people it will amount to 111, most of next year, instead, and less of this year, but it doesn't make it much less interesting.

I wonder if there may be some sort of spiritual meaning behind the number 11...

Numerologically it's a step above god in the tree of life.


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04 Apr 2011, 5:27 pm

Beauty_pact wrote:
DrS wrote:
It only works after your birthday this year and before your birthday next year.

Yeah, I did point that out... did miss saying that for part of people it will amount to 111, most of next year, instead, and less of this year, but it doesn't make it much less interesting.

I wonder if there may be some sort of spiritual meaning behind the number 11...

I might be missing something here.

Last year we had 10/10/10 and if you do the same math it comes up to 110.

Next year we have 12/12/12 and if you do the same math it comes up to 112.

The significance I see this year is 11/11/11 and 111 share all ones. But if you expand out the date to 11/11/2011 that particular significance disappers. There was only one time in history and will only be one time in history when all the numbers match and that was in the year 11/11/1111.

I was born on 06/06/60, a little disconcerting to some, when I showed my drivers license, at the checkout counter, if you can believe it in our day and age. But, if you expand the date out to 06/06/1960, the disconcertion goes away.

I wouldn't have wanted to be born in 06/06/0006, the only time there were truly three sixes. I hate to think, of what might have happened to some of those sixers, if the book of revelation was widely available at that time

However, I do entertain the thought of synchronicity and give it serious consideration above and beyond simple coincidence. It was a topic of interest for me sometime ago. A link here, if you are interested in what some of the thoughts of the people on this site are, on synchronicity.


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05 Apr 2011, 12:10 am

Beauty_pact wrote:
DrS wrote:
It only works after your birthday this year and before your birthday next year.

Yeah, I did point that out... did miss saying that for part of people it will amount to 111, most of next year, instead, and less of this year, but it doesn't make it much less interesting.

I wonder if there may be some sort of spiritual meaning behind the number 11...

Driving home tonight, I happened to glance at the trip odometer, and it read 111. Interesting, how you notice things when they are psychologically significant.

Without the propensity to see pattern the world would be a very chaotic place.


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05 Apr 2011, 3:23 am

1 + 1 = 2 in the decimal system. What a coincidence!


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05 Apr 2011, 4:43 am

Beauty_pact wrote:
This year will be the year when the date of the 11th of November 2011 will be 11/11/11. So, what year were *you* born? 1993 (93), maybe? Or 1981 (81)? Or maybe 1960 (60)? Whatever your birthdate, when you have your birthday, this year - as long as you are born in the 20th century - your current age plused with the last two digits of your birthdate will amount to 111. But only this year - not last year, and not next year. Next time this will happen will be the year 2111.


no. it is just a simple value that is inevitable given the inputs.
the same thing can be said for every year.

last century, if this process was performed, then it would not have seemed very interesting.

example: in 1980, everyone's answer would have been 80. (if you were born in 1950 ('50), then you would have been 30 in 1980. if your were born in '40, then you would be 40 in 1980 ('80) and what ever the year you were born plus your age "this year" is obviously going to be "this year". it is the same as saying "this year minus my age will be the year in which i was born"

however, because the century is ignored in your example, there is going to be 100 (years) added to the value of the result of everyone born last century, and nothing added to the result for people born this century. that is because there is no reset to zero at he turn of the century in reality as there is in years represented by only the last 2 digits (as in your example).

example: "a 2 year old in 2001 was born in 1999" is reduced to "a 2 year old in '01 was born in '99" when the century is ignored.
if '99 became '100 instead of '00, then the 100 year value increase would not occur because all the values are absolute, so 99+2=101 (not -1+2='01)



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05 Apr 2011, 9:15 am

b9 wrote:
no. it is just a simple value that is inevitable given the inputs.
the same thing can be said for every year.

Okay, whatever then. I thought it was great fun but I guess not. Just due to purely boring mathematical irrelevancies and no more than that.

...Sigh. :/ Back to reality.


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05 Apr 2011, 8:54 pm

Beauty_pact wrote:
b9 wrote:
no. it is just a simple value that is inevitable given the inputs.
the same thing can be said for every year.

Okay, whatever then. I thought it was great fun but I guess not. Just due to purely boring mathematical irrelevancies and no more than that.

...Sigh. :/ Back to reality.

It was an interesting diversion.

But, I find I have trouble remembering how old I am - I can, however, remember what year it is. Being born in 1980, I have found a short cut to remembering how old I am which I found interesting for about 5 seconds, and now it is just... kind of there in the back of my mind.

Being born in 1980, I turned 20 in 2000 (20+00=20). I turned 30 in 2010 (20+10=30). In 2023, I will turn 43 (20+23=43). In 2058, I will be 78 (20+58=78 ). etc.

But, alas, this only works for those born in 1980.


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06 Apr 2011, 10:23 am

That's pretty cool, actually.


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24 Apr 2011, 6:47 pm

I usually dont like the number 11, but this is pretty cool!

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01 May 2011, 9:43 am

11 18 57, which sounds like I'm over 150 (and some mornings...;) I'm still commiserating that I'm no longer a Scorpio...;)

anahl nathrak, uth vas bethude, doth yel dyenvey...