The downside of being the world's only superpower

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09 Sep 2006, 2:56 pm

So, it turns out that my government lied to gather support for an illegal invasion. What else is new?


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09 Sep 2006, 3:24 pm



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09 Sep 2006, 3:26 pm

Oh yeah, try to do what my signature says.

You'll understand when you do it.


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09 Sep 2006, 3:27 pm

I tried your signature suggestion. LoL!

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09 Sep 2006, 4:35 pm

LOL!! ! You can also try "miserable failure" and "liar".

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10 Sep 2006, 6:36 am

Oh my god, you are right. Haha! It gets better and better.

The internet has a great sense of humor.


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10 Sep 2006, 6:45 am

Google Bombing makes me cry

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10 Sep 2006, 7:37 am

Wikipedia wrote:
Totalt fiasko (Swedish for "total fiasco", selected after the "miserable failure" bomb) - Used to return the official Göran Persson (Swedish Prime Minister) biography.


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10 Sep 2006, 7:39 am

And it still does: Totalt fiasko

:mrgreen: 8)

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10 Sep 2006, 10:07 pm

What are you talking about? The USA does NOT qualify as "the world's only superpower". Wasting billions of dollars on maintaining a large military force (while education and healthcare suffer) does NOT make a country a superpower.

And furthermore, there is NO evidence that the USA military is highly effective. The USA only attacks weak impoverished nations like Vietnam and Iraq. Hardly a demonstration of advanced military skills or "superpower" status.

If the USA was able to attack, say, Europe, and come away from it mostly unscathed, that would be demonstrating that it is the world's greatest superpower in terms of military strength. However, if the USA did attack Europe, the result would be absolutely disasterous for the USA.

Calling the USA the "the world's only superpower" is greatly overrating it. Yes the USA is a major force and influence on Earth, but it is NOT the world's only superpower.


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10 Sep 2006, 10:39 pm

One thing you need to know about the Military. Is its is very good at killing people
and breaking things. If that was the mission Iraq and Vietnam would have been different. When your trying to make peace thats a very hard mission. Look at the USSR
in their Afgan war. Its hard to make peace its easy to destroy. Granted I'm under the opinion the military should not make peace. If an enemy is worth US soliders dieing then that
enemy should know total war. If not we should not goto war (as in most cases we should
not). The US is not a superpower because of the people in the federal government choose to be weak. One election and that could change over night.


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11 Sep 2006, 4:46 am

emp wrote:
If the USA was able to attack, say, Europe, and come away from it mostly unscathed, that would be demonstrating that it is the world's greatest superpower in terms of military strength. However, if the USA did attack Europe, the result would be absolutely disasterous for the USA.

It took the USA 8 months to conquer half of Germany in WWII (they actually crossed the German border on September 11 1944!). Then Germany already had fought for 5 years, and the USA had UK, USSR and France as their allies. Imagine Germany having France, UK and Russia as their allies instead and the USA tried to make an invasion...

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11 Sep 2006, 5:08 am

Litigious wrote:
emp wrote:
If the USA was able to attack, say, Europe, and come away from it mostly unscathed, that would be demonstrating that it is the world's greatest superpower in terms of military strength. However, if the USA did attack Europe, the result would be absolutely disasterous for the USA.

It took the USA 8 months to conquer half of Germany in WWII (they actually crossed the German border on September 11 1944!). Then Germany already had fought for 5 years, and the USA had UK, USSR and France as their allies. Imagine Germany having France, UK and Russia as their allies instead and the USA tried to make an invasion...

The US, UK, France, Russia all have large nuclear weapons stock piles so talk of war
between any of them means total war. They can destroy the US many times over. The
US can destroy them many times over. You saw the movie "War Games" (NO WINNERS)

Look in war the defender has a big advantage. The US did the best it could fighting
on two fronts in the West and in Asia. Both times moving man and machines across
the oceans.

Oh an for fun image the China and the US knocking on the your door.


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12 Sep 2006, 10:19 am

TheMachine1 wrote:

Oh an for fun image the China and the US knocking on the your door.

Ah, you got me there! :o :)

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12 Sep 2006, 12:04 pm

I hope China never figures out what we're doing to them.

They pollute their lands and work their children so that they can have a market for cheaply manufactured goods that we can buy at ridiculously low prices, which we pay for with little pieces of paper, which we print up ourselves. They like those little pieces of paper, called US currency and when they get enough of them they give them back to us for slightly larger pieces of paper, which we we print up ourselves, which we call Stocks. They actually believe they are doing themselves some good by powering a large portion our psuedo-economy.

We benefit by getting all these neat hi-tech toys to play with and the total pollution from making all these toys happens somewhere other than on our beautiful lands, we also can pay for them with an IOU, which will never be honored as long as foriegn traders aren't allowed to own very much land here. The whole thing is nothing more than a wisp of smoke that will disappear if, no ... WHEN there is another major conflict in the world.

I'm a little concerned for our future.

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12 Sep 2006, 8:30 pm

I get the impression China knows exactly what's going on.

At least the people making the decisions.

They just don't care.