Thom_Fuleri wrote:
I'd like to point out that a true psychic would be able to avoid the NSA/CIA, or more likely end up running them.
Interesting point, perhaps they already do?
Thom_Fuleri wrote:
I'd also like to point out that you could only be aware of the existence of true psychics if they have failed to avoid scrutiny, which rather belies their psychic ability. You should have seen that coming.
My understanding of alleged psychic powers is that the users are not in full control of their apparent abilities. Even those who financially exploit their abilities (Jonathan Edward) are not able to get a full picture, more like bits and pieces. I'm still waiting for the Sceptics society to debunk Edwards but nobody seems to have the guts.
Thom_Fuleri wrote:
Though some people still think aliens make crop circles...
A few years ago a group claimed and successfully convinced the media they are responsible for all the crop circles in the UK and USA. Given the variety, speed at which they appear and apparent reports of complexity it seems an extraordinary amount of effort to make a temporary pattern in somebodies cornfield for no financial gain. I'm not 100% convinced they are all fake.