He is constantly saying the word BORED!

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18 Sep 2006, 8:13 am

My 10 year old boy who is high functioning aspergers, adhd(very hyper) and LD has been tested IQ and is very bright like most in math, sciences, engineering, computers etc.

It is not just a summer problem. He does Tae Kwon Do 3x per week and excels in that! He goes to Missing Links for Reading Comprehension-grade 3 level should be 5 on Mondays after school, Tuesday social group and Thursdays he has tutoring there too.

He has a bike he uses. He finally made an outgoing friend and plays with him often. But bored all the time. Feel like I am missing something. Different than Bored from middle 7 year old. It's like he is begging to be stimulated, and that we are stiffling him.



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18 Sep 2006, 8:39 am

Yeah Boredom and ADHD are related. I'm that way I can be fine talking and joking
with my sister and then she may turn on the tv and I get super bored. Im fine by myself
most the time but around people I can get bored very easily if I do not enjoy what their
doing (most the time I do not enjoy what their doing). I can remember in college how all
my friends loved video games I just pretended to like to watch them all the time bored
out of my mind. I would rather just talk to them.

I say you have two options:

1) Try to stimulate his brain some how.

2) If he is not on ADHD meds they may solve the problem.


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18 Sep 2006, 10:55 am

Give him caffiene/sugar. LOL thats a joke by the way. Erm, get him a portable games console. That helps me quiet a bit.



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18 Sep 2006, 2:07 pm

Doing "something" and not being bored is not the samething.When he is engaged in the activity he may or may not be bored.(My parents had me inrolled in a lot of activities that bored me even if they kept me "busy")Some kids dont do well with "unstructured time"....they just cant seem to decide what to do.
There is also some corilation between ADD/ADHD and people who brains that need "risk" behavior to
achieve the same level of stimulation as the "average" person.If this is the case(I speak from the experience with working with teens for 8 years)this can lead to some dangerious "thrill seeking" behavior in the teen years.This can lead to drugs,unsafe sex,joining gangs,self abuse,crime.

I am not mentioning this to scare you...this may not be your sons issue,but I think its important to consider because the kids I worked didnt "want" to be "unsafe" they needed to be stimulated.Some people need an "adrinaline boost just to feel "normal".There probably are some medications to help with this but it would be a last resort.You can try and do some research about this on-line...perhaps they can reccomend some activities(sky diving,rollercoasters work but not to practical on a daily bases)
Perhaps you have noticed some behavior which is safe for him that seems to stimulate him and include that in his daily life...(trampoline,swings,slides?)Best of luck!! !

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18 Sep 2006, 5:32 pm

hyper_alien wrote:
Give him caffiene/sugar. LOL thats a joke by the way. Erm, get him a portable games console. That helps me quiet a bit.

Nice to hear someone else with that P.O.V. I think it's rediculous how some parents, will look negatively at video games. They feel it causes inactivity, or it's all violence. The second issue which could be easily solved by going to www.esrb.org

I say, there are worse things than your child being interested in video games. The way some of these parents talk about it these days, is like they think it's a horrible addiction like Heroin. Of course also, there's the "They're not getting a social experience" issue too. They would rather their child become "socially experienced" so they can learn how to get in trouble, to move up the social ladder, vs playing video games?

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24 Sep 2006, 11:11 am

There are loads of games on PSP that are suitable for all ages that are crazily addictive and still good family fun.

PSP also allows him to watch movies and play music and go on internet if you have a WIFI point near you.

I spend quite a bit of time using my PSP as it has photos on it and all my music.

Just an idea....
