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20 Oct 2011, 12:21 pm

Click Here

Finally , a genuine answer to meritocracy.


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20 Oct 2011, 6:09 pm

According to my mother I was testes as "gifted" as a child, but a more recent test result was much lower. I guess I really became more stupid with time. :(

Down with speculators!! !


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20 Oct 2011, 7:18 pm

Well I have had IQ tests several times in my life and each time they show a drasticly different score. I have scored from 70 to 138 then to 120 and several points in between
My IQ has always flunctuated...I scored higher on days that I was kicking in high gear and lower on days that I was not coping well.

I knew that IQ was not stagnant from my own experience.

It is common though for IQ to decrease with a high scoring kid could be tested again as a teen and score lower. That is actually fairly common. They always blamed it on a flaw in the tests scoring methods between the child IQ test and the high school IQ tests ...we discussed this in my child psychology class, but the teacher said it was testing flaws cuz IQ remains the same. :roll: I knew it wasnt at the time he said it, but I wasnt going to argue with him...cuz I might as well be arguing with modern psychology itself.

thanks for sharing though


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04 Nov 2011, 12:23 pm

Nothing is ever fixed.


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04 Nov 2011, 12:27 pm

JSNS wrote:
Nothing is ever fixed.

True but this sort of thing affects us like how we find out that neanderthal DNA is present in all non-african populations. it isn't needed per se but it's a big stick to shove up a bigot's arse.


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09 Nov 2011, 11:22 am

Just as I thought, people really do get stupider with age.


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09 Nov 2011, 11:35 am

Asp-Z wrote:
Just as I thought, people really do get stupider with age.
With what reason do you say this?