Green89tom wrote:
I think apies are lonely and sad because they have no friends and they overthink things. They have no hope for a life and most them live with their parents. When they were bullied in grade school.
Aspies may choose to lead a lonely, rather a solitary existence. Because unlike you, we never gratify in someone's torment or suffering. You choose to have friends because you think it would make you look cool. and you don't care if your so called friends are sad miserable people like you. Most of them live with their parents because Society as a whole are extremely discriminatory against anyone outstanding or different.
it's funny you added "when they were bullied in grade school"
What about you learn to practice compassion and kindness instead of bullying someone you hardly know?
and Why Bully people anyway? people bully because it makes them feel good about their own inadequacy.
Have you ever asked yourself why you choose to bully? Because if you were truly great person, you don't need to make others feel like s**t in order to feel good about yourself? Why cant you accept this simple truth?
And what is your hope? and what is your dream? Do you feel hopeful when aspies feel miserable and feel suicidal?
If that's what makes you feel fulfilled in your sorry life, then you are the ones who should really disappear for good.
it's sad sad that No one said that to your face.