Kraichgauer wrote:
Funny, there was no internet yet, when I was born.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Me too, didn't see a TV until age 7, well after I started speaking at age 4.
Can't help to wonder though; although this kind of anecdotal evidence proves that electronic media devices aren't the cause of autism, would I have started speaking at age 4, if I was exposed to constant input from a TV set. Who knows, I might have picked up language sooner.
Do electronic media devices make it harder or easier to adapt to Autism? I think that is an interesting area of study. I recently saw some research that indicated Somalian Bantu children had much higher rates of Autism in Sweden, even higher than the swedes,.
For a while there when the vaccine hypothesis was popular some were suggesting that is was proof of that theory for an environmental vs genetic cause. Now that the vaccine theory has largely been disproved, scientists are suggesting a lack of Vitamin D at higher latitudes for darker pigmented skin. I don't buy that either. But it seems like some of the strongest general evidence for some kind of environmental influence, so far.