OK, time to take off the tinfoil hats. The sites at risk of being ruined by SOPA aren't small sites like WP, or large sites like Slashdot -- what's at risk is the existence of sites like Youtube that let you post and share content with minimal ceremony, and message forums of sites owned by large corporations that are secondary to the corporation's main site.
I'm certainly not speaking for Alex, but I can pretty much guess what he'd likely do if SOPA passed: nothing. Eventually, if he got harassed enough, he might move it to a server colocated in another country, and unless he decided to start running a warez site on the side, he wouldn't be bothered.
Likewise, large, popular sites like Slashdot would just get sold to foreign buyers, who'd move the servers overseas. They wouldn't do it from fear of getting blocked, they'd do it because big corporations are heinously risk-averse, and are too afraid of unknown risk to do anything besides divest it.
The big suckiness of SOPA (website-wise) would be the destruction of everything we love about sites like Youtube. It would basically turn them into sanitized mouthpieces for the entertainment industry like VEVO, and it would make it very hard to launch any kind of new site with user-generated content that's bigger than a single individual who doesn't really care all that much about money could handle by himself. Remember, large corporations are completely allergic to Business Risk and Uncertainty, and will pre-emptively amputate their feet to avoid the risk of stubbing their toes.
So... SOPA and PIPA suck, but even if they passed, WrongPlanet isn't going away. Alex would probably have a few weeks of sucky frustration and stress, and possibly have a few meltdowns, but sites like WP wouldn't vanish. They'd just leave the country. The nice thing about electronic immigration is that you can host your server in Belarus or Grand Cayman, and administer it from the comfort of California or Florida.
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