snapcap wrote:
Inventor wrote:
Propaganda is not just selling your side of the story. It is lies told for the greater good of spreading the Faith.
Presently Government is banned from spreading known lies.
That is why they use leaks, speak off record to the news, and Spin Doctors are in high demand.
Opening the door to outright lies, with Official Sanction, is bad news.
Leaks, speaking off the record, after the fact? I don't see how that excuses the liars.
If they were banned for telling lies, then why the need for leaks and speaking off record?
A lot of people voted for Obama because he promised there would be transparency in government, which is what people wanted because a lot do not trust the actions of the government. He lied. Oh but wait, he was just a candidate, so I guess he's allowed to lie every once and a while (and hopefully not get caught)
speaking off record and leaks does not excuse the liars, but what he is implying is that there is at least some ability to hold the liars accountable when stuff gets leaked and someone speaks off record, but with goverment sanctioned lying...we might as well be living in China.
Basicly lifting the propaganda Ban allows the government to outright lie to the masses without any accountablility whatsoever.
I need to get the F*k out of this country before I can no longer do that, but some of my loved ones still believe America means freedom, and I wont leave without them. What will it take before they realize that America we knew has been hijacked?
All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin