persian85033 wrote:
I wish I could say hopefully people will learn the dangers of upsetting the delicate balance of nature, but this would be not being too optimistic anymore. It seems that it's really more like fantasizing.
That won't happen, unless humanity suddenly would evolve into a superior subspecies of humanity, or humanity just would disappear. I like the series 'Life After People' on History Channel. Unfortunately, even a simple thing as plastic trash can have devastating effects on nature, if *humans* don't get permanently rid of it.
Another current threat to some animals, at Galápagos, are dogs, as an example, that carry diseases dangerous to animals there. And what's next, GMO plants being planted there? I think the threat of genetically modified plants, appearing there, is the very greatest threat of them all. The effects of GMO plants, on the environment, is absolutely devastating, and I see a future where humans try to clean up the GMO plant mess that past humans caused, including to attempt to locate and destroy all cross-pollinated plants. Unfortunately, even if such plants haven't been brought to Galápagos on purpose, they most likely already are growing there, from GMO plant seeds brought there in the excrement of humans. Humans should be banned from the Galápagos Islands, really. All people that live there should also have to move (with financial aid, of course). It's one of the last, mostly untouched pieces of nature on earth, and even exceptionally unique, and it WILL be ruined if the humans do not permanently leave. This is simply an unavoidable fact. But what "sane" politician will call for that every human would have to leave the place? He or she would be seen as an extremist - maybe an "eco terrorist", even. What a paradoxical term that so often is.
"War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength."