tall-p wrote:
As Belizean police combed the property of expat antivirus pioneer John McAfee Sunday afternoon, McAfee was closer than they could have known. He’d seen them coming, and says he hid — burying himself in the sand with a cardboard box over his head so he could breathe. “It was extraordinarily uncomfortable,” he says, in an exclusive interview with Wired. “But they will kill me if they find me.”
McAfee, 67, is the prime suspect in a murder discovered Sunday morning in Belize. Convinced that he’ll be killed if he’s taken into custody for questioning, the millionaire antivirus pioneer has gone into hiding somewhere in the Central American nation, where he moved in 2008 to retire. Starting at 10:30 this morning, Belize time, he has been calling to tell me his side of the story.
http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/1 ... 12_mcafee/
Mr. McAfee's paranoia is likely related to his heavy drug use-he was apparently "purifying" the main ingredient in bath salts for use as a sort of date rape drug. The bath salt chemical is related chemically to amphetamine, which is known to induce paranoia. It's also possible that the drug lords he was hanging around with turned on him, and are gunning for him. He was hanging out with Belize's top crime bosses, men fully capable of killing him if they saw the need. I doubt this will affect McAfee's name being used on antivirus software-the tech community has known about this for a while, and has done nothing to back away from McAfee's name. Then again, the average Joe could read this-it's the top story on MSN-and get the wrong impression. McAfee software already has a bad rep in the tech community-the only AV that's more hated is Norton-and Intel might want to make a clean break.